Laravel + Vue.js - How to pass data from Controller to vue - vue.js

I am wanting to pass the data from my app controller to my vue:
class AppController extends Controller
* #param Request $request
* #return Response
public function index(Request $request)
return response()
->view('', ['highScore' => HighScore::getHighScore()], 200);
Here is my routes managed in vue:
const routes = [
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: Home,
meta: { bodyClass: 'page' },
props: true
Now within my home view I am populating the following within props:
props: ['highScore']
But it is undefined, any help would be appreciated

In the controller you pass the data as usual from controller to a blade view. I use this syntax:
Then, on the Blade View you have to add the VueJs component and pass the same data like this:
Now you can access all those variables on the Vue component.

In the jetsteam/inertia setup it's done like this:
Route::get('/page4', function () {
$allusers = ['aa','bb','cc'];
return Inertia::render('Page4',
['users' => $allusers]);
If it's a new projet? i recomment this, cause it makes it easier.


Is there a way i can get a route parameter in vue

I am new to vuejs, i have my api in laravel having a route such as
Route::get('/get-song-details/{id}','SongsController#getSongDetails');. How do get this id in vue so that i can display only information about the selected song.
in the sample below, when i pass 1, i get information about song 1, and so on. how do i make it dynamic?
export default {
return {
songs : []
.then(response => this.songs =;
asumming you are using vue-router, the route component should be declared so:
routes: [
{ path: '/song/:id', component: Song }
then in your created method of Song component can get the id param:
created() {
axios.get('/api/get-song-details/' + this.$
All route params can be accessed by using this.$route.params.paramName in JS code or by using $route.params.paramName in template. paramName is the parameter name as defined in your router.

dynamic importing components based on route

I'm new to VueJS and I haven't found a possibility to load components based on route. For example:
I have a component Page.vue
Within that component, I watch route changes. If the route is $pageid, then import and load component $pageid.
I've read this documentation: But that's more focussed on lazy-loading. I don't see an example for dynamic importing and loading.
Regards, Peter
According to Dynamic Route Matching of vue router, you can access the url parameters via the params property of the $route object. In your case it would be $route.params.pageid so you can use it to dynamically change the content base on the pageid parameter in the url. Also note that on url change from say in your case page/one to page/two the same component would be used, so you would have to watch the $route object change and change your content dynamically.
watch: {
'$route' (to, from) {
// react to route changes...
Vue allows you to define your component as a factory function that
asynchronously resolves your component definition.
Since import() returns a promise, so you can register your async component by using:
export default {
components: {
'Alfa': () => import('#/components/Alfa'),
'Bravo': () => import('#/components/Bravo'),
'Charlie': () => import('#/components/Charlie')
Vue will only trigger the factory function when the component needs to
be rendered and will cache the result for future re-renders.
So your component will be load only when it need to be render.
And you can use dynamic component to render it by using:
<component :is='page'/>
export default {
computed: {
page () {
return 'Alfa'
If you already using vue-router you can directly use this in routes definition. See more in document here.
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [{
path: '/alfa',
component: () => import('#/components/Alfa')
}, {
path: '/bravo',
component: () => import('#/components/Bravo')
}, {
path: '/charlie',
component: () => import('#/components/Charlie')
As you can see this is dynamic importing but static registration (you have to provide the path to component.) which fit mostly in many situations. But if you want to use dynamic registration, you can return component directly instead of name see document here.
export default {
computed: {
page () {
return () => import('#/components/Alfa')

How to initiate refresh of Vuejs page elements w/ new data?

I have a vuejs app using vue-router with the following routes.
const routes = [
{ path: '/list', component: list, alias: '/' },
{ path: '/resources/:id?', component: resources },
{ path: '/emails', component: emails },
{ path: '/list/:id', component: editHousehold, props: true },
{ path: '/list/turn-off/:id', component: editHousehold, props: true }
The first time the page loads the start event calls /resources w/o an ":id" and the page loads a list of resources (see below).
start: function () {
.then((res) => {
let gdriveInfo =;
this.files = gdriveInfo.files;
When the user clicks on one of the resources in the list I want to have /resources/1 called so a different set of resource data can be loaded and displayed.
I have a file click event attached to each resource where the "id" is appended to the path. This calls the server side module which would retrieve new data which would replace the "files" data in the component which I would expect would cause vuejs to "react" and update the contents of the page.
onFileClick: function (id, mimeType, event) {
const _this = this;
this.$http.get('/resources/' + id)
.then((res) => {
let gdriveInfo =;
this.files = gdriveInfo.files;
However, calling above does not initiate a call to the server module.
this.$http.get('/resources/' + id)
I've also tried
this.$router.push('/resources/' + id)
which did not work.
Being new to vuejs, any help in how to achieve this functionality would be appreciated.
You lack host, because this.$http.get('/resources/' + id) is u component resources, this not json...
It looks like you're not making the REST call correctly. I think you're getting routing and REST calls mixed up. What you show above is for routing not making calls to the server.
You're not calling the server here:
this.$http.get('/resources/' + id)
and doing this is just for the routing:
this.$router.push('/resources/' + id)
Look at using axios for REST calls:

