How do I use Vue.use with dynamic imports? - vue.js

Currently I have
import { SchedulePlugin } from "#syncfusion/ej2-vue-schedule";
I would like to change this to a dynamic import.
I've changed the import to:
const { SchedulePlugin } = () => import("#syncfusion/ej2-vue-schedule");
but have been unable to find the syntax for the corresponding changes I need to make to Vue.use.
What is the correct syntax to use?

The dynamic import syntax you have is for specifying async components, where Vue internally resolves them. For Vue plugins, you have to resolve the module yourself before passing it on to Vue.use(). The import() method returns a Promise, so you can await the result of the module loading in the context of an async function:
const loadPlugins = async () => {
const { SchedulePlugin } = await import("#syncfusion/ej2-vue-schedule")
Note the plugins should be loaded before the app to ensure the plugin's effects are available to the app:
loadPlugins().then(() => {
new Vue({
render: (h) => h(App)


Vue3/Inertia Failed to resolve component

I have a application which is built with the VILT-stack (Vue, Inertia, Laravel, Tailwind). I have some components like cards which could be used everywhere in the application. Because I don't want to manually import these components every time I built a function that registers the components in certain directories:
* Register components from the ./components and ./components/core
* directories. This way these components don't have to be imported
* manually every time.
* #param {Vue instance} app
function registerGlobalComponents (app) {
const requireComponent = require.context(
'./components' || './components/core',
for (const file of requireComponent.keys()) {
const componentConfig = requireComponent(file);
const name = file
.replace(/index.js/, '')
.replace(/^\.\//, '')
.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
const componentName = upperFirst(camelCase(name));
componentConfig.default || componentConfig);
The creation of the inertia app happens in the same file:
* Create an Inertia app instance.
resolve: (name) => import(`./Pages/${name}`),
setup ({ el, app, props, plugin }) {
const vueApp = createApp({ render: () => h(app, props) });
* Mixin for showing notifications.
data: function () {
return {};
computed: {
pageNotifications () {
return this.$page.props.notification;
Because my card component is in the /components/core directory I have to call the component in the template tag like this: <core-card> content </core-card>. Now my card is perfectly showing on the page as you can see in the image.
But somehow I get the following error:
[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: core-card
I get this warning for all my other components that are registered through this registerGlobalComponents() function. Why do I get this warning when my components are showing correctly and working fine?
The problem why I got this error was because I was mounting the app before I registered the components. This resulted in the components being shown in my application but still getting the warning that the component couldn't be found. By importing the components before the mount this problem was solved.
I previously imported the components this way:
resolve: (name) => import(`./Pages/${name}`),
setup ({ el, app, props, plugin }) {
const vueApp = createApp({ render: () => h(app, props) });
* Mixin for showing notifications.
data: function () {
return {};
computed: {
pageNotifications () {
return this.$page.props.notification;
And changed the order of calling plugin, registerGlobalComponents and the mount of the app like this:
I was able to fix this problem thanks to Robert from the official Inertia Discord. If he wants to claim the bounty I will definitely award him the points.

Access Nuxt Router in plugin

I've created a Nuxt plugin that is loaded in the config file with some global functions. In one function, I'd like to access the router, and push to a new route. I am getting an error that router is undefined. Can someone help me understand how I access the router here, if its not attached to the context.
export default (context, inject) => {
const someFunction = () => {
context.router.push({ name: 'route-name' } })
Try to destruct the context then use app to access the router :
export default ({app}, inject) => {
const someFunction = () => {
app.router.push({ name: 'route-name' } })
I figured this out. When using context, you can access the router, like this:

How to unit test Vue.js components that use nuxt-i18n

If I try to run the thing below (with yarn run jest), I get TypeError: _vm.$t is not a function, because SearchField is using a translation ("$t('search')").
import { mount } from "#vue/test-utils";
import SearchField from "#/components/ui/SearchField";
describe("SearchField", () => {
const wrapper = mount(SearchField);
it("renders correctly", () => {
If I add the following three lines at the beginning, I get TypeError: Cannot read property '_t' of undefined instead.
import Vue from "vue";
import VueI18n from "vue-i18n";
nuxt-i18n is an external library, not your own code, so the test good practices ask us to just mock the translation library and its needed functions ($t in this case).
The following code should solve your problem:
describe("SearchField", () => {
const wrapper = mount(SearchField);
it("renders correctly", () => {
mocks: {
$t: (msg) => msg
More information on this approach can be found here.

Vue test-utils how to test a router.push()

In my component , I have a method which will execute a router.push()
import router from "#/router";
// ...
export default {
// ...
methods: {
closeAlert: function() {
if (this.msgTypeContactForm == "success") {
} else {
// ....
I want to test it...
I wrote the following specs..
it("should ... go to home page", async () => {
// given
const $route = {
name: "home"
options = {
mocks: {
wrapper = mount(ContactForm, options);
const closeBtn = wrapper.find(".v-alert__dismissible");
await wrapper.vm.$nextTick();
expect(alert.attributes().style).toBe("display: none;")
// router path '/home' to be called ?
1 - I get an error
console.error node_modules/#vue/test-utils/dist/vue-test-utils.js:15
[vue-test-utils]: could not overwrite property $route, this is usually caused by a plugin that has added the property asa read-only value
2 - How I should write the expect() to be sure that this /home route has been called
thanks for feedback
You are doing something that happens to work, but I believe is wrong, and also is causing you problems to test the router. You're importing the router in your component:
import router from "#/router";
Then calling its push right away:
I don't know how exactly you're installing the router, but usually you do something like:
new Vue({
To install Vue plugins. I bet you're already doing this (in fact, is this mechanism that expose $route to your component). In the example, a vuex store and a reference to vue-i18n are also being installed.
This will expose a $router member in all your components. Instead of importing the router and calling its push directly, you could call it from this as $router:
Now, thise makes testing easier, because you can pass a fake router to your component, when testing, via the mocks property, just as you're doing with $route already:
const push = jest.fn();
const $router = {
push: jest.fn(),
mocks: {
And then, in your test, you assert against push having been called:
Assuming that you have setup the pre-requisities correctly and similar to this
Just use
it("should ... go to home page", async () => {
const $route = {
name: "home"
// router path '/home' to be called ?

Nuxt: Vuex commit or dispatch message outside vuejs component

I have an application in nuxt that I want to connect to a websocket, I have seen examples where the callback to receive messages is placed inside a component, but I do not think ideal, I would like to place the callback inside my store, currently my code is something like this
//I'm using phoenix websocket
var ROOT_SOCKET = `wss://${URL}/socket`;
var socket = new Socket(ROOT_SOCKET);
var chan =`connect:${guid}`);
console.log("esperando mensj");
chan.on("translate", payload => {
<store>.commit("loadTranslation",payload) //<- how can I access to my store?
chan.onError(err => console.log(`ERROR connecting!!! ${err}`));
const createStore = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
state: {},
how can I access to my store inside my own store file and make a commit??? is it possible?...
I know there is a vuex plugin but I can't really understand well the documentation and I'll prefer build this without that plugin
thank you guys...hope you can help me...
You can do it in nuxt plugin
export default {
plugins: ['~/plugins/chat.js']
// chat.js
export default ({ store }) => {
your code that use store here