Supporting TTL in ActiveMQ with Retain (STOMP client) - activemq

We're using ActiveMQ from Python, STOMP as protocol, and trying support receiving topic updates after a consumer connects.
We've managed to trigger the RetainedMessageSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy (probably intended for MQTT) by setting the STOMP header ActiveMQ.Retain=true, and this works with retroactive consumers.
What we haven't got working is setting a per-message expiry when requesting retain. According to the docs we should be able to use the expires header, but it appears this might either not be for topics, or might not work when retain is enabled.
We're wondering if there's a way to get retain behaviour but with a per-message expiry. So far we've experimented with TimedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy and inactiveTimoutBeforeGC, which sort of works, but has to be configured at the topic level, rather than the message level. This also doesn't retain only the latest message to a topic, which is another behaviour we'd like.
Is there a way to do this with:
Retroactive topic subscription
Supporting message TTL (and GCing the topic too when it's idle, if possible)
Last image caching
all at once? The closest approximation would appear to be just using retain with clients checking the expires header (which is delivered with the message) and disregarding out of date messages, combined with a GC on the topics.
Any help appreciated!


rabbitmq: can consumer persist message change before nack?

Before a consumer nacks a message, is there any way the consumer can modify the message's state so that when the consumer consumes it upon redelivery, it sees that changed state. I'd rather not reject + reenqueue new message, but please let me know if that's the only way to accomplish this.
My goal is to determine how many times specific messages are being redelivered. I see two ways of doing this:
(1) On the message itself as described above. The message would be a container of basic stats and the application payload message.
(2) In some external storage. We would uniquely identify the message by the message id that we set.
I know 2 is possible, but my question is if 1 is possible.
There is no way to do (1) like you want. You would need to change the message, thus the message would become another message. If you want to do something like that (and it's possible that you meant this with I'd rather not reject + reenqueue new message) - you should ACK the message, increment one field in it and publish it again (again, maybe this is what you meant when you said reenqueue it). So your message payload would have some ID, counter, and again (obviously different) payload that is the content.
Definitvly much better way is (2) for multiple reasons:
it does not interfere with business logic, that is this diagnostic part is isolated
you are leaving re-queueing to rabbitmq (as you are supposed to do), meaning that you are not worrying about losing messages and handling some message meta info which has no use for you business logic
it's actually supposed to be used - the ACKing and NACKing, that's why it's in the AMQP specification
since you do need the number of how many times specific messages have been redelivered, you have it somewhere externally, meaning that it's independent of (rabbitmq's) message persistence, lifetime, potentially queue durability mirroring etc
Even if this question was marked as solved some time ago, I want to mention that there is a way at least for the redelivery. It might be integrated after the original answer. There is a different type of queues in RabbitMQ called Quorum queues.
Quorum queues offer the option to set redelivery limit:
Quorum queues support poison message handling via a redelivery limit. This feature is currently unique to Quorum queues.
In order to archive this, RabbitMQ is counting the numbers of deliveries in the header. The header attribute is called: x-delivery-count

Dead lettering messages on an expired queue bound with a consistent hash exchange

I have a situation where I am processing events that are related to specific sources. Each source has a key or ID, which I can use as the hash. Events from each source have to be processed in order, but events from different sources can be parallelized, to achieve horizontal scalability. There will be hundreds of source keys.
I am planning to set the key as part of the routing key when submitting messages to RabbitMQ, and then use the consistent-hash-exchange so that events from the same source are routed to the same queue. I was then thinking of dynamically binding private queues from consumers, with a TTL (so that they are gracefully removed if a consumer is down). At the beginning I will just have 2 or 3 consumers for redundancy, but if I want to scale up due to an increased number of messages, I can just start another consumer.
My question is what happens if a consumer is down and there are messages in its queue? Ideally I would want the messages in the queue to be rerouted back to the exchange, with the consistent-hash-exchange routing them to a different queue (since the original queue would be no longer there).
The RabbitMQ documentation about dead lettering doesn't explicitly mention the scenario of TTL on consumer queues, or what happens when the queue gets deleted.
Does my approach make sense? How can I achieve the consumer fault-tolerance I am looking for while retaining the ordering by a specific routing key?
Note: I know there is even a more subtle race condition if during the process of routing dead lettered messages to the exchange new messages come that were originally routed to the expired queue, which will now be routed to a different consumer, thus ordering will be broken at that specific instance.
There are more then one questions to be answered here, I'll try to go in the same order.
My question is what happens if a consumer is down and there are messages in its queue?
Outside of the context (rest of the question) - messages stay in the queue until they are ACKed or their TTL expires.
The RabbitMQ documentation about dead lettering doesn't explicitly mention the scenario of TTL on consumer queues, or what happens when the queue gets deleted.
It does say ...The TTL for the message expires..., so basically if the message is not ACKed within given TTL, it get's to DLX. For the queue TTL, check this link - it's basically an "expiry time" for the queue. Additionally, if the queue get's deleted, the messages are gone (when not taking into account any mirroring of course).
Now for the "does it makes sense" part. For the messages from the different sources, I think it's clear - process as much as you can in parallel and that's it. There are no collisions (well usually no) there.
How can I achieve the consumer fault-tolerance I am looking for while retaining the ordering by a specific routing key?
For sequential processing, basically you need exactly one consumer that does one source. Now for monitoring this consumer maybe add a watchdog to start it again if it crashes, or restart it if hangs etc. Maybe it would also make sense to use get instead of consume (amqp) method. I can't really recommend or not recommend this approach, because (for me at least) it's quite use case specific (performance, how often is there a new message etc), but I would say that in that way it's easier to achieve a "more synchronous" behavior.
And for sure (now referring to what you wrote in the note) you should try and avoid DLX-ing messages (higher TTL etc) if you really want to keep the original order of the sequence (said it redundantly on purpose :) )

