How to put a 1 px wide black border around the outer most edge of all layers in a Photoshop document? - photoshop

I'm separating an image into various layers in Photoshop to be used by After Effects. The layers have different amounts of transparent pixels. Apparently, transparent pixels can change the size of a layer and this confuses AE. For example, scale by a percentage can differ for each layer.
What solves the problem is to put black corners in all the layers. What I thought would be simpler would be to put a 1 px wide black border around all the layers as defined by the original image.
Can someone think of an easy way to do this? I'm splitting an image into 5 to 10 layers and would like to be able to do this by selecting all the layers and say "make a 1px wide border".


how to convert coordination of labels for yolo when cropping image?

i've created over 1200 images with labels for yolo detection and the problem is every image size is 800x600 and all the objects with labels are in the middle of the image. so i wanna crop the rest of the part since objects are placed in the middle.
so the size of images would be something like 400x300 (crop left, right, top, bottom equally) but the objects will still be in the middle. but how do you convert or change the coordinates other than labeling all over again?
# (used labelimg for yolo)
0 0.545000 0.722500 0.042500 0.091667
1 0.518750 0.762500 0.097500 0.271667
heres one of my label .txt. sorry for my bad english!

How do artists create non linear abstract interpolated gradients images

I've seen many versions of multicolored gradient like images, that are both non linear and heavily stylized. Usually in the form of layered blob like shapes.
My guess as to how they achieve this effect is
drawing intersecting blob like shapes
masking gradients on the shapes
interpolating the colors on the image.
However as you'll notice by the distinct lines in the image the interpolated effect only appears in certain regions of the image. This effect is what I would like to achieve in metal.
One approach is to draw your solid colors and then apply a zoom or motion blur CoreImage filter to achieve the effect of a gradient, leaving some detail by where you place the center (for zoom) or the angle you set (for motion).
Here's an example of a before and a couple afters. The original image in this case is drawn with 2D function plotting but you could easily use a static input image/video-frame, draw an image with filled bezier paths, etc.
The second image uses a CIZoomBlur, input center pt just off image center at (240, 220), with amount set to 134.9.
The CIMotionBlur filter also produces some interesting gradient effects. Here's the same input image, with CIMotionBlur inputRadius 57.6 and inputAngle -0.415.
I think this could achieve what you're after providing you set up the original solid-color image as you like and are able to figure out optimal settings for the filters (angle, center pt etc.).

UIImageView half moon slice

I'm trying to create an app with groups you can switch between. My idea was to pick the first 3 photo's of the members in the group, and lay the images over each other. Adding three images over each other is not really difficult, the difficult part for me is to make the other two images show up like a "half moon" beneath the other images. See the attached image for an example.
It isn't really a half moon. It's more like a crescent moon or lunate shape.
The principle is not a difficult one. Practice as follows:
Start with an image, roughly a square.
Make an image context the same size as the image.
Fill a circle the size of the image, roughly offset about a third of its width to the left.
Fill another circle the size of the image, roughly offset about two thirds of its width to the left, using Clear blend mode.
Extract the resulting image from the image context.
You now have the desired lunate shape:
Now use that lunate shape as a mask or clipping area for the original image:

Detection of chessboard-like pattern in OpenCV

I have a problem with detection of chessboard-like pattern. The image is very noisy because it is registered with the use of laser scanner.
The only thing I have managed to achieve is detection of big rectangle:
Now I have no idea how to detect those small squares. I tried all sorts of different algorithms, but the contrast in the squares seems too low. Does anybody have any ideas?
Other pattern images:
A way to progress would be to determine the grayvalue level at the inner border of the rectangle, then:
Adjust the average brightness inside the rectangle border.
With that knowledge it is possible to adjust the average brightness inside the rectangle to one value (the small square will still be a bit lighter than the rest)
Increase the contrast a lot
Find the lines that run along the edges of the squares
Either access the line crossings directly or paint white and black
Calculate your calibration data

Programmatically, how does hue blending work in photoshop?

In Photoshop you can set a layer's blending mode to be "Hue". If that layer is, for example, filled with blue then it seems to take the layer below and makes it all blue wherever a non-whiteish color exists.
I'm wondering what it's actually doing though. If I have a background layer with a pixel aarrggbb and the layer on top of that is set to blend mode "Hue" and there's a pixel aarrggbb on that layer, how are those two values combined to give the result that we see?
It doesn't just drop the rrggbb from the layer below. If it did that it'd color white and black as well. It also wouldn't allow color variations through.
If a background pixel is 0xff00ff00 and the corresponding hue layer pixel is 0xff0000ff then I'm assuming the end result will just be 0xff0000ff because the ff blue replaces the ff green. But, if the background pixel is 0x55112233 and the hue layer pixel is 0xff0000ff, how does it come up with the shade of blue that it comes up with?
The reason I ask is that I'd like to take various images and change the hue of the image programmatically in my app. Rather than storing 8 different versions of the same image with different colors, I'd like to store one image and color it as needed.
I've been researching a way to replicate that blending mode in javascript/canvas but I've only come up with the "colorize" filter/blend mode. (Examples below)
Colorize algorithm:
convert the colors from RGB to HSL;
change the Hue value to the wanted one (in my case 172⁰ or 0.477);
revert the update HSL to RGB
Note: this is ok on the desktop but it's noticeably slow on a smartphone, I found.
You can see the difference by comparing these three images. Original:
Fireworks' "blend hue" algorithm (which I think is the same as Photoshop's):
The colorize filter might be a good substitute.
RGB/HSL conversion question
Hue/Chroma and HSL on Wikipedia
I found an algorithm to convert RGB to HSV here:
Of course, at the bottom of that page it mentions that the Java Color object already has methods for converting between RGB and HSV, so I just used that.