why setup() doesnt work "Cannot read property 'username' of undefined " - vue.js

when i use toLogin in methods it works, but use in setup and return(in this code - test) i get error Cannot read property 'username' of undefined doesnt work, why?
export default {
name: "Login",
setup() {
const username = ref("");
const password = ref("");
const router = useRouter();
const test = async () => {
return {
methods: {
async toLogin() {
const rep = await axios.post("login", {
username: this.username,
password: this.password,
//await this.router.push("/successlogin");

You don't need this. Instead, just use console.log(username.value). username is already captured in scope for the test function to use.
The docs here https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/composition-api-introduction.html#setup-component-option contain this example:
setup (props) {
const repositories = ref([])
const getUserRepositories = async () => {
repositories.value = await fetchUserRepositories(props.user)
return {


authorization header undefined, empty

Can you explain what I'm doing wrong, I don't understand why my header is empty. Login is working but when I trigger the me query it's not working, not authenticated appear and if I console log this it's undefined.
How to keep the user logged, and be able to acces the data ?
Here is my code, if you know what's wrong.
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import express from 'express';
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-express';
import { PrismaClient } from '#prisma/client';
import bcrypt from 'bcrypt';
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
const JWT_SECRET = 'abc123';
const typeDefs = `
type User {
id: ID
username: String
type Query {
me: User
type Mutation {
signup(username: String!, password: String!): User
login(username: String!, password: String!): User
const resolvers = {
Query: {
async me(_, __, context) {
// Check if the request has a valid JWT
const auth = context.req.headers.authorization;
if (!auth) {
throw new Error('Not authenticated');
// Get the user ID from the JWT
const token = auth.split('Bearer ')[1];
const { userId } = jwt.verify(token, JWT_SECRET);
// Retrieve the user from the database
return context.prisma.user({ id: userId });
Mutation: {
async signup(_, { username, password }, context) {
// Hash the password
const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10);
// Create a new user in the database
const user = await context.prisma.user.create({
data: {
password: hashedPassword,
// Create a JWT for the new user
const token = jwt.sign({ userId: user.id }, JWT_SECRET);
return { token, ...user };
async login(_, { username, password }, context) {
// Retrieve the user from the database
const user = await context.prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
username: username,
if (!user) {
throw new Error('Invalid login');
// Compare the provided password with the hashed password
const valid = await bcrypt.compare(password, user.password);
if (!valid) {
throw new Error('Invalid login');
// Create a JWT for the user
const token = jwt.sign({ userId: user.id }, JWT_SECRET);
return { ...user, token };
const main = async () => {
const app = express();
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
const server = new ApolloServer({
context: ({ req }) => ({ req, prisma }),
await server.start();
server.applyMiddleware({ app });
app.listen(4000, () =>
console.log(`GraphQL server running on http://localhost:4000`)
main().catch((err) => {

Vue JWT token is only attached after refresh

Token is null right after login, It stores only if I refresh the page. It should store just after login without need to reload.
const initialUser = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('Project:token') || '{}');
const useProject = defineStore('project-store', {
state: () => ({
token: initialUser as string | null,
status: initialUser ? { loggedIn: false } : { loggedIn: true },
actions: {
async login(user: User) {
const token = await grantAuth(user);
this.loginSuccess = token;
loginSuccess(token: string) {
this.token = token;
this.status.loggedIn = !!token;
import store from '../stores/index';
export default async function entryPoint() {
const getStore = async () => {
if (!store) {
store = await import('../stores/index');
} else {
if (store) {
const { token } = store;
if (token) {
return token;
import axios from 'axios';
import entryPoint from './entryPoint';
const api = axios.create({ baseURL: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_API_URL });
const entry = entryPoint();
if (entry) {
api.defaults.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${entry}`;
export default api;
import api from './api';
const requestToken = encodedData => {
return api.post('/projects/login', null, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Basic ${encodedData}`,
const registerToken = data => {
if (data && data.token) {
sessionStorage.setItem('Project:token', JSON.stringify(data.token));
export const grantAuth = async user => {
const flatData = `${user.username.toUpperCase()}:${user.password}`;
const encodedData = btoa(flatData);
const response = await requestToken(encodedData);
return response.data ? response.data.token : null;
A solution would be to give the command window.location.reload(), however It is not viable for a SPA, It is preferable that the token to be available right after login

(redis-om & fastify) this.writeEntity is not a function

I'm learning to use the Redis for my backend database and I would like to try using redis-om for fastify not sure whether they are compatible or not, but I got error.
I use service of app.redislabs.com
I don't know what I just messed up? And how can I fix the problem?
const { createCar, createIndex } = require("./redis");
app.post("/add", async (req, res) => {
await createIndex();
const { make, model, image, description } = req.body;
const data = { make, model, image, description };
await createCar(data);
const PORT = 5000;
app.listen(PORT, function (err) {
if (err) {
const { Client, Entity, Schema, Repository } = require("redis-om");
const client = new Client();
const connect = async () => {
if (!client.isOpen()) {
await client.open("redis://default:password#localhost:6379");
} else {
class Car extends Entity {}
let schema = new Schema(
make: { type: "string" },
model: { type: "string" },
image: { type: "string" },
description: { type: "string" },
{ dataStructure: "JSON" }
const createCar = async (data) => {
await connect();
const repository = new Repository(schema, client);
const car = repository.createEntity(data);
const id = await repository.save(car);
return id;
const createIndex = async () => {
await connect();
const repository = new Repository(schema, client);
await repository.createIndex();
module.exports = {
My JSON Body
You cannot call new on Repository. This is a breaking change I introduced in version 0.2.0 of Redis OM. There are a couple of others that are documented in the CHANGELOG.
Call const repository = client.fetchRepository(schema) instead, as shown here. Unfortunately, there are some videos and blogs that have the older syntax and so this crops up from time to time.
Thanks for using my library!