Immediate flag in RabbitMQ

I have a clients that uses API. The API sends messeges to rabbitmq. Rabbitmq to workers.
I ought to reply to clients if somethings went wrong - message wasn't routed to a certain queue and wasn't obtained for performing at this time ( full confirmation )
A task who is started after 5-10 seconds does not make sense.
Appropriately, I must use mandatory and immediate flags.
I can't increase counts of workers, I can't run workers on another servers. It's a demand.
So, as I could find the immediate flag hadn't been supporting since rabbitmq v.3.0x
The developers of rabbitmq suggests to use TTL=0 for a queue instead but then I will not be able to check status of message.
Whether any opportunity to change that behavior? Please, share your experience how you solved problems like this.
Thank you.
I'm not sure, but after reading your original question in Russian, it might be that using both publisher and consumer confirms may be what you want. See last three paragraphs in this answer.
As you want to get message result for published message from your worker, it looks like RPC pattern is what you want. See RabbitMQ RPC tuttorial. Pick a programming language section there you most comfortable with, overall concept is the same. You may also find Direct reply-to useful.
It's not the same as immediate flag functionality, but in case all your publishers operate with immediate scenario, it might be that AMQP protocol is not the best choice for such kind of task. Immediate mean "deliver this message right now or burn in hell" and it might be a situation when you publish more than you can process. In such cases RPC + response timeout may be a good choice on application side (e.g. socket timeout). But it doesn't work well for non-idempotent RPC calls while message still be processed, so you may want to use per-queue or per-message TTL (or set queue length limit). In case message will be dead-lettered, you may get it there (in case you need that for some reason).
As to "something" can go wrong, it can go so on different levels which we for simplicity define as:
before RabbitMQ, like sending application failure and network problems;
inside RabbitMQ, say, missed destination queue, message timeout, queue length limit, some hard and unexpected internal error;
after RabbitMQ, in most cases - messages processing application error or some third-party services like data persistence or caching layer outage.
Some errors like network outage or hardware error are a bit epic and are not a subject of this q/a.
Typical scenario for guaranteed message delivery is to use publisher confirms or transactions (which are slower). After you got a confirm it mean that RabbitMQ got your message and if it has route - placed in a queue. If not it is dropped OR if mandatory flag set returned with basic.return method.
For consumers it's similar - after basic.consumer/basic.get, client ack'ed message it considered received and removed from queue.
So when you use confirms on both ends, you are protected from message loss (we'll not run into a situation that there might be some bug in RabbitMQ itself).
Bogdan, thank you for your reply.
Seems, I expressed my thought enough clearly.
Scheme may looks like this. Each component of system must do what it must do :)
The an idea is make every component more simple.
How to task is performed.
Clients goes to HTTP-API with requests and must obtain a respones like this:
Positive - it have put to queue
Negative - response with error and a reason
When I was talking about confirmation I meant that I must to know that a message is delivered ( there are no free workers - rabbitmq can remove a message ), a client must be notified.
A sent message couldn't be delivered to certain queue, a client must be notified.
How to a message is handled.
Messages is sent for performing.
Status of perfoming is written into HeartBeat
Clients obtain status from HeartBeat by itself and then decide that
it's have to do.
I'm not sure, that RPC may be useful for us i.e. RPC means that clients must to wait response from server. Tasks may works a long time. Excess bound between clients and servers, additional logic on client-side.
Limited size of queue maybe not useful too.
Possible situation when a size of queue maybe greater than counts of workers. ( problem in configuration or defined settings ).
Then an idea with 5-10 seconds doesn't make sense.
TTL doesn't usefull because of:
Setting the TTL to 0 causes messages to be expired upon reaching a
queue unless they can be delivered to a consumer immediately. Thus
this provides an alternative to basic.publish's immediate flag, which
the RabbitMQ server does not support. Unlike that flag, no
basic.returns are issued, and if a dead letter exchange is set then
messages will be dead-lettered.
direct reply-to :
The RPC server will then see a reply-to property with a generated
name. It should publish to the default exchange ("") with the routing
key set to this value (i.e. just as if it were sending to a reply
queue as usual). The message will then be sent straight to the client
Then I will not be able to route messages.
So, I'm sorry. I may flounder in terms i.e. I'm new in AMQP and rabbitmq.

