Invalid permissions with location services - authentication

I am using your service through the IWD store locator. My credentials are entered in to the system and the map is not showing. Support from IWD said to give you this error and see if we can fix it.
H.service.jsonp.handleResponse(8)(<ns2:Error xmlns:ns2="" type="PermissionError" subtype="InvalidCredentials">invalid credentials for fFHA1J6L0plavYxkzTLa</ns2:Error>)

According to the error message are your credentials not valid to access the Here API.
How the integration of the Here API and Services is done within the IWD store locator can only the Support from IWD explain. Please reach out to them.


Persistent access control exception error message on Moodle

I am trying to enroll a user on my Moodle site via using the Moodle API.
My Moodle instance is hosted on AWS and all relevant ports are open and listening. So, from the network perspective, I can commit that is all ok.
The steps I have already done based on Moodle Documentation:
I have enabled web services on Administration > Mobile app >Mobile settings
I have gone through the 10 steps on the overview of allowing an external system to control Moodle as explained in the documentation (shown also in this Youtube video)
For testing purposes, I am using Postman. Some requests are going through (e.g. getting the token for a certain user, getting the list of all courses, etc.)
But when I try to i.e. create a user or enroll a user in an existing course I am getting this error:
"exception": "webservice_access_exception",
"errorcode": "accessexception",
"message": "Access control exception"
The way I am trying to i.e. create the user is as follows:
In the body section I am sending the following data:
Based on my research, most of the contributors suggested enabling web services, but as mentioned above I have enabled them but the problem persists.
Can someone help me solve the issue here or maybe suggest a way of debugging it?
Fortunately, I managed to solve the issue for both user creation and user enrollment.
Here is a great guide that helped me. In addition, you need to add some additional functions to the web service (roles wary based on what you want to do in Moodle) and also you need to alter the permissions of the new user (again depending on what you want to do)...

Azure Ad b2c custompolicy starter pack local signin

I have tried to make custom policies. then I used custom policy starter pack from
First I registered new user, then I tried sign In process but it doesn't work.
Error message says "The username or password provided in the request are invalid"
Do you have any solution of this?
*I registered B2C_1A_TokenSigningKeyContainer and B2C_1A_TokenEncryptionKeyContainer.
*And I replaced each keys particular place on SignUpOrSignin.xml(followed the guidance from microsoft web page )
One of the common causes of this issue is the misconfiguration of application IDs of IdentityExperienceFramework and ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework.
Check out this to make sure the configuration is correct.

Gmail API- Metadata scope does not support 'q' parameter

I'm trying to use Gmail API for my web app. What I want is get messages which has attachment file and I'm following this tutoral.
The problem is when I use 'q' parameter, it return the error: Metadata scope does not support 'q' parameter
My request URL
Note: My authorize scopes are:
The error message occurs when is included in the scopes. But in your scopes, it is not used. So please confirm the following points again.
If the refresh token is retrieved in your script, please remove it and authorize again using the scopes without
If you use Google APIs Explorer, please remove Google APIs Explorer at
Please login and remove it.
After you did above, please use the API of endpoint by authorizing using the scopes without
If this was not useful for you, I'm sorry.

Permission to execute Mulesoft Anypoint Access Management APIs

I am using internal mulesoft APIs from Anypoint Access Management API Reference. I have successfully setup my postman to get the security token after login, and even executed successfully the /api/users/me and several other APIs as API creation, Portal creation, etc. However, regardless of the access provided to the connection/login user, i can't get the full list of users (/api/users) or full list of organizations (/api/organizations), receiving a 401-Not authorized error. What special permission does the connection user require to execute these 2 APIs?
Thank in advance!
Had the same issue but figured it out.
Instead of calling: /api/users, you should be calling{orgId}/members to get a list of users.

passing credential in HttpWebRequest In UrabanCode Deploy

I am using HttpwebRequest to pull list of all Components from Urban-code Deploy to my application. I have used my own credential in the code(C#) to access it. It is working fine. Now, i have to use the Service account that my company has, in order to pass the credential. I tried using DefaultCredential and defaultNetworkcredential but getting same error--Unauthorized access. Any help!!! Thank u!!!
You got an answer on the UrbanCode forum here:
You just need a user account in the system with permissions to access the data. Accessing data via REST API requires the same permissions as through the UI. There's no way to bypass that.