customizing dc-tableview via the underlying DataTables object - datatables

dc-tableview is an interactive chart for dc.js library that presents filtered data (by crossfilter.js) in tableview form. The method "getDatatable()" returns underlying DataTable object for advanced manipulation (
Question: how exactly can I use this method (after initialization), in order to be able to (for example):
Change the strings (like the "search" label)
Format numbers in the columns
Perform conditional formatting (like red negative numbers)
(work around this issue* in tableview by having access to the DataTable object)
Given that:
const tableView = new dc.tableview("#tableview-container");


Why did I have to manually set the .value from the .text on losing focus in an unbound textbox

I have an unbound textbox to accept the delete older than: number of days. It is in the report header. I set it to 30 days but I want the user to be able to change it. I was banging my head trying to figure out why entering 40 was not being accepted and it reverted back to 30 every time. I finally decided on using the lost_focus event to set .value to .text. That worked.
Further research showed that when the textbox get's focus text and value are both the same, 30 in my case. Changing the number in the text box to 40 shows the values of text at 40 and value at 30. Unless I specifically set Value to the value of text Access changes text to the value of value. This is different behavior than other places in Access such as forms.
Can anyone tell me why this might be? I can't find any setting that might do this. Is it because it's in a report header? what is the difference between this and every other text box I've ever used?
From a "best practices" viewpoint, Access Reports are not intended to be used interactively despite the ability to manipulate some unbound controls. Although workarounds can be implemented that function sufficiently well, such solutions are often incomplete and buggy and function differently depending on the active view: Report View vs. Print Preview. Appropriate design patterns include using Access Forms for specifying report options which then open the Report in a static configuration.
This may not satisfy the question "Why?" if seeking a deeper answer as to why Microsoft implemented inconsistent binding behavior in Access, or why they allowed interactive controls in reports at all if they don't behave the same way as in forms. But Access has plenty of other quirky behaviors that have no known/published explanation.
Regarding the priority of the Value property updating the Text property (and not vice versa): Value is the key field because it contains the actual data for the control (bound or unbound). Although it is natural to have a single control for both display and input (uh, that's how almost all controls work), the processes of displaying data and parsing user input are two distinct functions. The visual representation returned by the Text property can be manipulated using the various formatting properties, and technically could display an incomplete representation of the underlying Value data. If there are any conflicts between the stored Value property and the Text property, it is natural that the existing Value property has precedent.
My guess is that the automatic binding behavior was "relaxed" for reports to allow more flexible custom reporting output. First consider an Access Form in Datasheet view: An unbound Form control shows the same value for all records. Even if the control is edited while on a particular row, the updated value is displayed for all rows. The same control object is essentially repainted for each row and there is no concept of individual instances of the control that can hold different values. Bound controls have built-in code that repaint the control with data from the particular row, but there are still not multiple instances each "holding" the individual values. The visual output differs from an intuitive object-oriented paradigm where our minds what to assign each visual row its own in-memory instance of the controls--it just doesn't work like that in Access.
Unlike the Form behavior just described, the Report's Print Preview (and actual printed output) allows unbound controls to display different data per row using the Detail_Format() event. Within the Detail_Format() event, one can set the Value property of a control at which time the Text property is automatically updated according to various formatting properties. This update Text is then output for the current row. Perhaps (just guessing) that this behavior would not function properly if the Text property updated the value property. I suspect it would cause recursive events during report generation. Because reports are not meant to be interactive, relevant text-input parsing code was "disconnected" so that it doesn't behave like on a form.
All that explanation doesn't make Access any less frustrating nor remove its limitations, but at least learn to adapt and design things in the "Access-esque" way rather than fighting it.
your best bet is to design a form with the unbound combo boxes and have your data displayed in a subreport. I like to design my reports so that when values are updated the query for the recordsource of the report is generated doing this requires 2 queries to exist, one with all data possible and a filtered one as subreport recordsource. This will control the data for printing and also allow users to close or navigate away from the report and return to the data later.
Private Sub ComboBox1_AfterUpdate()
Dim Query1 as Object
Dim Temp_Name as Variant
Temp_Name = SubReport.SourceObject
SubReport.SourceObject = Empty
Set Query1 = Me.Form.Application.DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0).QueryDefs ("SubReport_Query")
Query1.SQL = "Select * Unfiltered_Query WHERE Field1 <= " ComboBox1 & ";"
SubReport.SourceObject = Temp_Name
End Sub

