Scrapy and multiple files? - scrapy

My file is getting pretty huge and it's difficult to see which function belongs to which items.
Is it possible to have multiple of these files so I can spread my code?


iTEXT DITO number of template in .DITO file

Is there any quick way to find out how many templates (count) are created under one .DITO file ? Basically we have lot of templates created and in order to compare differences of templates between environments, wanted to know how many templates exists in one .DITO file.
Thanks for the help
Expecting a quicker way to get the count as we cannot copy paste the templates to an excel

How to insert a new DICOM attribute for MULTIPLE dicom files in a series in one go?

I have to insert two missing attributes in the DICOM headers of DICOM files in the entire series. The series has more than 100 files. Instead of processing the files one-by-one, is there a way in Python to batch process multiple files in a series in one go?
I could not find any resource for doing this except Sante DICOM which comes at a price
You can use dcmodify from the dcmtk to do that. See here:
It supports wildcards for filenames. It is not written in python, but you can use it as a self-contained "external" executable. And it is completely free including the possibility to modify its source code (C++)

Kotlin to Javascript file compilation

Currently, I have two .kt files in a Kotlin/JS project I'm working on. These two .kt files compile to one single .js file (the one in "out/production/myprojectfolder/myproject.js" which is the default directory).
Each of the .kt files represent two separate html pages. I want each of the html page to have its own single .js file.
My question is that, is there a way the two .kt files compile to two separate .js files?
It would seem that this is not possible at the moment [source], you can workaround the issue by using multiple modules, but that would mean 1 module per page, which may get complicated quickly.

Can we extract pdf pages using lua scripts

Our application is receiving PDF file based on 150 pages from business line, I want to extract pages from this pdf file using lua scripts.
Any body share his experience.
Sure, you can do this. As long as you write a Lua module that can read PDF files.
There are some Lua modules for writing PDFs, but none for reading them. No public ones, at any rate. You may want to switch to Python for this, as there are quite a few Python modules for dealing with PDFs.
You could write a Lua wrapper calling something like pdftk.

Anyone have a large folder tree sample?

I'm doing some testing that requires a large folder tree. 1000s of folders, 100000s of files, atleast a gigabyte but not over 5 thats a little big. (around 2 is fine).
Anyone have one that they use as a test file? I can provide storage and transfer mechanism to share if you need it.
Well, if you don't want to generate random data, then you can, for example, download the DMoz database, it's an enormously big XML file with a tree in it, then parse it and generate a directory tree that follows the structure of the DMoz directory. You will have a meaningful and huge directory of files.