Why isn't SONOS' Custom SD system working anymore? - sonos

I have a service developed for SONOS which is already deployed. Sometimes I need to test it against my local copy of the API. I connected my SONOS player to my local API using the form at <sonos.ip>:1400/customsd.htm, and it worked fine for a couple years. But I recently deleted that service from my app so that I could recreate it, and now it won't recreate. The form still gives me a "Success!" message, but no combination of settings I've tried, on any SID, has been able to make the new service show up in my app.
I've already deleted and reinstalled the app and done a full factory reset on the SONOS player, and it just won't create a new service (but it always tells me, "Success!").

So I was being dumb. I forgot that, in addition to creating the service at customsd.htm, you actually have to add a new service in the app, scroll through the list and find the new service you just created. Don't I feel foolish.


Error (4800004) authorizing web app

I was debugging my app in my personal Google play services account but the company I am working on has already got their Google play services account so I changed and DELETED (deleting api credentials and unpublished it) the game. I have managed to register a new android app but when I try to register a web app I get the error #4800004 (An unexpected error has occurred. Try again later).
What should I do?
It can take approx 7 days for your old package to be removed. You will not be able to add a new one until that happens.
Your options:
Wait 7 days and try again.
Rename your package.
Alternately: You cannot have two apps with the same package details. Are your two apps conflicting with each other?
From the github post, it was mentioned that you maybe re-registering an app with the same package name. You can check if your project was already registered in the console. Projects that you have deleted will take effect after the 7th day.
For further information, you can also try to check this page. It may also have something to do with SHA1 Signing Certificate Fingerprint from android studio.
You need to make sure that the LaunchURL that you provide includes the protocol (for example: http://) in addition to the domain. If you do not provide the protocol, google appears to automatically add https://, but this led to the error posted in the question for me.

Updating OSX right click context menu with new service item

I have created an application that exposes a OSX service for certain file by adding an NSService entry into my applications info.plist (as in http://www.macosxautomation.com/services/learn/), but I find that upon installing my application on a new machine the service doesn't show up quickly in the finder right click context menu.
I know that this is because pasteboard services hasn't re-indexed the /Applications folder and "discovered" the newly installed service.
I also know that I can force a re-index and discovery by manually running /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs.
The question here is what is the best way to ensure that my service shows up as quickly as possible for users who are installing my application for the first time.
I could execute a system call to "/System/Library/CoreServices/pbs" when my application starts up --If the user immediately starts my application--, but that only partly solves the problem (in addition I wonder if there is a better Cocoa API based way of doing this).
If my application is generally only accessed via the context menu, a user will never think to go out and start the application in the first place. They will only think it is broken when the context menu isn't there.
I am not distributing my application with an installer. I am simply providing a bundle that can be dragged and dropped into /Applications (as I believe Apple usually suggests).
Is there a way to expedite the process of service discovery when doing an installation in this fashion, so that there isn't any period of time where the user is without the newly installed service?
As a side note, it appears that the problem may not exist in 10.8 (or at least be as pronounced). Apple may have made this indexing happen more quickly in their most recent release.
I've actually ended up using
system("killall pbs;/System/Library/CoreServices/pbs -flush");
in one of my apps, just as you describe, though it's a long time ago, when 10.5 was in question as well.
You might want to try this function, however:
void NSUpdateDynamicServices(void)
which according to the documentation acts just like flushing pbs, but is a cleaner solution.
Also, if (according to your description), the app is nothing but a service, consider making it a really just a service - see (Installing the Service)
To build a standalone service, use the extension .service and store it in Library/Services.

clientaccesspolicy.xml suddenly stopped working (WCF/Silverlight)

Very frustrated with all of this, hoping someone can assist.
I had a Silverlight application and WCF working together without issue for a year. In order to get them working, I had some pain initially but finally worked through it with help. All of the pain came from configuration/security, 401's, cross-domain hell, etc.
The way I have everything setup is that I have a WCF service that resides in it's own application/directory and runs in its own application pool.
On the same web server (IIS7), I have another application/directory with the Silverlight application that points to the aforementioned service.
The server name (for this exercise) is WEBSERVER1. We've created a CNAME for it that is WEB1. In the past, if the user went to http://WEB1/MyApp/ or http://WEBSERVER1/MyApp/ it would work. Suddenly yesterday it started behaving badly. Normal users started getting the Windows challenge/response prompt (and even if they entered the info they would get a 401 error).
My WCF service runs in a site that enables anonymous access (and this has always worked).
My Silverlight application runs in a site that has windows integrated (and this has always worked), since I capture the Windows username when they connect.
For the record, I did create a NEW application pool yesterday with an ASP.NET application that runs in it. This seems to work fine, but there is a chance creating this new application pool and application/directory has caused something to change.
I have a clientaccesspolicy.xml in my wwwroot folder, as well as in the folder for each of the two applications above (just in case). I have tried to promote NTLM over Negotiate as a provider (as that worked for another issue I was having on another server).
After trying some changes, I can't even get the thing to behave the same each time I call it. Sometimes it will prompt me for credentials. Other times it will work, but then say it failed to connect with the WCF service with a "not found". Other times it will actually work fine, but only if I am using the actual server name and not the CNAME. When using the CNAME I always get the crossdomain error, even though I have the cross-domain xml files in every directory root.
This is a nightmare, and makes advanced algorithm analysis seem fun and easy by comparison. Did Microsoft realize how difficult they made this combination of (IIS7/WCF/Silverlight/providers/permissions/cryptic or missing error messages) to get to work??
I found a solution that appears to be working.
In this case, I had to change the authentication mode for the default web site (which hosted the clientaccesspolicy.xml file) from anonymous access to Windows Integrated. I don't understand why this worked for a year or so and then stopped, but it seems to have resolved it.
The new application that I had deployed yesterday was a standard ASP.NET web application, which I put in it's own application directory and it's own application pool, to ensure that it would not cause this sort of issue. I'm still not even sure if it did.
The way I resolved it was by trying to navigate from my PC to the actual http://servername/clientaccesspolicy.xml file, and that was giving me a 401 error. I switched from anonymous to windows integrated on that default website (which has nothing in it except for that xml file) and that resolved the permission issue. I then had to permission the actual AD groups to have read access to that folder (if not they got the user/pw prompt and could not get through).

Custom service application - proxy stopped

Ive created a custom service app using samples from Tony Bierman and MS. I can see the application in central admin, I can create a new service app from it, the create page works, the manage page is blank and I don't have a properties page. I havent yet tried using the beast, I just want to get the deployment and admin stuff working first. It deploys ok and I can create an instance.
However, after creating it, I see the Service app has started but the app proxy is stopped.
I dont know if this is a problem or not but I cant find anywhere to start it.
Should I worry?
Turns out that yes, I do need to worry. The problem was I had the proxy package feature receiver scoped to web rather farm. Took me a week to find this :(

RIA: "Use local IIS Web server"

I know I've had this problem when I started working with Silverlight, but I can't for the life of me remember how to fix it.
I created a new RIA service application using the standard tutorial, added a table from the database and added a grid to display the results. Works great. Now I pull open the Web properties and change the web project to "use local IIS Web server". Suddenly the application will load up and give me the friendly "NotFound" error.
Please, someone remind me what I'm missing here.
I ran into this problem recently, and resolved it with help from this post on the silverlight.net forums.
Basically, I had Windows authentication and annonymous access enabled at the same time, and I need to disable windows authentication and restart IIS.
Not sure what the missing part is but I always start with Fiddler as will show the messages going across the wire. The actual messages can contains far more useful that the browser is hiding from the Silverlight plugin