VB stretch DataGridViewImageColumn images programmatically

What I am doing
I am developing a VisualBasic application where the GUI is separated from the data manipulation (frontend and backend). This particular piece of code keeps track of the Serial Numbers already measured and displays them in the Form as a DGV with the serial number and an image or not.
My code
In a class that the GUI Form instantiates, my data is stored in a DataTable with a BindingSource, with the second column displaying an Image when I tell it to in the program (Nothing in the beginning):
Public SerialNumbersBindingSource As New BindingSource
Public SerialNumbersDataTable As New DataTable
SerialNumbersBindingSource.DataSource = SerialNumbersDataTable
SerialNumbersDataTable.Columns.Add("Serial", Type.GetType("System.String"))
SerialNumbersDataTable.Columns.Add("Pass", MyImage.GetType)
In my GUI Form code, a DataGridView has its DataSource set to the former DataTable:
DataGridViewSerialNumber.DataSource = MyObject.SerialNumbersDataTable
By just updating the DataTable in my class, the DataGridView updates automatically to reflect the current state of it. I do it like:
SerialNumbersDataTable.Add(CurrentSerial, MyImage)
The results I get
The code works, so I can modify and access the DataTable and the DataGridView autoupdates. But the images are not stretching, so I can only see a small part of them.
What I need
I need the second column named "Pass" in DataGridView to stretch the images.
What have I tried
If I access the column, it is treated like a DGVColumn and not a DGVImageColumn, so the Layout operation fails.
Microsoft's Docs page tells me to do this, which treats the columns like DGVImageColumn as I need "Pass" to. It fails because the first column is a Text one, not image.
For Each column As DataGridViewImageColumn In DataGridViewSerialNumber.Columns("Pass")
column.ImageLayout = DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Stretch
Also I have tried creating a local DGVImageColumn, modify it and write it onto the original column, but it is read-only.
Dim imageColumn As DataGridViewImageColumn
imageColumn = DataGridViewSerialNumber.Columns("Pass")
imageColumn.ImageLayout = DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Stretch
DataGridViewSerialNumber.Columns("Pass") = imageColumn
I have also tried to do it from the designer. If I click the DGV, arrow to the right and 'Edit Column', I can create the two columns and setup Pass as ImageColumn with Stretched Layout. But when I set up DGVSerialNumbers.Datasource to my DataTable, it adds the DataTable's columns to the DGV's.
Failed DGV with columns added in designer
It's time for you to learn how to cast. If you want to access one column then don't use a loop. Simply access the column you want and then cast it as the type you want to use it as. You also need to actually assign the appropriate value to the appropriate property.
DirectCast(DataGridViewSerialNumber.Columns("Pass"), DataGridViewImageColumn).ImageLayout = DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Stretch
If you want to break that up for clarity:
Dim imageColumn = DirectCast(DataGridViewSerialNumber.Columns("Pass"), DataGridViewImageColumn)
imageColumn.ImageLayout = DataGridViewImageCellLayout.Stretch
Also, be aware that Stretch will not retain the original aspect ratio, so you might want to use Zoom instead.

