Howto add custom feature to chromium - chromium

I'm new to chromium development so I admit I'm not familiar with the project's depth and submodules.
I want to create a special build of chromium such as many others have already done (opera, brave, etc).
Based as starting point with chromium, i would want to add to it (native code) the following features:
a implementation of adblock
a implementation of
etc (other features)
I've analysed a bit the code of other browsers, such as brave-core (of BraveBrowser) but to my unfortune, i was unable to find anything on the web about howto start creating your own component(module), at least a few advices.
For example, doing points 1 and 2 above, would mean that "my code" would have to:
bind to a factory of when a new page (tab) was opened so i can also fire my own code there
but i was unable to figure out how/where to do that.
Are there any guides on the web that i can read?
Or can anyone of you provide me with some guidelines?
Many thanks.


Eclipse Generic File Templates

I've seen this question in various guises around the place, but as yet haven't found a suitable answer. If this is a duplicate, appologies (I'd be surprised if it wasn't a duplicate!)
Basically, I have a project which is using (mostly) shell code and sql. I want to make sure all the files have a similar setup, and that I document things consistently. To this end, I want to have template files / skeleton code within Eclipse.
It seems easy enough with Java, but not other file types. I have checked out ShellEd and it didn't appear to have this feature (correct me if I'm wrong).
It would be great to be able to add this as a new file type, such that I can say File -> New -> sh/sql and have the correct basic template with the right header etc.
Also, if possible I would like to be able to, one click, add a function prototype with the correct documentation to my files...
I thought this would be easy enough, but a few days of Googling and messing about, it seems I need to write a plugin of my own... but I can't beleive that it's not possible, more likely my Google skills aren't up to scratch...
any help?
P.S I'm normally a Vi (not Vim) user, but have had Eclipse forced upon me!
For SQL the Data Tools Platform Extender SDK (DTP) Eclipse project contains a SQL editor with templates (under Database Development in Install New Software).

Determining mininium files required for dojo widget

First off, I'm brand new to Dojo.
I'm integrating it into our existing web app.
We initially only need the Calendar widget functionality.
I'm looking to keep the number and size of files as small as possible.
I don't believe downloading just the base code file will be sufficent?
Additionally, the Dojo toolkit download is a huge zip (Even if I was to only use compressed files)
Am I left with downloading the toolkit and manually removing everything I don't need?
Is there no custom download builder like jquery ui?
Well, the dojo library is much larger than jquery ui and I don't know of an equivalent to the download builder. If you are just interested in using dojo for a single widget, you might consider exploring a different library.
To use dojox/Calendar, you are still going to need the many dependencies it has on other dojo modules. You can do this manually, but it will be tedious.
One thing you can do is run dojo's build system to package dojox/Calendar and all of its dependencies into a single file. This isn't a trivial task and requires a good understanding of dojo's AMD loader and package system.
If you want to go down this route, I would clone the dojo-boilerplate project on github. It contains everything you need to do this out of the box. Then follow the build system tutorial to understand how you set this up. From there you can have your app depend on dojox/Calendar to produce the file you include on your page to consume it.
I suggest that you put the whole thing (yes, it's a lot of tiny files) to your server.
Dojo 1.9 is written so that when users visit, their computers will only download the individual pieces on an as-needed basis. This is possible because every piece (AMD modules) is explicit about what it needs.
Once you have something that works, you can choose speed-up loading times by using the build system. Basically, this involves going: "If the user wants this thing, they'll probably want all this other stuff, so create a big minified lump and give it to them whenever they start asking." Best of all, it doesn't have to be perfect: If you miss including something, the users browser will still request it a la carte.
At work we're using the Dojo Boilerplate starting application which helps give some initial organization to the build process.

What are the different versions of Selenium, and which one should I get?

