Where can I find the doc for the function GetObject in Microsoft Javascript? - com

I cannot find the doc for the function GetObject available in Microsoft Javascript.
I tried with no luck https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/search/?terms=javascript%20getobject where I found https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/getobject-function which could be good enough for me even if it is related to Visual Basic for Applications... but I would like to find the doc for Javascript.

Microsoft's implementation of JavaScript (ECMAScript Version 3) is known as JScript. Like VBScript it’s been hidden away in the Microsoft Documentation archives.
JScript (ECMAScript3)
The function can be found in the language reference under Functions. Here is a direct link to GetObject().


Can I use My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile in an access db?

I'm trying to download a file from the internet by clicking a button in MS Access.
I'm trying to use My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile as described here:
Private Sub Command2_Click()
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("http://www.example.com/temp/xml_test.xml", "C:\xml_test.xml")
End Sub
but the 'Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications' IDE that I'm typing this into seems to have no idea what I'm talking about (text just turns red).
Can I just not do this through the built in VB editor or can I simply load a library or something to make it work?
Sorry but I'm very new to VB and to Access so search results are not specific enough for me to understand - lord knows I've tried.
I'm using Access 2010 but the DB was created in an previous version - not sure if that matters.
You can't use any .NET libraries in Access/VBA.
I recommend you check out Pearson's code for downloading files, posted on his website. It says it's written for Excel but it should work in Access. http://www.cpearson.com/excel/DownloadFile.aspx
To contradict my first statement, technically there are actually a few .Net libraries that can be called from VBA if you know how to do it (late binding only, for one thing). I'm having trouble finding the information on that right now. And I somewhat doubt that the library you're trying to use here is one of them. If I remember correctly, some of the encryption library can be used in VBA.

DLL functions and input descriptions?

I am currently using vba and have found a couple of handy pieces of code on the internet.
However some of these pieces of code use functions from DLL's e.g(user32).
The code works fine but it frustrates me that I have no means of discovering such functionality myself except for stumbling upon code on the internet.
I basically want to know if there is a way of obtaining descriptions of what exactly a specific DLL function does and what the input parameters represent or can this only be done by looking at the DLL's in their original language?
Not in VBA as fas as I know, but pinvoke site can help a lot.
Chek how well explained is LogonUser for example. Easy to adapt VB.NET to VBA with all that info I think.
These functions are part of the native Win32 API.
They're all quite well documented on MSDN, Microsoft's SDK documentation for Windows programmers.
For example, you might see the GetParent function called, which returns a handle to the specified window's parent or owner. The documentation for that function is here.
Note how the documentation tells you what the function does, how it is prototyped in a C-style language, what each of its parameters are and what they mean, and what its return value is and what it means. Very comprehensive; guaranteed to answer almost all of your questions. You should definitely read the "Remarks" section for any function which you are unfamiliar. There are a lot of important caveats to the Win32 API—it's a very powerful, but very old C API. There are a lot of arbitrary limitations that the programmers were forced to work around, and now because of backwards compatibility, we've been saddled with those workarounds for generations. The very bottom also tells you what DLL file you need to specify in order to call that function. For example, GetParent is found in user32.dll.
In just about every case that I've tried (and I've gone searching for lots of docs), you can type the name of the function into Google and the appropriate MSDN page will be the first result.

How can we use python module in vb.net

I want to use the python module imaplib, email in vb.net to read the gmail email with attachments. How can i use the python module in vb.net
Presuming you already looked at Brad's suggestion and didn't find it quite satisfying there is a .Net module for handling python, although this seems like the inverse of what you're looking for.
The only way that you could realistically use a Python library in .NET is to use IronPython. It is possible to embed IronPython in a C# app and the best explanation of that is in the book IronPython in Action.
However, this introduces a lot of layers in an application and may not be the wisest way to go unless you can make use of a general scripting language in your app.

How to use the Automation object model of Microsoft Office packages (Word, Excel, etc.) in "plain" COM/ActiveX

I finally found the object model documentation for Microsoft Office.
However it talks about interop assemblies and stuff that sounds like .NET. I don't use .NET directly, and I don't really want to learn much about it. Is there a way to just use plain COM/ActiveX classes/interfaces to automate MS Word/Excel?
Here's a KB article that can help you get started: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/216686/
...and this one: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307473/EN-US/

calculus engine in vb?

is there an easy to use library or engine for .NET that does calculus?
I posted an early version of some code I used in one of my classes in an answer to this thread:
Generated methods for polynomial evaluation (my answer includes classes for symbolic differentiation)
If I know exactly what you're looking for, I could try to post an updated version.
Google is suggesting you look through Wikipedia's list of free libraries that can do automatic differentiation, and see if any have a .NET or COM wrapper. EDIT: High-Performance Mark has pointed out that it appears you need symbolic differentiation, in which case these libraries won't help.
If you are keen, you possibly could create a .NET wrapper for one of the C++ libraries.