KSQLDB asp.net core - asp.net-core

I don't see any article/blog written around KSQL DB for asp.net core and there are less/no documentation available. It would be appreciated if you could help me with the code/article/blog on kSQLDB with asp.net core

You can use ksqlDB.RestApi.Client package in .NET / C#.
Install-Package ksqlDB.RestApi.Client
There is an AspNet Blazor sample in tomasfabian\ksqlDB.RestApi.Client-DotNet GitHub repository. It demonstrates how to use ksqldb streams, tables and monitor push notifications from SQL Server with a connector. You can react to these topics (streams/tables) with a Kafka consumer or ksqldb client.
Clone the repository:
Open InsideOut.sln in Visual Studio 2019 and set docker-compose as startup project.
This console app contains LINQ to ksqldb query examples. There are also some LinqPad samples available.
You should also check the Readme.
I think that this could be a good starting point for you.

ksqlDB is written in Java, thus cannot be "hosted" by ASP.NET infrastructure. Similarly, to my knowledge, there is no Kafka Streams equivalent library for .NET.
ksqlDB offers a REST API if you needed to interact with it from other languages


NServiceBus Version 7.1.x configrution in asp.net core 3.0 best way

I am using NServiceBus as middelware for an asp.net core 3.0 API. I already configured the service in my API using NServiceBus version 7.2 because the documentation for that on the website of particular is amazing. Saddly I have a probleem because i got a licence for an older version of NServiceBus versions until version 7.1.x are valid.
my question is: is there a recomendition for configuring NServiceBus in asp.net core using Versions 7.1.x?
One option is to use an external container and configure the endpoint to use it. Take a look at the sample available in the README of the MSDependencyInjection container.
The same thing can be achieved, with very similar code using one of the supported IoC container: https://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/dependency-injection/#internally-managed-mode-using-a-third-party-container

NServiceBus support .NetCore or not?

I read some article about NServiceBus and i want use it, but i dont know it fully supported the .NetCore or not, i googled about it (and found some information like This), but it could not help me much, any one can help me?
UPDATE: Starting from NServiceBus 7.0.1 they introduce support on .NET Standard 2.0 and thus can run on .NET Core 2.1+.
Building endpoints with .NET Core 3.1 explains how to configure it on .NET Core 3.1 and generic host.
Original answer:
NServiceBus package has no dependency on any NetStandard so it means it cannot run on Core CLR. You can use it in .NET Core projects only if you target Full .NET Framework, not .NET Core.
As of 24 April 2017 NServiceBus does not support .net core. The most current public status is this https://particular.net/blog/nservicebus-on-net-core-why-not
However I can say that internally to Particular significant effort is being put into getting .net standard support shipped.
I will add this question to the list of follow ups for after we ship
Update: Particular Software announced upcoming support for .NET Core 2.0 on their company blog here: https://particular.net/blog/nservicebus-on-net-core-its-time

ASP.NET 5 and DocumentDb

I want to use Azure DocumentDb in my ASP.NET 5 project and it seems that DocumentDb .NET SDK doesn't work with DNX yet. Is it so? And if Yes maybe there is a workaround here?
You can get ASP.NET 5 to target the full .NET Framework as opposed to Core. The biggest advantage of targeting Core is that it would allow you to run outside of Windows, but if this is not a requirement for you then the full framework should be fine.
I don't know the status of work on supporting DNX, but assuming that's not going to come in time, I can think of several ways to work around it:
Hit the DocumentDB REST API directly
Run edge.js in process inside .NET and use the node.js SDK although there seems to be some question about what platforms are supported by edge.js.
Use node.js instead of .NET. My experience helping .NET developers ramp up on DocumentDB has convinced me that the JavaScript-centric design of DocumentDB means, it's much easier to use from node.js than it is from .NET, IMHO. Many of the .NET problems come from the difference between strongly typed .NET and highly dynamic JavaScript. Stored procedures are written in JavaScript not .NET.

Connecting to JIRA using Plain JAVA APIs

This is my first question ever in Stack-Overflow!
I am beginner in JIRA. So I wanted to know if there is any stable platform to connect from Java to JIRA without using REST API?
Can I use native Java libraries or any other additional libraries to connect to JIRA?
Yup, atlassian created jira-rest-java-client but doesn't "formally" support it...but is open source...last update was 2014-10-09...so seems maintained.
There is also the SOAP services, which are deprecated but still supported in JIRA 6. They provide instructions on how to build a SOAP client. They'll be phased out, replaced by the REST endpoints, moving forward.

Razor Service Stack on Azure

I'm liking a lot what I see about Service Stack, and want to use it with Azure. I found the following project and it compiles ok, but there is either something not mentioned in the readme documents or the 2.1 vs. 2.0 version of the Azure Emulation services is not compatible (which seems unlikely)
I probably have to setup the store manually, but I don't see any interfaces in the emulator to do that.
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