gdx file is not created when trying to export data from excel to gams - optimization

I'm trying to export data from Excel to GAMS and I'm using the next code for this aim:
Set c row labels /c1*c10/
x column labels /x1*x2/;
Parameter d(c,x);
$call GDXXRW Data.xlsx trace=3 par=d rng=Sheet1!a1 cdim=9 xdim=1
$GDXIN Data.gdx
Display d;
The directory of the Excel file is as follows:
But when it runs, the following errors occur:
Msg : No such file or directory for gamsdir\projdir\Data.gdx.
Unable to open gdx file for $GDXIN
GDXIN file not open - ignore the rest line
What could be the reason for this? Why isn't the gdx file created?

There could be several reasons. The most likely one is that the GDX file does not exist because there was an error calling gdxxrw. What does the log of gdxxrw say? In general, I would suggest checking the errorLevel after any $call ... to ensure that this succeeded before you continue. In your example, you could do it like this:
$call.checkErrorlevel GDXXRW Data.xlsx trace=3 par=d rng=Sheet1!a1 cdim=9 xdim=1


Microsoft R- Tidyverse: If a data file fails to load, create an empty tibble/table in it's place

I am really not sure how to phrase this concisely.. My question is: Is it possible to add an error handling feature so that if a data file (such as a csv) fails to load as a table/tibble, create a blank version of it?
Here is what I mean:
My normal csv load looks like this:
Monday2 <- paste0(my_file_location/my_file_name",Monday,".csv")
leads1 <- tibble(read.csv(Monday2))
Tuesday2 <- paste0("my_file_location/My_file_name",Tuesday,".csv")
leads2 <- tibble(read.csv(Tuesday2))
Wednesday2 <- paste0("my_file_location/my_file_name",Wednesday,".csv")
leads3 <- tibble(read.csv(Wednesday2))
If for some reason my csv failed to load (the file doesn't exist, or I entered the name incorrectly for example) can a blank version of it be created?
My idea for the blank tibble would look like this:
Leads21 <- tibble("Column1"= "", "Column2"= "", "Column3"= "")
Leads22 <- tibble("Column1"= "", "Column2"= "", "Column3"= "")
Leads23 <- tibble("Column1"= "", "Column2"= "", "Column3"= "")
This blank tibble would be the exact same columns as a properly loaded file. I have 5 files I bind each Friday in an automated process.. and if a file fails to load I can catch it downstream in my process (one of the columns is the file name/date) but I don't want the whole process to fail.
a typical 'failed to load' error looks like this:
In file(file, "rt") : cannot open file 'my_file_location/My_file_name_2022-03-27.csv': No such
file or directory
The bind of all 5 files then fails with an error message like:
### Join full weeks worth of leads into 1 file
Leads <- bind_rows(leads1,leads2,leads3, leads4, leads5)
Error in list2(...) : object 'leads1' not found
This then causes the rest of my code to fail/act incorrectly. If I can bind an empty tibble, my code could finish running and I can check for missing files at the end. Ultimately if a file is missing it is not as important as processing the existing files (so stopping my code to locate/fix the failed load is not important)
My background is in microsoft access VBA and I keep trying to write something like:
If tibble Leads1 exists, use it.. If tibble Leads1 does not exist use Leads21
not sure how to do this in R. I have been trying to read/understand the try() wrapper, but I don't understand how to use it in my case.

How to put some parameters to one gdx file

I want to read some parameters from an excel file and put all of them in a gdx file. For putting a parameter in a gdx file I use the following code:
parameter a(i,k);
$ call gdxxrw Parameters.xlsx par a rng=a!A1:C101 rdim=1 cdim=1
$ gdxin Parameters.gdx
$ load a
But when I do this for other parameter, the gdx file keep only the last parameter while I want to add other parameters to the same gdx file(Parameters.gdx).
What shall I do?
Did you do the $call gdxxrw ... mutliple times? Then you probably overwrote the previous GDX files by the last call. Just do it on one call like this:
parameter a(i,k), b(i,k);
$ call gdxxrw Parameters.xlsx par=a rng=a!A1:C101 rdim=1 cdim=1 par=b rng=b!A1:C101 rdim=1 cdim=1
$ gdxin Parameters.gdx
$ load a b
If this becomes too long/ugly have a look at the index option or store the options in a text file, which you can reference with the # sign, e.g. $call gdxxrw Parameters.xlsx #howToRead.txt.

