Delete project template in Rider - rider

The picture is pretty explanatory, I am trying to remove the project template from the "Other" category, but I cannot locate any useful setting/configuration anywhere. The places I have looked into are in:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\JetBrains\Rider<version> and
The reason I want to achieve this is because I cannot add a new template to the dialogue.
Any insights?

In the end I solved the problem myself. It turns out that according to this post, currently (25 Jun 2021), support to .NET 6 is limited. I had also installed the Visual Studio 2022 Preview on my system which ships with .NET 6 SDK and that caused the endless "syncing" issue. Good times.


Preview Templates of Asp.Net 5

I just installed VS2015 and I'm wondering if I should use the Asp.Net 5 preview template (this is the only option I currently have in VS2015) for my new website. Does anyone know if this preview is some sort of a beta version which might be unstable? If not, why is this version called a preview version?
I didn't find much information about this preview thing in Google so I'll be happy to get some relevant information or links to explanations about this preview version.
ASP.NET 5 is still in beta, and is not yet released as a finished product nor recommended for production applications. It's marked as preview because of this, as it may (and will) continue to change how it does things until it reaches the RTM version.
If you are happy with the above, and want to tinker around, while understanding that updates in the coming months may break your code, then go for it! If you'd rather only write your code once and not have it break with updates, then stick with the previous ASP.NET project types like MVC 5.
Here's the roadmap/schedule for ASP.NET 5 which notes that RTM is expected to be available in Q1 2016.

VB 14 missing from Visual Studio 2015

I have Visual Studio 2015, but can't get the new VB language features to work. Or to show up. It's like the product came without it. The null-coalescing operator doesn't work, read-only auto-properties aren't allowed, etc. This is true even when I set up a brand new project, targeting any version of the framework (which shouldn't matter, but I'm trying everything I can think of).
I've got Resharper 9 installed. Following a suggestion in this question, if I select the project, the VB Language Level dropdown list doesn't show anything more recent than "Visual Basic .NET 12".
There are no LangVersion tags anywhere in the .vbproj files. If I add them it seems to make no difference.
I was under the impression that you didn't have to install anything separately for VB 14, just use VS 2015 and you'll have it (C# 6 actually is available and working in C# projects) but it's not there.
Anybody have any ideas what else I can look for?
It's Resharper.
I'm using Resharper 9.2 Ultimate. Resharper is what's putting all the error messages into the code editor. If I suspend it, all the problems go away, and the code compiles and runs exactly as it should.
I should have taken a cue from the fact that the VB Language Level isn't showing the latest version of VB.
Off to contact technical support.

Using Winnovative in SharePoint workflow

Hopefully someone can tell me what I am doing wrong here. I have a SharePoint 2010 workflow I am coding in Visual Studio, and I was trying to emulate what is being done here, but as soon as I hit this line:
PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();
My workflow errors out.
I have Phil's book (workflow's in action) which contains an old version of the winnovative dll in one of his code samples, and thinking that might be the issue, I downloaded the newest version from winnovative's site, updated the using line at the top from:
using Winnovative.WnvHtmlConvert;
to simply:
using Winnovative;
as per the developer documentation that came with this newer version, and still no luck. Is there something else I need to do that I'm missing when using this with SharePoint? When utilizing an XSL style sheet for some transforms I had to deploy the xsl to the templates via my project utilizing the sharepoint mapped folder from within Visual Studio. Is something similar required for the winnovative dll to be utilized as well, so that the functions within the dll can be accessed? Do I need to do regsvr32 on the sharepoint server to utilize (something that literally just occurred to me as I'm writing this post), or is adding the reference in visual studio and compiling my code enough? Sorry, not the world's greatest developer, so some insight would be HUGELY appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time.
I figured it out. Following the breadcrumbs of my questions, I found out the dll needed to be deployed to the GAC. Once I did that it worked. This has been a big learning experience, but at least now I know. Thanks for looking.

Devart DotConnect for SQLite 4.2.77 upgrade difficulty with VB existing projects

I have just upgraded to DotConnect for SQLite 4.2.77 from a previous version (sorry, can't remember the version). In VB Express 2010, I have successfully gone through the manual installation of components as described in Help. However, when I open projects previously created, I get dozens of errors listed wherever the DotConnect code is used and I can't get further than the page headed "To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer, the following errors must be resolved:". I also have Visual Studio 2012 for Desktop Applications installed, where I get a similar result. Any ideas as to how I can solve the problem?
Thanks in advance.
We have answered you at .

Is there something similar to Source Code Outliner Power Toy for VS2010?

I absolutely love the Source Code Ouliner power toy that I use in VS2005 but am upgrading to 2010 and it seems they haven't yet released a new version. Is there anything similar that shows you a basic outline of the file you are currently navigating?
ReSharper, amongst many other features, has a File Structure window which does the same as Source Outliner.
For a free one, try the Solution Navigator in the Microsoft Productivity Power Tools.
Like you, I found this a totally great plug in that saved on the order of minutes per day. No more searching for functions! Luckily Source Outliner has been re-created for VS2010 and is still free. However, sbohlen updated it and it now runs on the (free) DXCore environment. I have been using it ever since I upgraded to VS2010.
You can read along as I got this set up, downloaded all the parts and got it running.
The download is here:
You will also need the DXCore community installer from
But as a ReSharper user for years now, I will use the File Structure - same sort of view and already built in to R#.