Flutter web displaying 'Error in firebase' in the appbar - firebase-cloud-messaging

Firebase cloud messaging service was working fine with flutter web. When I added firebase analytics, now I get this error. There is no log entry in the console

It was an error from the flutter_local_notifications... I resolved this by commenting
// await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
// .resolvePlatformSpecificImplementation<
// AndroidFlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin>()
// ?.createNotificationChannel(channel);


Firebase Crashlytics : We’ll be listening for your app to communicate with our servers

I have added latest firebase crashlytics dependencies as per google docs https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/get-started?platform=android
and did force crash app, but firebase crashlytics console stuck in "We’ll be listening for your app to communicate with our servers."
Anyone faced such issue please help screenshot -> Firebase console

Auth0 unauthorized_client: Callback URL mismatch error in new React Native app

I've created a new React Native app that will use the same Auth0 database as my web app.
I created the app in Auth0 portal and created all the necessary settings following this article: https://auth0.com/docs/quickstart/native/react-native/00-login
Even though the callback URL is listed in Auth0 portal, after a log in attempt, I'm getting the following error:
error = unauthorized_client: Callback URL mismatch.
is not in the list
Here's the actual callback list from the Auth0 portal:
I'm using the latest versions of both React Native and Auth0 packages. Here's a screen shot of my package.json dependencies section:
Any idea what the issue here is?
Figured it out. The issue was with the custom login screen we had created which had another app's ID hard-coded in it.

React Native expo-facebook: Error ‘Given URL is not allowed by the Application Configuration.’

I’m trying to get Facebook Login working using the expo-facebook package (I'm using the Managed Workflow)
I created my application in the Facebook Developer Console and copied the “App ID”.
This is the code I'm using inside my React Native Expo app:
async facebookLogin() {
await Facebook.initializeAsync('26327628297297')
const response = await Facebook.logInWithReadPermissionsAsync({ permissions: ['public_profile']})
My understanding is that while using the Expo Client App there is no need to do any extra configuration because it will be using Expo’s Facebook App ID for all API calls.
The problem is that after logging in I get this error message:
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App’s settings. To use this URL you must add a valid native platform in your App’s settings.
I also tried added “facebookScheme” to my app.json but that didnt seem to help:
"facebookScheme": "fb26327628297297",
Thanks for your time!
Actually you just have to add platform in your app settings
So here are the steps
Open https://developers.facebook.com and select your app
Settings > Basic > Add Platform
use host.expo.Exponent as bundle id
3.Now select iOS from the window and add your Bundle ID and rest of the information and click on Save changes
and that's it.
Hope it helps you .. All the best

signInWithPopup doesn't work on android(Ionic 2 + Firebase 3)

I want to use signInWithPopup in my Ionic 2+Firebase 3 application! It works great on the desktop browser but, when i generate APK for android, it throws network error in auth.js before popup appears. Then, i enter credentials and after that app's blank screen appears. Thanks in advance
var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
// This gives you Access Token. You can use it to access the Google API.
// ...
}).catch(function(error) {
signInWithPopup() doesn't work on Ionic/Cordova apps yet.
There's a workaround tho, you need to install the Google Sign-in plugin
The way that works is that you use the plugin to log the user in, and then you pass those credentials to Firebase.
I made something for Facebook authentication you'll follow the same process but with the Google plug-in instead.

Firebase Cloud Messaging with serverside API push for obj-c

currently I working to implement Firebase Push Notification in my apps.
I found this:
[background] Using Firebase Console my apps can get the notification from system tray with remote notification
[foreground] Using Firebase Console my apps can get the notification from log, but i can make it into notification center with local notification
[foreground] Using Our Dashboard which managed by PHP serverside, I can get notification from log, but i can make it into notification center with local notification
The problem is, how can i get the notification (log is fine) if my apps in background with Our Dashboard which managed by PHP serverside?
I found that there is different between json I got from Firebase Console and our managed serverside dashboard, is that a problem that my apps cant handle? and how i can handle it? can I get the sample of the code to solve this problem?
This is the different between json i got from firebase console and our managed serverside dashboard
firebase console
our managed serverside dashboard
What you want to do is possible by using the normal FCM api.
Please review the differences between Display-Message and Data-Message here:
and see all the parameters in the reference page: