How to wrapp all log.debug or statement in single line in intellij.
//it it formated like this in Intellij.
log.debug("param1 {}, param 2 {}, param 3 {}, param 4 {}",
But I want like this.
log.debug("param1 {}, param 2 {}, param 3 {}, param 4 {}",param1,param2,param3,param4);
I tried with "simple statement singleline" doesnt help.
is there any where I can configure like log.debug statements should be in single line.
Make sure you have
Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | Code Style | Java | Wrapping and Braces | Method call arguments set to Do not wrap
Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | Code Style | Java | Wrapping and Braces | Keep when reformatting | Line breaks disabled.
public static void main (String [] args) {
int Sun = 60;
How to change the color of Sun?
Now in IntelliJ IDEA it is grey, but I want to change it to orange.
Grey is a color of the unused symbol: Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | Color Scheme | General | Errors and Warnings | Unused code.
Once your variable is actually used in the code, its color will change to Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | Color Scheme | Language Defaults | Identifiers | Local variable.
It was disappear, the one in red:
File | Settings | Editor | General | Breadcrumbs:
I am trying to create a random number generator:
Command | Tgt | Val |
store | tom | tester
store | dominic | envr
execute script | Math.floor(Math.random()*11111); | number
type | id=XXX | ${tester}.${dominic}.${number}
Expected result:
tom.dominic.0 <-- random number
Instead I get this:
I looked thru all the resources and it seems the recent selenium update/version has changed the approach and I cannot find a solution.
I realize this question is 2 years old, but it's a fairly common one, so I'll answer it and see if there are other answers that address it.
If you want to assign the result of a script run by the "execute script" in Selenium IDE to a Selenium variable, you have to return the value from JavaScript. So instead of
execute script | Math.floor(Math.random()*11111); | number
you need
execute script | return Math.floor(Math.random()*11111); | number
Also, in your final assignment that puts the 3 pieces together, you needed ${envr} instead of ${dominic}.
How can I tell PhpStorm (using version 8.0.3) to keep the following array as is when clicking Cmd+Alt+L to reformat my code:
$array = [
'short' => 1, // I want this...
'veryVeryVeryIncrediblyLong' => 123456789,
Instead of doing this:
$array = [
'short' => 1, // Not this...
'veryVeryVeryIncrediblyLong' => 123456789,
Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | Code Style | PHP | Other | Array declaration style -> Align key-value pairs
Since PhpStorm 2017.x version it is now located at Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | Code Style | PHP | Wrapping and Braces --> Array initializer | Align key-value pairs
In Phpstorm 2017.3 & later , This setting is located at
File | Settings | Editor | Code Style | PHP | Wrapping and Braces | Array initializer | Align key-value pairs
Preferences → Editor → Code Style → PHP → Other → Align key-value pairs
PhpStorm 2019 and up: Settings -> editor -> PHP -> Wrapping and Braces -> Array initializer -> Align key-value pairs [*] (Linux OS)
In phpstorm 2019 it goes somewhere like this:
(settings > editor > php > Wrapping and Braces > Assignment statement > Align consecutive assignments)
PHPStorm 9 align assignments in PHP
I am new in Selenium IDE and need to assertText a value that has line break. Example:
Actual Message to assertText:
store | Hello <br/> World | txtValue
assertText | id=label | ${txtValue}
Please help.
Pass your id=label into a variable, remove the line breaks, then run an assertion against the variable.
Store expected text:
store | Hello World | txtValue
Store page text:
storeText | xpath=(//*[#id=label]) | labelValue
Remove line breaks from page text:
echo | javascript{storedVars.labelValue = storedVars.labelValue.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"")} |
Assert your expected text = your page text:
assertExpression | javascript{storedVars.txtValue==storedVars.labelValue} | true
Following pattern matching worked for me on Selenium IDE 2.5.0