Hidden model-bound values in view not getting passed to controller when populated manually

I'm using the KendoUI AutoComplete for a number of look-ups on a custom editor template that pop-ups off a grid for new rows and edits. The Kendo AutoComplete does have a DataTextField property and does not DataValueField property like a DropDownList would. So, I found I am able to get the Value of the selected item in the AutoComplete with a little Javascript and iterrogating the "dataItem" object in the select handler. And I put that value into a "SelectedID" field declared with #Html.HiddenFor(model => model.SelectedID) on the select event.
Now, when I do a save from the view and have a break point on my controller action that captures the incoming model, all those ID values where i set the value manually are empty/null/blank. I've checked the DO and have done "console.log" to read out the values of the hidden fields before the post and the values are populated. I've changed the datatypes (strings, guids, etc) and I've changed the Html Helper type as well from a HiddenFor to a EditorFor just to make sure the values are indeed there.
So i think this is a problem when the values of an element that are part of the model are populated in a "manual" fashion. The text of the AutoCompletes comes through if I bind that to a field on the model as well. Any date fields, checkboxes and free-form text fields come through as well. It seems it is just values of model bound fields where I set the values manually that don't make it over the "wire". Any thoughts? Solutions? I know the Selected Value is accessible ... it's just a matter of properly getting it into the "HiddenFor" fields.

How to show button cell (check box) title in table view, using bindings

I am trying a simple application where I have a mutable array of mutable dictionaries, such as -
NSMutableDictionary *sample6 = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:#"title6",#"title",[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO],#"state", nil];
In IB I created a table view with NSButtonCell (check box).
I was able to show checkboxes state (checked or unchecked), using following table column bindings:
Value - ArrayController.arrangedObjects.state
In this case it shows an array of checkboxes with title - "Check" as shown in below screen-shot:
Now my aim is to show checkboxes title using bindings, such that it
gets value from same mutable dictionary from which it is getting its
I tried following binding for button cell but it did not work:
title -> ArrayController.selection.title
I also tried this binding for button cell :
title -> ArrayController.arrangedObjects.title
but it didn't work, it appeared like this after using above binding:
Can any one suggest me which controller key to use and if this is not the correct way to show titles then what is the correct way to do so?
Unfortunately you'll need to write a little code if you want to do it this way. When binding table column values to an array, the table column is handling taking the prototype data cell, setting its values, and "stamping" it in place for each row. The button cell's bindings aren't exposed "through" the table column, so a simple binding won't do it for you.
To Answer Your Question
So. Since only the value binding is exposed, the title must be set manually if you really want the checkbox's title to reflect the value (ie, you really want the checkbox to handle both the check state and displaying the title). To do this, you have to mix bindings with < NSTableDelegateProtocol > . Use the -tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row: method to set the cell's -title property to that of the proper object in your array controller's -arrangedObjects array each time you're asked. Mixing bindings and data source / delegate methods is actually quite common for more than the most basic applications, so don't worry that you're doing something dirty. Note: you won't be able to support editing the title by doing this since it's a checkbox.
An Alternative Design
Personally, I'd avoid all that and just add a separate table column for the title. Bind the new column's value to the array controller's arrangedObjects.title and turn off the checkbox button cell's title so only the checkbox itself is displayed. That simplifies the whole thing greatly and allows editing the title.

Displaying list of objects as single column in a bound gridview (Winforms)?

I have a gridview that is bound to a datasource on a Windows Form (VB.NET). The grid displays a list of "certifications", and each "certification" can be associated with many languages. So in the grid, I'd like to display "languages" as a column, and display a comma delimited list of the language names for each "certification".
In the "certification" class, one of the properties is a list of "language" objects, and each "language" has an ID (guid), name (string), and value (integer).
So in the datasource, I have the list of "languages", but I can't figure out how to display them in a column on the grid. The gridview won't let me add the language list property as a column.
So is the ONLY way to add a new property on the "certification" class, which returns a string that contains the comma delimited list, and show THAT on the grid? Or is there a way to display that list of "languages"?
This is not the only way, but IMHO, this is the most appropriate way. If there is some intelligent composition of data within the class (combining elements of the list into a string) that should be handled internally by the class and properties are the appropriate model. This would be similar to overriding ToString() for your object. Add to that how nicely databinding works with properties and you have a straight-forward maintainable solution.