How do I copy and paste strings of codes on a text editor on BASH environment - mcedit

Currently working on a BASH SCRIPT, how do i copy and paste a string of code?

Not entirely sure what you're asking for, also not well versed in BASH, but seems like you are looking for a loop. Here is a tutorial on how to go about using Loops in BASH.


How to read a Executable(.EXE) file in OpenVMS

When am trying to open any .EXE file am getting information in encoded form. Any idea how to see the content of an .EXE file ????
I need to know what Database tables are used in the particular .EXE.
Ah, now we are getting closer to the real question.
It is probably much more productive to ask the targeted databases about the SQL queries being execute during the run, or a top-ten shortly afterwards.
The table-names might not be hard-coded recognizably as such in the executable.
They might be obtained by a lookup, and some fun pre-fixing or other transformation might be in place.
Admittedly they like are clear text.
Easiest is probably to just transfer to a Unix server and use STRINGS on the image.
I want to include the source here with but that failed, and I cannot find how to attach a file. Below you'll find a link OpenVMS macro program source for a STRINGS like tool. Not sure how long the link will survive.
Just read for instructions, save (strings.mar), compile ($ MACRO strings), link ($link strings), and activate ($ mcr sys$login:strings image_to_test.exe)
OpenVMS Macro String program text
Good luck!
Use analyze/image to view the contents of an executable image file.
I'm guessing you are trying to look in the EXE because you do not have access to the source. I do something like this:
$ dump/record/byte/hex/out=a.a myexe.exe
Then look at a.a with any text editor (132 columns). The linker groups string literals together, and they are mostly near the beginning of the EXE, so you don't have to look to far into the file. Of course this only helps if the database references are string literals.
The string literal might be broken across a block (512 byte) boundary, so if you use search in your editor, try looking for substrings.
Aksh - you are chasing your tail on this one. Its a false dawn. Even if you could (and you can't) find the database tables, you will need the source of the .exe to do anything sensible with it, or the problem you are trying to solve. Its possible to write a program which just lists all the tables in a database without reading any of 'em. So you could spend and awful lot of effort and get nowhere. Hope this helps

What are some problems with having $ in file names?

I'm trying to convince fellow developers to not include $ in file names but couldn't come up any argument other than some Perl scripts may need to be updated. Any suggestions?
A quick glance at Wikipedia's Filename page reveals that only zOS and Commodore DOS disallow the user of $ appearing in certain file names. I can see why you would have trouble coming up with a reason not to use them.

Can I do VBA programming with Vim?

Part of my job right now is to build some dynamic functionalities into Microsoft Office documents. The only means I've found to do this is through VBA - and thus, the VBA editor which comes built in to Office docs.
The VBA editor is awful. It's missing a million different functionalities that modern development environments need to support. But the worst part is that I'm a hard-core Vim lover, and the VBA editor is barely any better than notepad.
So: Is there any way I can effectively use Vim to do VBA programming? Short of copy-pasting my code into the VBA editor from a different window when I want to try it?
I've never used the VBA editor, but here's something I've done with MS Visual Studio. (MSVS's editor does have some nice features, but I still prefer vim for most editing.)
I open or create the source file in MSVS. I then get the full path to the file (by right-clicking on the tab and selecting "Copy Full Path"), and open the same file in vim in a different window.
I use alt-tab to bounce back and forth between vim and MSVS. When I make a change in vim, I use :w to write the change, then alt-tab back to MSVS. The MSVS editor notices that the file has changed on disk and offers to read the updated version.
Alternatively, if I change the file in MSVS, I write the file (File > Save ...), then alt-tab to vim and use :e! to read the updated file into the vim buffer.
There's no need to copy-paste the code, since both editors are operating on the same disk file. I just have to be very careful not to make changes in both vim and MSVS without writing the file to disk.
It's ugly, and it's not for everyone, but it works for me. Maybe it will work for you.
I use Cygwin, so it's actually a little more complicated; Cygwin programs, including vim, don't recognize Windows-style paths. I can do this:
vi $(cygpath 'WINDOWS_PATH')
where WINDOWS_PATH is pasted from the full path I get from MSVS. The single quotes are necessary to keep the shell from interpreting the \ characters. If you're using a Windows native vim, this step isn't necessary.
That's an interesting opinion. I used VI briefly about fifteen years ago and based on that I contend that the VBA editor is far more suited to its purpose than VI (or VIM?) would be. Is there one particular piece of functionality that it is missing from the VBA editor that precludes you effectively using it for its purpose (editing VBA)? VBA has not been enhanced for many many years, but the fact is it can't be killed off because everyone finds it so easy to use.
If you wish you can write some piece of code in your preferred language that manipulates your word document via COM objects (if it supports that). Then you can call your external piece of code from a simple stub within your Word document. You need to get around some security constraints though in your Word document.
For example I could write some code in VBScript or VBA or Powershell or .Net that manipulates a word doc. I can call that from a small piece of VBA (that might be attached to a button or something in the standard word toolbar)

Looking for fast "Find in Files" program

I currently have a directory with 98,000 individual archive transaction files. I need to search those files for user input strings and have the option to open the files as it finds them or at the end of the search. I'm using Notepad++ currently and, while functional, it's quite slow. I thought about writing my own, but I am only familiar with .NET and I'm a beginner. Also, I'm not sure how efficient that would be compared to NP++.
This tool would be used again and again so the dev time would definitely be worth it if it came to that. Is there some other tool out there that's already developed that would accomplish this?
Agent Ransack
I've been using it for years.
I recommend you using Astrogrep, a grep utility for Windows. You can open files as it finds them, and it shows you the line where the match was found, without having to open the file.
Assuming the archive transaction files are plain text, you can download CYGWIN which is an environment providing UNIX tools for Windows.
Once that's done, you can open a new Cygwin Bash Shell, then do cd 'c:\\foo' to get into the directory with your files, then do grep -F -r "my string" * to find your text. (The -F means it searches for that literal string as opposed to a regular expression and -r means recursive.)
Possibly overkill, but you could index the folder using Lucene, keep the index uptodate (as transaction files are added) and then searches will take trivial amounts of time, you can target the file, line and word number of each match for a given search string

files opened by a process on VMS

I have a DCL script on VMS which calls a perl script. Is there a VMS/DCL command I can use that will tell me every file handle opened by the perl script?
Set default to the disk the app runs from (or you might have to try each disk in succession if it's a really large or distributed app). Then the command is
show device/files/nosystem
If you're on a more recent version of VMS and the lists are too long, you can pipe it with a search by doing this:
pipe show device/files/nosystem | search sys$input (name of perl script)
You need to find the documentation for undocumented VMS features :-)
Seriously I think that set watch might do what you want. If you issue
$ set watch file/class=(all,nodump)
$ perl
You will get loads of output that will hopefully include what you want. I havent done it for years, you probably tune the options to fine tune it. See
Jason, I need more clarification for a). Are you saying that you want to run your perl script in a batch file and have the batch file monitor the files being accessed by the perl script? Or something else?
Hmm, not sure about that. Maybe add a linux tag to your post so that some linux people can see this and chime in. I'm not sure why your perl program wouldn't know what files it opened. It's your program, wouldn't it access the files you told it to access? Or if you're computing the filenames somehow (which I've done in cobol, but still know at least which directory to find them in, and what naming scheme they use), you'd still have clues like what I mention. Also, since it's your program, and if you're computing the filenames, coudn't you also make your Perl program output it's own little report of what the files were? Like, just after it computes the filename, have it copy the name string to a separate report file.