Enter Parameter Value when getting the last dat of the month - sql

I want to get the last day of the month by using the following formula I found here at Stackoverflow:
SELECT DATEADD(month, ((YEAR(#test) - 1900) * 12) + MONTH(#test), -1)
I'm sure this formula should work but when I use it I get a pop-up where I'm asked to enter a parameter value for Month.
Does anyone know how I could solve this issue?
Thank you in advance.

This looks like SQL Server. If so, just use EOMONTH():
select EOMONTH(#test)
I realize that you might be using MS Access. If that is the case you can use date functions to get the value:
select DateAdd(d, -1,
DateAdd(m, 1,
DateSerial(Year(#test), Month(#test), 1))


How to use SQL - DATEDIFF function

need quick help here.
I'm coming up with a column to track how many days a event is back-logged.
So I'm using this syntax which is working
DATEDIFF(DAY, GETDATE(), ESI.EventStatusDate) AS BackloggedDays
However, the modification I want to use is, the event status date + 3 days. Any ideas how i would add that to this syntax. Thanks
I think you need DATEADD() :
DATEDIFF(DAY, GETDATE(), DATEADD(DAY, 3, ESI.EventStatusDate)) AS BackloggedDays

DateAdd function in Excel SQL query not working

I am using Excel to make an SQL query (connecting to an ODBC).
I have a problem with the function DateAdd(), which just doesn't work as expected.
What I need to do is to get the data from the last six months.
My code is something like
SELECT blablabla
FROM blablabla and then I have this:
WHERE Note_0.Relate_key = Work_history_0.WO_Key AND Work_history_0.Order_date> DateAdd(Month, -6, Now())
I've searched in the internet and this syntax is supposed to work, but I get this error message
Column "MONTH" cannot be found or is not specified for query. (13865)
As if it didn't have the parameters I think it has, which are "interval, number, date", but something else.
Any idea about this?
This is what you need:
DateAdd("m", -6, Now)
Or even DateAdd("m", -6, Date), if you want to get rid of the hours, coming from Now.
Thus, you have to declare that you want the "Months" to be substracted.
DateAdd MSDN
WHERE Note_0.Relate_key = Work_history_0.WO_Key AND Work_history_0.Order_date > ADD_MONTHS(curdate(), -6)

Using DateDiff() to find the difference between getDate() and a concatonated value

I am trying to find the difference between today's date and a value that is a concatenation of mulitple values but begins with an 8 digit date without any dashes or forward slashes. There's something wrong with my syntax I believe, but I'm not yet skilled enough to see what I'm doing incorrectly. Here is what I have so far:
select DateDiff(dd, (select MIN(CAST(Left(batchid, 8) as Date)) from
[Table]), getdate()) from [Table]
This is returning the following error: "Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string."
I think your have data where the left 8 is not a valid date in yyyymmdd format. Your can run the following query to find them
select batchid, isdate(Left(batchid, 8))
from [Table]
where isdate(Left(date, 8)) = 0
This is the correct syntax to your query. Your original example had an extra parenthesis which I assume was a typo since your error appears to be data related.
datediff(dd, (select min(cast(left(batchid, 8) as date))
from [Table]), getdate())
Could you provide some more details.
Namely, what does batchid look like in 8 digit form? is it YYYYMMDD or DDMMYYYY or MMDDYYYY?
Also could you show us the result of the following?
select MIN(CAST(Left(batchid, 8) as Date)))
from [Table])
Sry for using an answer, i don't have the rep to add a comment directly below.
This was may error. I was working with another table and forgot batchID was not the same for both. The concatenated batchID in the table I posted a question about can't be converted to a date.

SQL get last month name

Following command giving me current month (March) in short form.
SELECT left(datename(month, getdate()), 3)
But i need last month Feb.
I meant whenever i run this command will give me last month name.
What would be the sql command?
Assuming you are using T-SQL:
SELECT left(datename(month, dateadd(month,-1,getdate())), 3)
SELECT left(datename(month, dateadd(dd, -1, getdate())), 3)
try this:
SELECT left(datename(month, dateadd(m,-1,getdate())), 3)
Try this:
SELECT left(datename(month, date_sub( getdate(), interval 1 month ) ), 3)
This will work for MySQL (you didn't specify your SQL server), might need something similar to date_sub for different DBs.
SELECT left(datename(month, DATEADD(MM,-1,getdate())), 3)
select left(datename(month, dateadd(month, -1, getdate()),3)
to print Name of the particular day we have to use DATENAME() function. So, we used this function here for that purpose.
MM represents month here.
-1 is used in Date function to get previous month.
Assuming TSQL, you're going to want to incorporate the DATEADD() function into that query:
wrap getdate in that and you should be golden.
Try this:
select substring(DATENAME(MONTH,getdate()),1,3)
i think it will help you much better
Azarudhin S.

sql compare datetime today

I hope anyone can translate my abstract query.
I want to select * from TABLE where ( [MYDATETIMEROW] < (TODAY - 3 Days)).
Does I have to Convert, cast or use datepart or anything else?.. im confused.
Are there simple rules? I would'nt have problems to do that with linq but simple sql I learned just hardly.
Thank you and best regards.
In simple terms:
Select * from Table where MyDateTimeRow < dateadd(dd,-3,getdate())
But using getdate() will provide both a date and a time, experience says that this is unlikely to be exactly what you want - you might want to strip the time down and just consider the date portion
Select * From Table where MyDateTimeRow < dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()) - 3, 0)
You want the DateAdd function to manipulate dates and the GetDate function to get the current date:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE [MyDateTimeRow] < DateAdd(dd, -3, GetDate())