Question on getting number of day from single date column - sql

Above is the screenshot of the tables for my practice. I want to extract the number of days between the earliest and latest sales made by staff 'Ali'. I do not have any SQL IDE to run the code and want to check any problem with my code.
SELECT DAYDIFF(day, MAX(st.Date), MIN(st.Date)) AS Duration
ON sm.Product_ID = st.Product_ID
GROUP BY sm.Staff_Name
HAVING sm.Staff_Name = 'Ali'
Here is the dataset

You want logic more like this:
SELECT DAYDIFF(day, MIN(st.Date), MAX(st.Date)) AS Duration
ON sm.Staff_id = st.Staff_Id
WHERE sm.Staff_Name = 'Ali';
Note the changes:
The filtering is the in WHERE clause rather than the HAVING. In general, it is better to filter before aggregating if possible.
The LEFT JOIN is replaced by a JOIN. First, you need a match to get the name. Second, the foreign key reference should be valid so an outer join should not be necessary.
The correct table for the staff name is STAFF_MASTER.
If you are using SQL Server (which has the 3 argument DATEDIFF() syntax), then the smaller date is the second argument.
And finally, there are many tools on the web where you can test SQL, such as db<>fiddle, SQL Fiddle, and db-fiddle. You can also download free databases onto almost any platform.


SQL Oracle: Query of showing two columns from two tables as one and counting into numeric value

The query is:
I have a member table and a stage table, the 'band_name' is the foreign key in the members table.
I need to show the stage name (stage_name) and how many members will be performing on each stage.
I have attempted so far the following:
SELECT stage_name, member_ID,member.band_name
FROM stage, member
WHERE stage.stage_name = member.band_name
ORDER BY stage_name, member.band_name, member_ID;
This shows one stage_name and the three members but NOT as a number e.g.3 and none of the other stage_names
I think I may need to use COUNT and maybe also INNER join?
FYI - I am very new to SQL oracle
All help appreciated.
You need to learn proper, explicit, standard, readable JOIN syntax. Commas are history. JOIN is not only the future, but the present and much of the past as well.
Then, you want LEFT JOIN and GROUP BY:
SELECT stage_name, COUNT(m.member_ID)
member m
ON s.stage_name = m.band_name
GROUP BY s.stage_name
ORDER BY s.stage_name;

INNER JOIN Syntax Error

I would like to JOIN 2 databases.
1 database is keyword_data (keyword mapping)
1 database is filled with Google rankings and other metrics
Somehow I cannot JOIN these two databases.
Some context:
DATA SET NAME: visibility
DATA SET NAME: visibility
In order to receive ranking data by date I wrote the following SQL line.
SELECT Date, Position, Website FROM `visibility.results` Keyword INNER
JOIN `visibility.keyword_data` keyword ON `visibility.results` Keyword
= `visibility.keyword_data` keyword GROUP BY Date;
(besides that, 100 other lines with no success ;-) )
I am using Google BigQuery for this with standard SQL (unchecked Legacy SQL).
How can I JOIN those 2 data tables?
How familiar are you with SQL? I think you're using aliases wrong, something like this should work
SELECT r.Date, r.Position, r.Website
FROM `visibility.results` AS r
INNER JOIN `visibility.keyword_data` AS k
ON r.Keyword = k.keyword
First of all i have never worked with Google big query but there is a couple of things wrong in my opinion with this query.
To start with you join tables by including the name of the table then you provide the key that the tables are joined by. Also if you don't use aggregate functions (MIN/MAX etc.) in your select statement you must include all values in the group by clause as well. In reference I can provide you a solution that would work if you would of used Microsoft SQL Server if that would be of any help because if you reference here the syntax is quite similar.
SELECT results.Date AS DATE,
,results.Position AS POSITION
,results.Website AS WEBSITE
FROM visibility.dbo.keyword_data AS keyword_data
INNER JOIN visibility.dbo.results AS results
ON results.keyword = keyword_data.keyword
GROUP BY results.Date