I'm trying to get started with Selenium, but it's extremely confusing for anyone who still doesn't know the project.
If I go to the Selenium download page I get 7 download links for things with different names, and no description of what is each one. And then the Selenium 2 download link points to a page with another 8 files.
What does all of that mean? Which ones are deprecated? Which files should I get?
What are the differences between version 1 and 2? Is the version 1 deprecated, or do we still need to mix some modules from version 1 together with version 2?
And then, after searching on Google, I find Which Selenium Tool Should I Use?, but it's a very outdated page (last edited in 2007). It also talks about a limitation of the JavaScript testing interface: Same Origin Policy. Does this limitation still apply nowadays?
What are "Selenium Core", "Selenium Remote Control", "Selenium IDE"?
How about "Selenium (standalone) Server"? Is it the same thing as the Remote Control, or something different? What is the difference between Selenium Remote Control and Selenium Server?
And then I reach an official FAQ that is also confusing, and talks about a WebDriver thing that was going to be part of Selenium. Is it already inside Selenium? Is that FAQ up-to-date? How does it relate with other Selenium parts?
After all, another way to understand this question is: "I've never used Selenium before, I'm completely lost, and the documentation doesn't help." What I need is an introduction of what are all the parts of the project, which ones are old and deprecated, which ones are needed, which ones are interchangeable, which ones work with different browsers...
(maybe it would be a nice idea to have a community wiki answer that tries to be as accurate and detailed as possible)
I'm not much experienced with Selenium, but recently I have started it to automate form submissions while unit testing. For starters, try Selenium IDE. It is a Firefox addon which will help you to record actions and modify/replay them.
Actually more than that. You can perform Accessor operations, which will perfom a series of recorded/configured actions and will store the end results for us to analyze later.
And then there is Assertions, which will actually check the end state of a series of actions with some pre-configured conditions.
One thing I can say you is that Selenium is very handy and easy to learn. You can write your own test cases using plain html!
Here is a great beginner video -
After seeing that, read through this tutorial -
And after that, read this reference -
It explains everything you need to know. If you are first to Selenium, you will be amazZzed to see what all things selenium can do.

How can multiple developers efficiently work on one application?

The company I work for is building a managed application as an integration with the service we provide.
We are having issues working concurrently on the same set of files due to the shoddy tooling that is provided with the Eclipse plugin. If 2 developers are working on the same file, one is given a message that he can't save -- once he merges he has to manually force the plugin to push his changes to the server along with clicking 2 'Are you really sure' messages.
Basically, the tooling does a shoddy job of merging in changes and forces minutes of work every time the developer wants to save if another person has modified the file he's working on.
We're currently working around this by basically 'locking' individual files by letting co-workers know who is editing a file.
It feels like there has got to be a better way in this day and age. Does anyone know of a different toolset we could use, process we could change, or anything we can do to make this easier?
When working with the platform my current organisation has found a number of different approaches can work depending on the situation. We all use the Eclipse plugin without issues and have found the following set ups to work well.
We have a centralised version control system that we deploy from using a series of ant commands to a developer org instance. We then depending on the scope of the work either separate it off into chunks with each developer having their own development org and merging the changes and testing them regularly, or working in a single development org together (which if you have 2 developers should be no major problem) allowing you to have almost instant integration.
If you are both trying to work on the same file you should be pair programming anyway, but if working on two components of a similar system together, sharing the same org can allow you to develop in a fast and flexible manner by creating the skeleton of the system you wish to use and then individually fleshing out the detail.
I have used both methods extensively and a I say, work really well depending on the situation.
Each developer could work in separate development sandbox (if you have enterprise edition, I think 10 sandboxes with full config & limited amount of data are included in the fee?). From time to time you would merge your changes (diff tool from any version control system should be enough) and test them in integration environment. The chain development->integration->system test->Q&A-> production can be useful for other reasons too.
Separate trick to consider can be used if for example 2 guys work on the same trigger. I've learned it on the "DEV 401" course for Developers.
Move all your logic to classes. Seriously. They will be simpler to unit test too.
Add custom field (multi-select picklist) to User object. Values should be equal to each separate feature people are working on. It can hold up to 500 values so you should be safe.
For User account of developer 1 set "feature1" in the picklist. Set "feature2" for the other guy.
In the trigger write an if that tests presence of each picklist value and enters or leaves the call to relevant class. This wastes 1 query but you are sure that only the code you want will be called.
Each developer keeps on working in his own class file.
For integration test of both features simply set the multiselect to contain both features.
I found this trick especially useful when other guy's code turned out to be non-optimal and ate too many resources. I've just disabled his feature on my user account and kept on working.
This trick can be to some extend applied to Visualforce pages too (if you can divide them into components).
If you don't want to waste query - use some logic like "user's first name contains X" ;)
We had/have the exact same problem, we have a team of 10 Devs working on a application that has loads of apex classes (>300) and VF pages (>300).
We started using Eclipse plugin but found it:
too slow working outside of the USA each time a save is called takes > 5 sections
to many merge issues with a team of 10 developers
Next we tried developing in our own individual sandboxes and then merging code. This is ok for a small project but when you have lots of files and need changes to be pushed between sandboxes it becomes impossible to manage as the only thing worse then development tooling, is force.coms deployment/build tools. No automation its all manual. No easy way to move data between sandboxes either.
Our third approach was to just edit all our VF pages and Apex code in the browser. (not using their embedded editor that shows up in the bottom half of the page because that is buggy and slow) but just using the regular Editor under setup > develop > Apex classes. This worked ok. To supplement this we also had a scheduled job that would download all our code and save it into our SVN repository. We also built a tool that allow us to click a folder on our desktop and zip its contents and deploy it as static resources for us.
However this approach still has its short comings, i.e. it is slow and painful to develop in the cloud, their (salesforce) idea of Development As a Service is crazy. Also we have no real SCM we only have it acting as backups.
Bottom line is is a CRM and not a Development platform, if you can? run, flee, get away from it as fast as you can. Using it for anything apart from a CRM is more trouble then it is worth. Even their Slogan "No Software" makes me laugh everytime
I'm not familiar with, but couldn't you use source control and pull all the files down from into your repository. Then you could all do your work, and merge your changes back into the mainline. Then whenever it's necessary push the mainline up to
Take a look at the "Development Lifecycle Guide: Enterprise Development on the Platform". You can find it on's documentation page.
You might want to consider working on separate static resources and pages and then just being careful when editing objects, classes etc.. If most of your development happens on client side code (page, staticresource, lightning component/app) you might be interested in this project: . In any case I strongly suggest using version control. If not on a server then at least locally on your machine, in case your peers overwrite your work.

