BitBucket pipelines, set variable value at runtime - variables

For my deployment I would like to be able to set the container tag at runtime. For example.
I have 2 containers:
I have a manually triggered deployment step. I would like to be able to do something like this in my code:
- helm install ${container_name}_chart --version=${helm_version} --set cotainer_version=${container_version}
Where container_name, helm_version, and container_version are set by the user at runtime.
At runtime the user can enter (or even better, if possible select from a list) the container/app name and version.
Is this possible?

Turns out you can use runtime parameters with custom pipelines only.
custom-name-and-region: #name of this pipeline
- variables: #list variable names under here
- name: Username
- name: Region
- step:
- echo "User name is $Username"
- echo "and they are in $Region"
Also, there is no drop down functionality.


How to pass environment variables in gitlab dynamically?

I am working on database deployment using gitlab CICD. Now there are two databases e.g. ABC and XYZ. One team is working on DB ABC and we are working on DB XYZ. Now the logic is same but if we need to pass DB name according to the team in gitlab pipeline, Whats the process fotr that ? for example if team 1 is working they will select DB ABC and all changes will be reflected on ABC and same for the other. I have already set up variables in gitlab-ci.yml but the task is manual as one team has to overwrite name of DB of other team and when it merges to master it chanhges the variable name everytime which is hard to manage .
Now if team 2 wants to work on their pipeline they have to change the value of DB_NAME_dev to their database which is a manual task. Is there a smart way to select DB name and the pipeline runs only for that database rather than manually editing the DB name ?
How do you pass variables in GitLab?
An alternative is to use Gitlab Variables. Go to your project page, Settings tab -> CI/CD, find Variables and click on the Expand button. Here you can define variable names and values, which will be automatically passed into the gitlab pipelines, and are available as environment variables there.
You can also use the git branch method. Let's say the 'ABC' and 'XYZ' team pushes their code to specific branches (eg. branch starting with 'abc' or 'xyz'). For those, you need to export variables in before_script with only parameter.
Create branch-specific jobs in your CI file:
- export DB_NAME_dev: $DEMO_DB_abc
- export DB_NAME_qa: $DEMO_DB_abc
- export DB_NAME_prod: $DEMO_DB_abc
- /^abc/.*$/#gitlab-org/gitlab
- export DB_NAME_dev: $DEMO_DB_xyz
- export DB_NAME_qa: $DEMO_DB_xyz
- export DB_NAME_prod: $DEMO_DB_xyz
- /^xyz/.*$/#gitlab-org/gitlab
This pipeline will only run when Team 'XYZ' or 'ABC' pushes their code to their team-specific branches which might start with the prefix xyz or abc (eg. xyz-dev, xyz/dev, abc-dev, etc.)
And it will use variables accordingly.
Note: you need to define variables in CI/CD settings.
Thank you!

How to mix env variables with output variables in the environment declaration

So I have a env.yml file which lets me have a different variables for each stage:
name: aws
environment: ${file(env.yml):${opt:stage}}
I also need to share some output variables to Lambda which are declared like so:
Ref: QNABUserPool
Name: ${self:provider.stage}-UserPoolId
Ref: QNABUserPoolClient
Name: ${self:provider.stage}-UserPoolClientId
I've seen I can do this by adding this to my provider but this conflicts with my env.yml
COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID: ${cf:${self:service}-${self:provider.stage}.UserPoolId}
COGNITO_USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID: ${cf:${self:service}-${self:provider.stage}.UserPoolClientId}
I tried putting these into the env.yml but that didn't work:
Trying to request a non exported variable from CloudFormation. Stack name: "XXXX-alpha" Requested variable: "UserPoolId".
I tried using custom instead of environment and it deployed but the Lambda functions no longer had access to the variables.
So how can I mix these two together?
Thank you so much!
You can reference the Output values from your current service using the Fn::ImportValue function.
The serverless system adds sls-[service_name] to the variable but you can find them in the Outputs area of the CloudFormation Stack.
Navigate to CloudFormation --> Stacks --> [select your service] --> Outputs (tab). From there you'll see a column called Exports name.
Use that Exports name and use that for the import.
e.g. you have a WebSocket service and you need the service endpoint. If you look in the tab it will have an export ~ sls-wss-[your_service_name]-[stage]-ServiceEndpointWebsocket. Thus, you can import that into an environment variable:
Fn::ImportValue: sls-wss-[your_service_name]-${opt:stage}-ServiceEndpointWebsocket

Ansible Tower with dynamic inventory issue: "The task includes an option with an undefined variable"

I use AWS EC2 dynamic inventory in my Ansible Tower and my instances are tagged with their environment. For example:
Key: Environment
Value: NonProd
This creates a group tag_Environment_NonProd which contains tagged hosts. Now I want to "set_fact" using this group:
- name: Determine nodes to join in NonProd
hosts: tag_Group_Elasticsearch
become: true
- name: Setting nodes IPs
NonProd_list: "{{ groups['tag_Environment_NonProd'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_host']) | list }}"
I spin up NonProd tagged instances only from time to time so tag_Environment_NonProd group is not available all the time and that is the reason I am facing this issue.
I tried with the following conditionals but it didn't help:
when: tag_Environment_NonProd is defined
when: ('tag_Environment_NonProd' in group_names)
I also tried to ignore_error but apparently it also doesn't work with "undefined variable".
Anybody has an idea how to resolve this?
Many thanks.
The global approach is to make sure you always have a value when the variable is not defined. Use the default filter for that.
The following will set NonProd_list to an empty list when the group does not exists (or is empty). This way you fix you current error and you don't have to test later that the set var exists.
- name: Setting nodes IPs
NonProd_list: >-
| default([])
| map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_host'])
| list

what are 0.8.5 plugin/gcr secretes' acceptable values?