Fast Query with Left Join To Get Record With Latest Date

For this problem, I have 2 main existing postgres tables I am working with. The first table is named client, the second table is named task.
A single client can have multiple tasks, each with it's own scheduled_date and scheduled_time.
I'm trying to run a query that will return a list of all clients along with the date/time of their latest task.
Currently, my query works and looks something like this...
t1.scheduled_time||' '||t1.scheduled_time::timestamp AS latest_task_datetime
client c
task t1 ON t1.client_id = c.client_id
task t2 ON t2.client_id = t1.client_id AND ((t1.scheduled_date||' '||t1.scheduled_time)::timestamp < (t2.scheduled_date||' '||t2.scheduled_time)::timestamp) OR ((t1.scheduled_date||' '||t1.scheduled_time)::timestamp = (t2.scheduled_date||' '||t2.scheduled_time)::timestamp AND t1.task_id < t2.task_id);
The problem I'm having is the actual query I am working with deals with a lot more other tables (7+ tables), and every table has a lot of data in them, so because of the two left joins shown above, it is slowing down the execution of the query from 4 seconds to almost 45 seconds, which of course is very bad.
Does anyone know a possible faster way to write this query to run more efficiently?
A question I think you might initially have after seeing this is why I have scheduled_date and scheduled_time as separate columns? Why not have it as just a single timestamp column? The answer to that is this is an existing table that I can't change, at least not easily without requiring a lot of work making the changes in the entire server to support it.
Edit: Not quite the solution, but I just ended up doing it a different way. (See my comment below)
If you want to get multiple columns of information from different tables -- but one row for each client and his/her latest task, then you can use distinct on:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (c.client_id) c.*, t.*
task t
ON t.client_id = c.client_id
ORDER BY c.client_id, t.scheduled_date desc, t.scheduled_time desc;

problems while trying to optimize my SQL(inner join and group)

Im having a problem in joining and grouping two table. Im using ms sql server 2005 express .
Thank you in advance!
You just need to add date_request to your JOIN criteria:
SELECT otd.userid,otd.task,otd.date_request,ot.approved_by
FROM otd
ON otd.userid = ot.requested_by
AND otd.date_request = ot.date_request
WHERE otd.userid ='xxx'
AND CONVERT(varchar,otd.date_request,101) BETWEEN '09/10/2013' AND '09/11/2013'
AND ot.status ='A'
ORDER BY otd.date_request,ot.date_request ASC
Demo: SQL Fiddle
Note: Date is changed in Fiddle, but the extra JOIN criteria is the important part. Also, not sure what you're converting your date field for, but if it's a DATE you can just alter the format of your date strings and not cast (as it is in fiddle).
Based on your schema, there's no way to determine which task in otd the record in ot is referring to. Perhaps you meant to include a task column in ot? For example, take a look at your first record in otd. Task 1 by user xxx requested on 9/10/2013. Now look at all the records in ot. You're joining ot on otd.userid = ot.requested_by, and there are two records in ot requested by xxx. So that join matches those two records for task 1 by xxx, and the same two records for task 2 by xxx, and again for tasks 5 and 6.

SQL count - first time

I am learning SQL (bit by bit!) trying to perform a query on our database and adding in a count function to show the total orders that appear against a customers id by counting in a inner join query.
Somehow it is pooling all the data together onto one customer with the count function though.
Can someone please suggest where I am going wrong?
SELECT tbl_customers.*, tbl_stateprov.stprv_Name, tbl_custstate.CustSt_Destination, COUNT(order_id) as total
FROM tbl_stateprov
INNER JOIN (tbl_customers
INNER JOIN (tbl_custstate
INNER JOIN tbl_orders ON tbl_orders.order_CustomerID = tbl_custstate.CustSt_Cust_ID)
ON tbl_customers.cst_ID = tbl_custstate.CustSt_Cust_ID)
ON tbl_stateprov.stprv_ID = tbl_custstate.CustSt_StPrv_ID
WHERE tbl_custstate.CustSt_Destination='BillTo'
AND cst_LastName LIKE '#URL.Alpha#%'
You need a GROUP BY clause in this statement in order to get what you want. You need to figure out what level you want to group it by in order to select which fields to add to the group by clause. If you just wanted to see it on a per customer basis, and the customers table had an id field, it would look like this (at the very end of your sql):
Now you can certainly group by more fields, it just depends how you want to slice the results.
In your select statement you are using format like tableName.ColumnName but not for COUNT(order_id)
It should be COUNT(tableOrAlias.order_id)
Hope that helps.
As you are new to SQL it might also be worth considering the readability of your joins - the nested / bracketed joins you mentioned above are quite hard to read, and I would also personally alias your tables to make the query that bit more accessible:
,COUNT(order_id) as total
FROM tbl_stateprov statep
INNER JOIN tbl_custstate state ON statep.stprv_ID = state.CustSt_StPrv_ID
INNER JOIN tbl_customers customer ON customer.cst_ID = state.CustSt_Cust_ID
INNER JOIN tbl_orders orders ON orders.order_CustomerID = state.CustSt_Cust_ID
WHERE tbl_custstate.CustSt_Destination='BillTo'
AND cst_LastName LIKE '#URL.Alpha#%'
--And any other columns you want to include the count for