Can not run multiple tests in a file

I'm building a GraphQL API and I want to test some resolvers and the database with jest.
Here is my helper file, where I set up the context and the Prisma Client for testing.
import { PrismaClient } from "#prisma/client";
import { ServerInfo } from "apollo-server";
import { execSync } from "child_process";
import getPort, { makeRange } from "get-port";
import { GraphQLClient } from "graphql-request";
import { nanoid } from "nanoid";
import { join } from "path";
import { Client } from "pg";
import { server } from "../api/server";
type TestContext = {
client: GraphQLClient;
db: PrismaClient;
export function createTestContext(): TestContext {
let ctx = {} as TestContext;
const graphqlCtx = graphqlTestContext();
const prismaCtx = prismaTestContext();
beforeEach(async () => {
const client = await graphqlCtx.before();
const db = await prismaCtx.before();
Object.assign(ctx, {
afterEach(async () => {
await graphqlCtx.after();
await prismaCtx.after();
return ctx;
function graphqlTestContext() {
let serverInstance: ServerInfo | null = null;
return {
async before() {
const port = await getPort({ port: makeRange(4000, 6000) });
serverInstance = await server.listen({ port });
return new GraphQLClient(`http://localhost:${port}`);
async after() {
function prismaTestContext() {
const prismaBinary = join(__dirname, "..", "node_modules", ".bin", "prisma");
let schema = "";
let databaseUrl = "";
let prismaClient: null | PrismaClient = null;
return {
async before() {
schema = `test_${nanoid()}`;
databaseUrl = `postgresql://user:123#localhost:5432/testing?schema=${schema}`;
process.env.DATABASE_URL = databaseUrl;
execSync(`${prismaBinary} migrate up --create-db --experimental`, {
env: {
DATABASE_URL: databaseUrl,
prismaClient = new PrismaClient();
return prismaClient;
async after() {
const client = new Client({
connectionString: databaseUrl,
await client.connect();
await client.query(`DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "${schema}" CASCADE`);
await client.end();
await prismaClient?.$disconnect();
My test file looks like this:
import { createTestContext } from "./__helpers";
const ctx = createTestContext();
it("register user", async () => {
const testUser = {
username: "Test",
email: "test#test.com",
password: "password",
const registerResult = await ctx.client.request(
mutation registerNewUser($username: String!, $email: String!, $password: String!) {
register(username: $username, email: $email, password: $password) {
user {
username: testUser.username,
email: testUser.email,
password: testUser.password,
const resultUsername = registerResult.register.user.username;
const resultEmail = registerResult.register.user.email;
const resultUserID = registerResult.register.user.user_id;
const users = await ctx.db.user.findMany();
const savedUser = users[0];
it("all events", async () => {
const eventsResult = await ctx.client.request(
query {
allEvents {
When I just run one file with one test in it, everything works. But when I run multiple tests in one file, the first one runs normal, but the ones after not. I receive this error:
The table `test_LjrcmbMjI4vLaDYM9-lvw.Event` does not exist in the current database.: {"response":{"errors":[{"message":"\nInvalid `prisma.event.findMany()` invocation:\n\n\n The table `test_LjrcmbMjI4vLaDYM9-lvw.Event` does not exist in the current database.","locations":[{"line":3,"column":7}],"path":["allEvents"],"extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","exception":{"code":"P2021","clientVersion":"2.11.0","meta":{"table":"test_LjrcmbMjI4vLaDYM9-lvw.Event"}}}}],"data":null,"status":200},"request":{"query":"\n query {\n allEvents {\n event_id\n title\n description\n }\n }\n "}}
Also when I run two tests in separated files, on every second test run I get this error:
listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::4200
I did the nexus tutorial (Step 4, and 5), where they explained how to test, but somehow it doesn't work. So please help me.
I have created a repo with parallel tests for the same here. The test environment setup is in the prisma folder and a similar helper is created in the tests folder.

stateless session api request

I am building a simple app that uses JWT for authentication. But I keeps on getting the error saying the route I GET to require a call back function.
What do I expect?
I should be getting the current user's data back.
What do I actually get?
Error: Route.get() requires a callback function but got a [object Object]
const authenticate = require("../middlewares/authenticate");
const usersController = require("../controllers").users;
app.get("/users/me", authenticate, usersController.getMe);
"use strict";
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
var User = sequelize.define(
email: DataTypes.STRING,
password: DataTypes.STRING
classMethods: {
associate: function(models) {
// associations can be defined here
findByToken: function(token) {
const User = this;
let decoded;
try {
decoded = jwt.verify(token, "leogoesger");
} catch (e) {
return User.find({ where: { email: decoded.email } });
return User;
const { User } = require("../models/user");
const authenticate = (req, res, next) => {
console.log("called here");
const token = req.header("x-auth");
.then(user => {
if (!user) {
req.user = user;
req.token = token;
.catch(e => {
module.exports = { authenticate };
module.exports = {
getMe(req, res) {
res.status(200).send({ message: "hello" });
Your authenticate module exports an object, yet you do this:
const authenticate = require("../middlewares/authenticate");
which means your const authenticate is an object, not your function. Change that to this:
const authenticate = require("../middlewares/authenticate").authenticate;
Or, change the module to export the function directly instead of exporting an object with the function in it.