SQL REGEXP_CONTAINS with dot - Google BigQuery - sql

Working on Google BigQuery, kinda newbie.
I'm trying to capture if in a field there a string like "LS" or "L.S".
So far i've written this piece of code:
IF (REGEXP_CONTAINS(subfamilia_ds, "LS") = true OR REGEXP_CONTAINS(subfamilia_ds, "L.S") = true,true,false) = true THEN "LS"
However, for some reason that goes beyond my SQL knowledge, it's returning values such as "OUTROS MOLUSCOS BALCAO" that as neither "LS" nor "L.S".
I'm really struggling with this, and maybe it's a "dumb" issue.
Thank you in advance for the help!

The regex pattern you want to match LS or L.S is either L\.?S or L[.]?S. The middle dot is optional, and also it is a regex metacharacter which has a special meaning of any single character, and hence it must be escaped to mean a literal dot. Try this updated version:
IF (REGEXP_CONTAINS(subfamilia_ds, "L\\.?S") = true) THEN "LS"


Multi-line text in a .env file

In vue, is there a way to have a value span multiple lines in an .env file. Ex:
Instead of:
someValue=[{"someValue":"Here is a really really long piece which should be split into multiple lines"}]
I want to do something like:
someValue=`[{"someValue":"Here is a really
really long piece which
should be split into multiple lines"}]`
Doing the latter gives me a JSON parsing error if I try to do JSON.parse(someValue) in my code
I don't know if this will work, but I can't format a comment appropriately enough to get the point across so see if this will work:
someValue=[{"someValue":"Here is a really\
really long piece which\
should be split into multiple lines"}]
Where "\" should escape the newline similar to how you can write long bash commands while escaping the newline. I'm not certain the .env interpreter will support it though.
Looks like this won't work. This syntax was actually proposed, but I don't think it was incorporated. See motdotla/dotenv#333 (which is what Vue uses to parse .env).
Like #zero298 said, this isn't possible. Likely you could delimit the entry with a character that wouldn't show up normally in the text (^ is a good candidate), then parse it within the application using string.replace('^', '\n');

Objective C parse string for middle chars

This is a bit of a puzzler for me. I have a string that looks like:
softver: <softver>2.14.2</softver>
interlock1: <interlock1>0</interlock1>
interlock2: <interlock2>0</interlock2>
cfm: <cfm>2200</cfm>
power: <power>120</power>
inside: <house_temp>-99</house_temp>
attic: <attic_temp>76</attic_temp>
OA: <oa_temp>-99</oa_temp>
server response: <server_response>Ó£àêEE²ç©þ]kõ «jsÐ</server_response>
DIP Switches: <DIPS>11100</DIPS>
Remote Switch: <switch2>1111</switch2>
The string includes the "/n" so I have split it into corrisponding lines that look like
All I really want is the char(s) in the middle of the line. In the above example it would be 0.
I can match everything with regular expressions but by doing the following:
But what I'd like is something more that would exclude or strip away or remove all the junk and grab the middle chars.
I've tried this and it does not work. I've also thought of doing another [NSstring componentsSeparatedByString:#"(with either < or or >"] but that would leave be with more parsing yet to do and I think there should be a way to get just the chars inbetween the tags with either regular expressions or string compare or some such way to parse out the
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Two things.
Your regular expression does not escape the forward slash.
Your regular expression seems overly complicated for what you are trying to do.
If all you want is that lone middle character with regular expressions,
Try this:
Here's a great tool to play around with:
Heck you could probably even get away with:
I figured out your problem partially, some of the tags part way down contain characters other than a through z. So here you go:

How do I escape the # character in Cognos?

I have created a pass-through Query Item in Cognos 8 Framework Manager that requires the # character as part of the query. Unfortunately this gets interpreted by Cognos as the opening of a macro.
How do I escape the # (number sign/sharp) character in a Query Item?
There does't seem to be any "official" way in the documentation, but this seems to work.
#'#'# works too, unless it appears in a literal SQL string in your query, so it's safer to use #"#"#.
A single backslash \ should delimit it, I know it delimits square brackets [].

DataTable.Select with ' (single quote) Character in the query vb.net

I have a string like "Hello'World" and a DataTable with some records in it. One of those records is "Hello'World".
The problem is, when I do a .Select in the DataTable, it only tries to search for the "Hello" part and throws an error on "World" because it interprets the ' (single quote) like the closing quote on sql.
DataTable.Select("text = 'Hello'World'")
I have gone through msdn doc, and it says I can escape some characters with [] brackets or f.slashes \, but I just can't figure out: .select("text = 'Hello[']world'")
I've done some reading: Verbatim in vb - c# and "jmcilhinney" explains it really well. BUT, it did not answer my question for what I want to do. In stackoverflow.com, a same question is posted but in c#, but I can't find a way to use # in vb.
Can you please redirect me to more doc, examples or any one of you have ever encountered this problem?
Use '' (this is 2 ' characters).
DataTable.select("text = 'Hello''World'")

vb.net VB 2010 Underscore and small rectangles in string outputs?

I've made some good progress with my first attempt at a program, but have hit another road block. I'm taking standard output (as a string) froma console CMD window (results of dsquery piped to dsget) and have found small rectangles in the output. I tried using Regex to clean the little bastards but it seems they are related to the _ (underscore), which I need to keep (to return 2000/NT logins). Odd thing is - when I copy the caharcter and paste it into VS2K10 Express it acts like a carrige return??
Any ideas on finding out what these little SOB's are -- and how to remove them?
Going to try using /U or /A CMD switch next..
The square is often just used whenever a character is not displayable. The character could very well be a CR. You can use a Regular Expression to just get normal characters or remove the CR LF characters using string.replace.
You mentioned that you are using the string.replace function, and I am wondering if you are replacing the wrong character or something like that. If all your trying to do is remove a carriage return I would skip the regular expressions and stick with the string.replace.
Something like this should work...
strInputString = strInputString.replace(chr(13), "")
If not could you post a line or two of code.
On a side note, this might give some other examples....
Character replacement in strings in VB.NET