Load CSV file in PIG

In PIG, When we load a CSV file using LOAD statement without mentioning schema & with default PIGSTORAGE (\t), what happens? Will the Load work fine and can we dump the data? Else will it throw error since the file has ',' and the pigstorage is '/t'? Please advice
When you load a csv file without defining a schema using PigStorage('\t'), since there are no tabs in each line of the input file, the whole line will be treated as one tuple. You will not be able to access the individual words in the line.
Input file:
a = LOAD 'input' USING PigStorage('\t');
dump a;
b = foreach a generate $0, $1, $2;
dump b;
Ideally, b should have been:
if the delimiter was a comma. But since the delimiter was a tab and a tab does not exist in the input records, the whole line was treated as one field. Pig doe snot complain if a field is null- It just outputs nothing when there is a null. Hence you see only the commas when you dump b.
Hope that was useful.

error when trying to import ps file by grImport in R

I need to create a pdf file with several chart created by ggplot2 arranged in a A4 paper, and repeat it 20-30 times.
I export the ggplot2 chart into ps file, and try to PostScriptTrace it as instructed in grImport, but it just keep giving me error of Unrecoverable error, exit code 1.
I ignore the error and try to import and xml file generated into R object, give me another error:
attributes construct error
Couldn't find end of Start Tag text line 21
Premature end of data in tag picture line 3
Error: 1: attributes construct error
2: Couldn't find end of Start Tag text line 21
3: Premature end of data in tag picture line 3
What's wrong here?
If you have no time to deal with Sweave, you could also write a simple TeX document from R after generating the plots, which you could later compile to pdf.
ggsave(p, file=paste('filename', id, '.pdf'))
paste('filename', id, '.pdf'), '}', sep=''),
Later, you could easily compile it to pdf with for example pdflatex.

SAS - Reading a File Backwards?

I need SAS to read many large log files, which are set up to have the most recent activities at the bottom. All I need is the most recent time a particular activity occurred, and I was wondering if it's possible for SAS to skip parsing the (long) beginning parts of the file.
I looked online and found how to read a dataset backwards, but that would require SAS to first parse everything in the .log file into the dataset first. Is it possible to directly read the file starting from the very end so that I can stop the data step as soon as I find the most recent activity of a particular type?
I read up on infile as well, and the firstobs option, but I have no idea how long these log files are until they are parsed, right? Sounds like a catch-22 to me. So is what I'm describing doable?
I'd probably set up a filename pipe statement to use an operating system command like tail -r or tac to present the file in reverse order to SAS. That way SAS can read the file normally and you don't have to worry about how long the file is.
If you mean parsing a sas log file, I am not sure if reading the log file backward is worth the trouble in practice. For instance, the following code executes less than a tenth of a second on my PC and it is writing and reading a 10,000 line log file. How big is your log files and how many are there? Also as shown below, you don't have to "parse" everything on every line. You can selectively read some parts of the line and if it is not what you are looking for, then you can just go to the next line.
%let pwd = %sysfunc(pathname(WORK));
%put pwd=&pwd;
x cd &pwd;
/* test file. more than 10,000 line log file */
data _null_;
file "test.log";
do i = 1 to 1e4;
r = ranuni(0);
put r binary64.;
if r < 0.001 then put "NOTE: not me!";
put "NOTE: find me!";
do until (r<0.1);
r = ranuni(0);
put r binary64.;
/* find the last line that starts with
NOTE: and get the rest of the line. */
data _null_;
length msg $80;
retain msg;
infile "test.log" lrecl=80 eof=eof truncover;
input head $char5. #;
if head = "NOTE:" then input #6 msg $char80.;
else input;
put "last note was on line: " _n_ ;
put "and msg was: " msg $80.;
/* on log
last note was on line: 10013
and msg was: find me!