How to match a vue-router route and use it in a component function

Using the vue-router package, it is easy to match dynamic segments:{
'/user/:username': {
component: {
template: '<p>username is {{$route.params.username}}</p>'
However, I couldn't figure out how to use the value a component method, e.g.{
'/user/:username': {
component: {
ready: function() {
// How to access the param here?
How can I access the matched segment in the component method?
Is almost as what you posted
// inside your component
The key is that in the template you don't need to refer to the this scope, but in methods you have to use it
The $route object is injected in every router maped compeonents , as per your case you would use the params method to get the key/value passed .{
'/user/:username': {
component: {
ready: function() {
// How to access the param
// use the scope 'this'
for more info check out

Dynamic build routes {or dynamic component import} Angular 2 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Async load routes data and build route instruction for Angular 2
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Maybe anyone know how to dynamicly build routes (or just dynamic import Components).
For example:
I have JSON that contains objects with RouteName, path, ComponentNames (string).
I want to iterate it and build dynamicly routes definitions (route config). But I don`t know, how to make dynamic Component import.
I can passs string "ComponentName" from JSON to import rule, because import want static definition (finded it on some soure from googling).
let a = "MyComponentName"
import {a} from ......
(One idea that I came up with - its like create some map key-value, and keep into key - route, value - Component, and after that equals routename from JSON and my MAP and push needed component into final route config array. But its so ugly solution) Maybe another way exists?
I stuck. Many thanks for any help.....
You could leverage Async routes to do this. Based on your route configuration, you could load route from modules. In this case, you need to add the module path to get the components to associate with routes.
Here is a sample:
var routes = {
path: '/path',
name: 'some name',
module: './my.component',
component: 'MyComponentName'
routes.forEach((route : any) => {
new AsyncRoute({
path : route.path,
loader : () => System.import(route.module).then(m => m[route.component]),
name :
Another approach could be to add a function to get the name of functions. Based on this you can check if you have a potential component that matches.
Here is a sample:
ngOnInit() {
this.routes = [
path: '/test', component: 'OtherComponent', name: 'Test'
this.router.config( this.routes);
configureRoutes(routes) {
var potentialComponents = [ OtherComponent ];
routes.forEach((route) => {
route.component = potentialComponents.find((component) => {
return === route.component;
See this plunkr:
See this question for more details:
Dynamic Route Loading in Angular 2 Fails. (Beta) provides an RC.6 Plunker
In the new router (>= RC.3)!#resetConfig-anchor resetConfig can be used
{ path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
{ path: 'simple', component: SimpleCmp },
{ path: 'user/:name', component: UserCmp }
] }
What should work is
import from 'myComponents' as myComponents;
someFunc(name:string) {
Routes can be loaded using
constructor(private router:Router) { }
someFunc() {
{ 'path': '/', 'component': IndexComp },
{ 'path': '/user/:id', 'component': UserComp },
I haven't tried this myself.
See also this related question Angular2 App Routing through Services
say. three screens as page1, page2 and page3 and components as app/page1.ts, app/page2.ts and app/page3.ts
let screens : Array<string> = ["Page1","Page2","Page3"];
let aRouter : RouteDefinition;
this.routes = new Array<RouteDefinition>();{
aRouter = new AsyncRoute({
path: "/" + screenId,
name: screenId,
loader: () => System.import("app/" + screenId).then(c => c[screenId]) // not import {page1, page2, page3}}
}.bind(this)); //we need to bind to current "this" instead of global this
trick is .bind(this), which is vanella javscript
for whole sulution, check this
Dynamically load Angular 2 Async router