trying to lazy load one of my custom feature module. it creates chunk but not lazily working in browser. it loads at first time . please suggest what I am missing here...
Based on the fact the chunk is created it looks like you are missing the cmsComponents array.
You need to list the CMS components present in your lazy loaded module, that way Spartacus will know when to load the chunk. Please see and also a quick example I sprung up
Not really a code problem more a discussion/brainstroming-post.
I would like to build some light CMS in Vue/Nuxt, which will output a static website in the end.
So I thought about going for one Nuxt-page (does not have to be a Nuxt-page necessarily) containing all the CMS-related stuff and handle the actual website inside a nuxt-child component to keep code tidy.
Problem is, that i can not access the inner Nuxt page, so any editing will be impossible (I want to achieve some simple inline-editing).
For visualization the editor of webflow may be helpful (Directlink to the video). What i want to achieve is a similar version. I would like to have the page separated from the CMS. The CMS would be the lower bottom-bar and provide stuff like the editor for the inline-editing.
Currently my best solution was to define the editing directly inside the page, which is working, but needs to be stripped out for production and makes a future separation impossible.
Is there any solution for this? Or am I thinking the wrong way?
Can I link both instances with a common vuex-store?
You could created two seperate components, one for editing and one for rendering.
These could utilize components themselves to keep the overhead to a minimun.
You could also use the same component, but lazy load the editor features based on some condition like:
If youre fine with having the Editor only available during development you can create an env variable and check for process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
Another way would be to have some sort of authorization that combined with v-if would show the editor or hide it.
I am using the vue-masonry plugin which let me create a masonry grid easily.
I created a system of infinite loading where you scroll to the bottom of the page and it append new pictures to an array binded with the vue-masonry plugin.
The problem happen when I created a system of polling for the new pictures that were upoaded by other users. Those new pictures need to be at the top of the masonry grid.
The plugin use two Vue Directive masonry (parent) and masonryTile (element). masonryTile has a v-for which loop through the array binded with my Vue instance (which does all the heavy lifting, preloading, sanityzing, etc...).
Is there a way in the directives to know the differences between something being appended or prepended? And try to react differently (I know masonry has some append/prepend method) but in here and with this plugin, the items where already added (at the beginning so the prepend works with Vue) but there's no masonry interaction nor redraw (I tried to use the prototype to trigger the redraw this.$redrawVueMasonry();).
So I don't know what's next to do. Continue finding a way to differentiate a prepend from a append and trying to bind it to the respective masonry's methods ? Or another method that I didn't think of...
Thanks in advance for you help
Ps : I don't think my code is really relevant since It's more a way to optimize the plugin. If you want some specific part of my code anymay, tell me in the comment !
This probably comes a bit too late, this being a 10 month old question.
However vue-masonry is able to handle situations where items are spliced anywhere in the array. But to properly update the grid this.$redrawVueMasonry() should be called inside this.$nextTick() like this:
this.$nextTick(() => this.$redrawVueMasonry());
Hope this helps, if not the original poster, someone else.
I have an Aurelia application in which I'm trying to build a CMS component. This component will load data from the server and this data mainly contains slug, title and content fields.
I also have several global components defined in my application, and I want to be able to use those components in the server so when I pull that data my CMS component is able to transform/compile those custom elements.
An example would be a tab component. I have the tab component with this structure defined:
<tab title="First"></tab>
<tab title="Second"></tab>
The CMS component will contain a content property which I use to pass a string like this: '<tab-panel><tab title="First"></tab><tab title="Second"></tab></tab-panel>'
The component needs to compile that string and render it in its view. I've checked the enhance API, but it doesn't worked, at least for me. Any other suggestion to dynamically compile/render custom elements??
Thanks a lot in advance.
I've found the solution. I've used a compose element and InlineViewStrategy and it worked well, the components are shows and binding works as expected.
If your custom elements are registered globally using globalResources you can actually using the TemplatingEngine to dynamically insert content into the DOM and then compile it after-the-fact. This blog post goes into detail in how you can do it.
However, I would use this as a last resort. As is mostly always the case, there are much better ways to do something in Aurelia. Using the <compose> element is a great way to dynamically render content in your Aurelia applications and should always be the first port of call.
Hi I have tried every ways and means to load dojo page into ContentPane.
It seems That I am not able to do that. Correct me if I am wrong.
Looks like the only solution is through the creation and destroy of any widget while running
The dojo docs for dojox/layout/ContentPane (which allows references to script files) mentions your issue:
NOTE that dojo.require in script in the fetched file isn't recommended Many widgets need to be required at page load to work properly
It looks like you just need to require these files in the parent widget.
I'm developing a custom Dojo widget which in fact acts as a wrapper for Timeline JS library (
Is there a possibility to include the required JS code for Timeline in the custom dojo widget or must I include manually in my "index.html"??
Thanks in advance.
Do you have control over the Timeline source code, that is, are you hosting it yourself?
If this is the case you could turn the dependency into a dojo module by inserting an appropriate dojo.provide call on the top or you could just straight up copy-and-paste everything inside your MyWidget.js source file.
If this is all ends up too compicated for you to consider it worth it, adding the script tag by hand on the index.html is not that bad (given how base Javascript actually doesn't have a real module system you could use instead)