Is there an equivalent of Don Libes's *expect* tool for scripting interaction with web pages?

In the bad old days of interactive console applications, Don Libes created a tool called Expect, which enabled you to write Tcl scripts that interacted with these applications, much as a user would. Expect had two tremendous benefits:
It was possible to script interactions that otherwise would have had to be repeated by hand, tediously. A classic example was dialup Internet access hell (from the days before PPP).
It was possible to write scripts to test one's own interactive applications, programmatically, as part of a regression suite.
Today most interactive applications are on the web, not on the console. Hence my question: is there any tool that provides the ability to interact with web pages and web forms programmatically, much as Expect provides the ability to interact with console applications programmatically?
(The closest thing I am aware of is Chickenfoot.)
You might be looking for Selenium
I've used Selenium RC in conjunction with Python to drive web page interactions programmatically. This has allowed me to write pretty extensive user tests in which forms and inputs are driven and their results are measured.
Check out the Selenium IDE on Firefox (as mentioned above). It allows you to record tests in the browser and play them back, either using the IDE itself, or the Remote Control app.
Perl Mechanize works pretty well for this exact issue.
HTTPS and some authentication issues are tricky at times. I will be posting couple questions about those in the future.
I did a ton of Expect work in a former life and always thought Don Libes' Expect book was one of the best-written and most enlightening technical books I'd ever seen.
Hands down I would say that Perl's WWW::Mechanize library is what you want. I note above that you were having trouble finding documentation. There is good documentation for it! Look up the module's distribution on and see what all is packaged with it. There's a FAQ, Cookbook with examples, etc. Plus I've always been able to get help on the web. If you can't get it here, try at or WWW::Mechanize's author, Andy Lester, is present on Stack Overflow. (He's also an all around friendly and helpful guy.)
I believe WWW::Mechanize also has a program that is analogous to Expect's autoexpect program: you set up a proxy process running this program as a server, point your browser to it as a proxy, perform the actions you want to automate, and then the proxy program gives you a WWW::Mechanize program for you to use as a base for your project. (If it works like autoexpect, you will certainly want to make modifications from there.)
As mentioned above, WWW::Mechanize is a browser (to be more exact, it is a web client or http client) that happens to be programmable. The last time I looked, there was even work in progress to make it support JavaScript.
In addition to Selenium, if you're doing the Ruby/Rails thing, there's Webrat.