Publish and subscribe from same Queue in Rabbitmq

I am trying to set up broadcast messaging to all nodes in the system. When a new node joins the system, it publishes a message to everyone else to announce its entry. The way I have designed is that, a exchange exists to which all nodes will bind its own queue. Whenever a new node joins the system, it will bind its queue as well to the exchange and publish a message to the exchange. All nodes will receive this msg(including itself) and all other nodes(except this message) will send a "ack" message so that the new node will get to know the available nodes in the system. But somehow I couldn't able to get this working. My broadcast messages doesn't propagate to every node in the system. A simple one node publishing and rest consuming is working. But same node publishing and consuming is somehow screwed up somewhere.
Is there any other efficient way of doing this apart from the logic mentioned above? Or is there any restriction from rabbitmq perspective to achieve the above or is my code buggy and do I have to take a closer look at it.
The way you described it, your solution should work. However, without more detailed code examples (of the consume/publish logic in the "announcer" and the consume/acknowledge-publish logic in the other peers) it's difficult to debug.
A couple common problems could be tripping you up, though:
If you're considering "did I get responses back from all the other nodes" as the authority for "did the other nodes get my announce message?", you might need to acknowledge (basic.ack in AMQP) the messages your announcer is receiving as it gets them. Otherwise, it's possible you're not seeing subsequent messages due to consumer prefetch, though in most client libraries you'd have to be explicitly turning that on somewhere first.
Make sure your other peers (the ones receiving the "announce" and sending a message back) are acknowledging the message as well, or are consuming in "no-ack" mode. Otherwise, if they get blocked (via flow, rate-limiting, or prefetch), they will probably receive announces for awhile and then stop.
Make sure you're using a "fanout" type exchange. It sounds like you want unconditional-fanout behavior, so you don't need to muck about with topic routing. If you're using a topic or direct exchange, you may have a bug in your routing logic, in which case switching to fanout will work. I suspect you're already doing this though.
This is likely not the issue, but: you mention that your peers (not the announcer) are "acknowledging" the announce. Make sure that they acknowledge the announce by publishing a new message back to the announcer's queue directly (with no exchange, just a routing key), not by sending a basic.ack to RabbitMQ (that doesn't notify the sender of anything), and not by publishing an announce-received to the fanout exchange.
As an aside, I don't know why you're doing declare-queue/bind/publish as opposed to publish/declare-queue/bind; is there a good reason you need an announcing node to receive its own announce message? If you're after a "self-test" behavior, I think it's probably better to just implement a periodic "can things announce successfully?" health-check somewhere instead, though that's entirely subjective.
Have you tried the RPC style message, with a callback queue that you identify in the broadcast message's propeties? Like at the rabbitmq tutorial.

How to set a redelivery policy in RabbitMQ/AMQP

I'm currently using ActiveMQ for my queueing system, and I'm wanting to make the transition to RabbitMQ. One feature I've been using that belongs to ActiveMQ is a redelivery policy, as sometimes our consumer rejects a message because it cannot handle it at this time, but may want to try again later, so it requeues it.
Right now in AMQP, when I reject a message, it's instantly pulled off the queue again immediately and tried again.
Is there a way, in RabbitMQ, to specify a redelivery policy for a queue, consumer, or message?
I also had problems with that behaviour. According to documentation (as far as I remember, maybe in newer version something changed) after requeue it is not stated where a message will be placed (it was described as undetermined). In my testcases (with version 2.8.2) some of messages were put to the end of a queue and one message (precisely first from clients prefetch) land on beggining (and being consumed immediately). In our application this caused livelock.
You could walkaround this by publishing copy of message to a queue and acking already delivered one in one transaction (but I recommend to carefully read section about transactions in docs) or use deadlettering to deal with temporaly unprocessable messages.