I'm having trouble pushing to gcr with the following
image: plugins/gcr
repo: dev-221608/api
dockerfile: src/main/docker/Dockerfile
branch: [prod]
...Where GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS will work, but if named say GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_DEV it will not be properly picked up. GCR_JSON_KEY works fine. I recall reading legacy documentation that spelled out the acceptable variable names, of which GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS and GCR_JSON_KEY were listed among other variants but as of version 1 they've done some updates omitting that info.
So, question is, is the plugin capable of accepting whatever variable name or is it expecting specific variable names and if so what are they?
The Drone GCR plugin accepts the credentials in a secret named PLUGIN_JSON_KEY, GCR_JSON_KEY, GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS, or TOKEN (see code here)
If you stored the credentials in drone as GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_DEV then you can rename it in the .drone.yml file like this:

How to override environment variables in jenkins_job_builder at job level?

I am trying to find a way to inherit/override environment variables in jenkins jobs defined via jenkins-job-builder (jjb).
Here is one template that does not work:
#!/usr/bin/env jenkins-jobs test
- defaults: &sample_defaults
name: sample_defaults
- job-template:
name: 'sample-{product_version}'
project-type: pipeline
dsl: ''
- string:
name: FOO
default: some-foo-value-defined-at-template-level
- string:
name: BAR
default: me-bar
- project:
defaults: sample_defaults
name: sample-{product_version}
- string:
name: FOO
value: value-defined-at-project-level
- 'sample-{product_version}':
- '1.0':
- string:
name: FOO
value: value-defined-at-job-level-1
- '2.0':
# this job should have:
# FOO=value-defined-at-project-level
# BAR=me-bar
Please note that it is key to be able to override these parameters at job or project level instead of template.
* be able to add as many environment variables like this without having to add one JJB variable for each of them
* user should not be forced to define these at template or job levels
* those var need to endup being exposed as environment variables at runtime for pipelines and freestyle jobs.
* syntax is flexible but a dictionary approach would be highly appreciated, like:
FOO: xxx
BAR: yyy
The first thing to understand is how JJB priorities where it will pull variables in from.
job-group section definition
project section definition
job-template variable definition
defaults definition
(This is not an exhaustive list but it's covers the features I use)
From this list we can immediately see that if we want to make job-templates have override-able then using JJB defaults configuration is useless as it has the lowest precedence when JJB is deciding where to pull from.
On the other side of the spectrum, job-groups has the highest precedence. Which unfortunately means if you define a variable in a job-group with the intention of of overriding it at the project level then you are out of luck. For this reason I avoid setting variables in job-groups unless I want to enforce a setting for a set of jobs.
Declaring variable defaults
With that out of the way there are 2 ways JJB allows us to define defaults for a parameter in a job-template:
Method 1) Using {var|default}
In this method we can define the default along with the definition of the variable. For example:
- job-template:
name: '{project-name}-verify'
- string:
name: BRANCH
default: {branch|master}
However where this method falls apart if you need to use the same JJB variable in more than one place as you will have multiple places to define the default value for the template. For example:
- job-template:
name: '{project-name}-verify'
- string:
name: BRANCH
default: {branch|master}
- git:
refspec: 'refs/heads/{branch|master}'
As you can see we now have 2 places were we are declaring {branch|master} not ideal.
Method 2) Defining the default variable value in the job-template itself
With this method we declare the default value of the variable in the job-template itself just once. I like to section off my job-templates like this:
- job-template:
name: '{project-name}-verify'
# Variable Defaults #
branch: master
# Job Configuration #
- string:
name: BRANCH
default: {branch}
- git:
refspec: 'refs/heads/{branch}'
In this case there is still 2 branch definitions for the job-template. However we also provide the default value for the {branch} variable at the top of the file. Just once. This will be the value that the job takes on if it is not passed in by a project using the template.
Overriding job-templates variables
When a project now wants to use a job-template I like to use one of 2 methods depending on the situation.
- project:
name: foo
- '{project-name}-merge'
- '{project-name}-verify'
branch: master
This is the standard way that most folks use and it will set branch: master for every job-template in the list. However sometimes you may want to provide an alternative value for only 1 job in the list. In this case the more specific declaration takes precendence.
- project:
name: foo
- '{project-name}-merge':
branch: production
- '{project-name}-verify'
branch: master
In this case the verify job will get he value "master" but the merge job will instead get the branch value "production".