npm (v7.18.+) install, --workspaces flag needed? - npm-install

If I have a project with workspaces and use npm install on the root folder, do I need the --workspaces flag to install all workspaces, or is it used automatically?
It looks to me like npm install already does this automatically.

Yes you're right, npm install will install workspaces by default.
More info:


npm doesn't uninstall packages

I've been trying to remove some packages that I installed with npm but it doesn't remove them. After running npm uninstall -g package the package is still executable in my terminal and it is still in the path where npm binaries are being installed.
Also, why is npm installing packages in ~/.local/share/npm/bin/ ? It's the first time that I've seem npm installing packages there. I had a problem a few weeks ago when installing some language servers but they weren't executable, turns out I had to add ~/.local/share/npm/bin to my $PATH because that's where npm was installing everything. And now npm doesn't remove any package installed there. I've already look into the npm config (npmrc) but I don't see any option changing the install path. The only environment variable related to npm that I have is to set the user config in ~/.config/npm instead of ~/.npmrc.
I have others machines with the exact same settings and npm it's not installing packages in ~/.local/share/npm/bin/ and I'm able to uninstall packages normally.
Does anyone knows whats wrong with npm ?
npm --version 7.8.0
my config:
Okay I noticed that if I reinstalled the packages that I couldn't remove they went into a different folder /user/bin/ with the node_modules being in /user/lib/node_modules. Before it was in ~/.local/share/npm/lib. Now with the packages were they belong I can't remove them without issues. No idea why those packages were originally installed in a different path.

npm install doesn't apply what is in package-lock.json?

I have Node v10.22.0, npm 6.14.6, on MacOS Catalina.
I start from a git repo that contains a package-lock.json that specifies #truffle dependencies and no node_modules folder, no package.json. After I cloned the repo, I run npm install to install dependencies. The npm doc says
If the package has a package-lock ..., the installation of
dependencies will be driven by that
Surprisingly it actually installs 8 packages that have nothing to do with my project: d, es5-ext, es6-iterator, es6-symbol, ext, next-tick, type AND it overwrites package-lock.json with a new one containing dependencies on these 8 packages.
If I overwrite package-lock.json and launch npm install, it redoes the same trick.
what is happening?
how can I make npm install populate node_modules correctly?
Use npm ci to install dependencies based on your lock file. Check this answer for more details about this command, it has the answer to your questions.

NPM Cannot read property '0' of undefined

After updated Node (upto v8.6.0) and npm (upto v5.5.1) I cannot execute command npm install.
After npm install I've error message:
npm ERR! Cannot read property '0' of undefined
What's trouble or I need downgrade node/npm ?
I had the same problem.
I removed both node_modules and package-lock.json and then did:
npm install
And it worked.
Edit by #OwlyMoly
Due to new updates and the restriction to old dependencies in package-lock.json is causing this conflicts. By doing npm install won't fix this issue. Instead by ditching npm_modules and package-lock.json and doing npm install will load a new node_modules and that supposed to be required by package.json. You have to commit the new package-lock.json along with your latest changes of the project.
Do 2 steps bellow (Window):
rm -rf ./node_modules to remove node folder
rm package-lock.json to remove package-lock.json file
then npm install to re-install the node modules
Just download and install latest Yarn which is also a node package manager, developed by facebook, but has a much better dependency management. Also update your node cli (optional).
And then, install your dependencies using yarn:
yarn install
yarn // short version of yarn install
No errors!
You can continue to use npm after you have installed all dependencies with yarn or continue with's your choice.
I've made some tests:
nodejs#8.6.0 npm#5.5.1 - I have trouble and the test fails
nvm use 8.5.0
nodejs#8.5.0 npm#5.5.1 - I have trouble and the test fails
nvm use 8.4.0
nodejs#8.4.0 npm#5.5.1 - I have trouble and the test fails
npm install npm#^5 -g
nodejs#8.4.0 npm#5.4.2 - I have trouble and the test fails
nvm use 8.6.0
npm install npm#^4 -g
nodejs#8.6.0 npm#4.6.1 - no trouble, this fixes it.
Seems to be an issue with a combination of factors.
Some workarounds here:
npm 5.3.0 is broken for windows 10 after upgrading the nodeJS.
You should downgrade the npm, it is a temporary solution but works fine.
npm install -g npm#5.2.0
For me (npm#6.9.0) solved the issue by deleting node_modules and performing npm install, but without removing package.json.lock file.
Just remove both node_modules and package-lock.json and run: npm install
Just run: npm install -g npm#latest to upgrade it to the latest version
Try with nvm(Node Version Manager).it help you to install any node version for any project without any Error.
I found same problem when using npm version 5.5.1 to install babel-preset-stage-0
I downgraded npm to version 5.2.0 and try to install again then it can solve the issue.
npm i -g npm#5.2.0
npm i -D babel-preset-stage-0
I bumped into this issue using nvs (Node Version Switcher - node#10.15.3 and npm#6.9.0. The reason was a local package I had linked with npm link. The solution was to remove that folder.
In my case reinstalling node_modules have not fixed this issue.
Problem was with one *.ts file which was missing in source codes.
Do not know why It was not displaying compilation error, but adding this missing file to repository solved this issue.
Upgrading npm to version 7.5.4 did the job for me.
npm install -g npm#latest
What worked for me:
npm ci
Install a project with a clean slate
Deletes node_modules and installs everything based on package-lock.json, so no need to regenerate that

npm5 equivalent to yarn's --pure-lockfile flag?

I'm looking for an equivalent for yarn's --pure-lockfile flag.
This flag is useful when installing dependencies in CI, when you want it to read your lockfile but not modify it.
Does npm v5 have an equivalent?
npm 5.7 introduced the npm ci subcommand:
the main differences between using npm install and npm ci are:
The project must have an existing package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json.
If dependencies in the package lock do not match those in package.json, npm ci will exit with an error, instead of updating the package lock.
npm ci can only install entire projects at a time: individual dependencies cannot be added with this command.
If a node_modules is already present, it will be automatically removed before npm ci begins its install.
It will never write to package.json or any of the package-locks: installs are essentially frozen.
this is how I did in my dockerfile
RUN npm install --pure-lockfile
it should work perfect.

How to update package.json dependencies when linking from globally installed packages?

I organize my development projects installing globally all the npm packages I need with:
npm -g install [package]
Then I simlink individually the dependencies I need for each project with:
npm link [package]
This way, I have to update manually each package.json file to add the dependency, and when I upgrade the global node_modules I have to go and update all the package.json projects.
For this first issue I tried npm link [package] --save but it doesn't add the dependency to package.json and if I use npm install [package] --save it installs the package locally, thing I don't want.
Is there any way to be able to not have to configure package.json manually and be able to have an updated configuration of package.json from many different projects in a easier way?
Yes you can install npm-check-updates, you can find the install and guide here:
when running 'ncu' on the command-line in your root-folder where your package.json is, it will list the packages that can be updated and by running 'ncu -u' on the command-line it updates all the packages for you.