selenium timeout on Heroku - selenium

I tried to build a flask+selenium web on Heroku , so I went through a lot of step , I got my website setup , but when I tried to call an API that include selenium , I got an error from Selenium:
raise TimeoutException(message, screen, stacktrace)
selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException: Message:
Here's the part of my selenium python code , I tried to login to instagram.
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
chrome_options.binary_location = os.environ.get("GOOGLE_CHROME_BIN")
browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=os.environ.get("CHROMEDRIVER_PATH"), chrome_options=chrome_options)
ig_username = os.environ.get("IG_USERNAME")
ig_password = os.environ.get("IG_PASSWORD")
web = '';
print ("Headless Chrome with custom window-size")
size = browser.get_window_size()
print("Window size: width = {}px, height = {}px".format(size["width"], size["height"]))
wait = WebDriverWait(browser,10)
ig_account_ele = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, //*[#id="loginForm"]/div/div[1]/div/label/input)))
The code will return timeout error at first element that I am trying to search.I even tried it on and other element like span, it still won't work.
It's all fine when I run the code on local!!! ,but when it's deployed to Heroku, it will return timeout error or unable to locate element when I test the code with find_element_by_id,
so I assume there must be something wrong with selenium , but I don't have any way to solve it, seems it is also hard to see what's going on with chromedirver when running headless mode on Heroku...


Selenium Google login works locally but not in CircleCI

I'd like to run an end-to-end test of logging into our website using Selenium. We use Auth0 and the only available login mechanism is through Google social login. I wrote a script using Python Selenium (version 3.141.0), pytest, and selenium/standalone-chrome:87.0 Docker image which works correctly on my local machine, Mac OS 10.15.4.
However, it gets stuck at some point when I try to run it on CircleCI.
I use ubuntu-1604:202007-01 image in CircleCI
How I set up remote driver (tried a lot of arguments/commands..):
def browser(remote_webdriver_url):
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.add_experimental_option("useAutomationExtension", False)
options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-automation"])
browser = webdriver.Remote(
return browser
My docker-compose.yml
version: '3.1'
image: selenium/standalone-chrome:87.0
# added the envvar as I found something about this in Selenium forums, it has no effect.
shm_size: 2g
restart: 'no'
- "4444:4444"
My test code:
import os
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
def test_logging_in(browser: WebElement, url):
auth0_title = "Sign In with Auth0"
assert browser.title == auth0_title
# Log in
auth_login_button_class_name = 'auth0-lock-social-button-text'
_ = WebDriverWait(browser, 20).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, auth_login_button_class_name)))
sign_in_button = browser.find_element_by_class_name(auth_login_button_class_name)
# Wait until we're redirected to Google's login page
_ = WebDriverWait(browser,20).until(EC.title_contains('Google'))
# Type in the email address and go to the next page
email_input = browser.find_element_by_tag_name('input')
first_next_button = browser.find_element_by_id("identifierNext")
# Wait until the password entry screen is loaded
_ = WebDriverWait(browser, 20).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "forgotPassword"))) ##### THIS IS WHERE I GET THE TIMEOUT
# Put the password in
password_input = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//input[#name='password']")
second_next_button = browser.find_element_by_id("passwordNext")
# Wait until the login is successful by observing the logout button
logout_icon_class_name = "bp3-icon-log-out"
_ = WebDriverWait(browser, 20).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, logout_icon_class_name)))
assert browser.title == 'My page title'
sign_out_button = browser.find_element_by_class_name(logout_icon_class_name)
def test_teardown(browser):
The test times out after clicking on the first button after typing in the email. I got screenshots from the run in CI, and it does seem to be stuck loading (see the Google's progress bar at the top, and the fact that it's more white-ish color), see the screenshot:
I also took a screenshot before clicking on the "Next" button, to show the contrast:
After having spent a long time on this and trying many things, I'm about to give up. Any ideas why this works locally but not in CI environment?

AttributeError: module 'selenium.webdriver' has no attribute 'switch_to_alert'

I am making a simple crawler that can open a site and when a pop up appears, it should close it. but the following command isn't working.
from selenium import webdriver
browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r"C:\Program Files\chromedriver.exe")
url = ""
alert = webdriver.switch_to_alert().dismiss()
innerHTML = browser.execute_script("return document.body.innerHTML")
Use this
alert = browser.switch_to.alert.dismiss()
driver instance name is browser not webdriver

webdriver freezes after chrome page timeout

I have a page that takes some time to load (30-60 seconds), so I have setup an implicit wait, and would like to be able to refresh the page if it doesn't finish loading the first time.
My code does not end up refreshing the page in Chrome (the loading spinner doesn't start and the page doesn't change), nor does it print out the status of the Javascript call - I don't know why. I'm running Chrome 68, with chromedriver 2.42 and Python 3.6.
I've replaced the actual URL and timeout with sample values below to make it reproducible:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
import os
mypath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
chrome_path = mypath+"/chromedriver"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chrome_path)
except TimeoutException:
print("Timeout, retrying...")
state = driver.execute_script("var state = document.readyState; return state;")

Python Selenium with Tor Browser (Ubuntu)

I try to open a Tor Browser using Selenium on Ubuntu 18. I have tried lots of examples but with no success.
proxyIP = ""
proxyPort = "9050"
profileTor = '/etc/tor/' # torrc
binary = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/torbrowser/tbb/x86_64/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/firefox")
firefox_binary = FirefoxBinary(binary)
firefox_profile = FirefoxProfile(profileTor)
proxy_address = ""
proxy = Proxy({
'proxyType': ProxyType.MANUAL,
'httpProxy': proxy_address,
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_binary = firefox_binary,firefox_profile=firefox_profile, proxy = proxy)
A blank Tor Browser window opens but after a while I get an error as:
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: connection refused.
I have also tried an alternative to firefox binary the:
which opens a working Tor Browser and showing some index.
The script however stops and I cannot visit another page using Selenium unless I do it manually.
I have also tried the:
as some examples suggest but I get an error:
Unable to start Tor. The torrc file is missing and could not be created.
To open a Tor Browser using Selenium you can start the Tor daemon first and then open the Tor Browser and you can use the following solution:
Sample WindowsOS style Code Block:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile import FirefoxProfile
import os
torexe = os.popen(r'C:\Users\AtechM_03\Desktop\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Tor\tor.exe')
profile = FirefoxProfile(r'C:\Users\AtechM_03\Desktop\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Browser\profile.default')
profile.set_preference('network.proxy.type', 1)
profile.set_preference('network.proxy.socks', '')
profile.set_preference('network.proxy.socks_port', 9050)
profile.set_preference("network.proxy.socks_remote_dns", False)
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile= profile, executable_path=r'C:\Utility\BrowserDrivers\geckodriver.exe')

How to handle favicon.ico in headless selenium with xvfb

I have the various scenarios of selenium test script which is properly running on selenium web driver with firefox browser. when i running them in headless mode some of scenarios are running but some of them are not running some time but most of time it fails and throw the error like
the screenshot attached - first and second.
Give me the solution as soon as possible
my test case failed and get the error that element is not currently visible so may not be interacted with
element is not currently visible so may not be interacted with
You can try to get favicon internet-path and try to download it(externally, not via the selenium).
If favicon will be not accessible -- there will be no ability to download. If its is accessible -- its will be shown in any of browser (in case of enabled images) =)
Maybe this is not the best way, but this will work.
As you didnt write your language, I can give you code to download image for c#:
string webPath = ""; /*favicon internet path*/
if (webPath != string.Empty)
System.Net.WebRequest request = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(webPath);
System.Net.WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
System.IO.Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
Bitmap bitmapImg = new Bitmap(responseStream);
return bitmapImg;
catch (System.Net.WebException)