Meson: connect two strings without '/' - meson-build

I want to concatenate two strings without a separator between them (so no new destination).
theme_dir_dark = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'themes', meson.project_name(), '-dark')
meson.project_name() is Pop and I want theme_dir_dark to end with Pop-dark and not Pop/-dark.

Either with formatting or concatenation '#0#-dark'.format(meson.project_name()) or meson.project_version() + '-dark'


How to escape double quotes within a data when it is already enclosed by double quotes

I have CSV data separated by comma like below which has to be imported into snowflake table using copy command .
"1","2","3","2"In stick"
Since I am already passing the parameter OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY = '"' to copy command I couldn't escape the " (double quotes) within the data ("2"In stick") .
The imported data that I want to see in the table is like below
1,2,3,2"In stick
Can someone please help here ? Thanks !
If you are on Windows, I have a funny solution for that. Open this CSV file in MS Excel. Excel consumes correct double quotes to show data in the cellular format and leaves the extra in the middle of a cell (if each cell is separated properly by commas). Then choose 'replace' and replace double quotes with something else (like two single quotes or replace by nothing to remove them). Then save it again as a CSV. I assume other spreadsheet programs should do the same.
If you have an un-escaped quote inside a field which is surrounded by quotes that isn't really valid CSV. For example, here is an excerpt from the RFC4180 spec
If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote
appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with another double quote.
For example:
I think that whatever is generating the CSV file is doing it incorrectly and needs to be fixed before you will be able to load it into Snowflake. I don't think any file_format option will be able to solve this for you since it's not valid CSV.
The CSV row should either look like this:
"1","2","3","2""In stick"
or this:
"1","2","3","2\"In stick"
I had this same problem, and while writing up the question, I found an answer:
Import RFC4180 files (CSV spec) into snowflake? (Unable to create file format that matches CSV RFC spec)
Essentially, set:
Column Separator
Row Separator
New Line
Header lines to skip
{you have to decide what to put here}
Field optionally enclosed by
Double Quote
Escape Character
Escape Unenclosed Field
Here is my ALTER statement:
As I mention in the answer, I don't know why the above works, but it is working for me. Go figure.

Retrieving the value which have '#' character in ColdFusion

I'm trying to assign the value of a column from the query to a variable using cfset tag. For example, if the value is 'abcd#1244', then if I use <cfset a = #trim(queryname.column)#> it will return only abcd. But I need the whole value of that column.
You will need to escape the # symbol. You can get clever and do it all in one swoop (# acts as an escape character when placed next to another #).
Example being
The item## is #variable#.
In order to print "The item# is 254."
There are plenty of text and string functions at your disposal.
I'd recommend first trying to escape the value as soon as it is drawn from your database.

Hex code of space after using XML in SQL Server

I have 4 rows. Each one contains ony symbol. Using XML PATH('') I combine them in one string. What should I obtain is ' ab' (space, space, a, b). Instead of it I get next thing '&#x20&#x20ab' (i cut semicolons because it is not visible then)
How to convert first symbols back to regular spaces?
Solved like in this article:
Just added .value('root[1]','varchar(max)')
Thanks to Yuriy Galanter

How to exclude spaces when using ValidationExpression in

I want to exclude spaces when validating a textbox in
Here is the current ValidationExpressopn value:
ValidationExpression="^([a-zA-Z0-9_-.\']+)#(([[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9-]+.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(]?)$" />
When user inputs space in textbox, I dont want that to render as error.
Example: I include spaces after " "
This should not be treater as incorrect data in the textbox.
Any ideas?
If your spaces are leading or trailing you can do a Trim on the expressionToValidate before comparing to your regexp
Dim expressionWithoutTrailingAndLeadingWhiteSpaces As String = originalExpression.Trim()
If you want to modify the regExp to take into account the trailing spaces:
^[_a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)#[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(.[a-z]{2,4})( *)$
If you want to exclude also leading spaces add an extra ( *) at the beginning of the expression:
^( *)[_a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)#[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(.[a-z]{2,4})( *)$
Btw - the regExp you are providing is broken - I used the one found here (expression to validate email addresses)

DB2/iSeries SQL clean up CR/LF, tabs etc

I need to find and clean up line breaks, carriage returns, tabs and "SUB"-characters in a set of 400k+ string records, but this DB2 environment is taking a toll on me.
Thought I could do some search and replacing with the REPLACE() and CHR() functions, but it seems CHR() is not available on this system (Error: CHR in *LIBL type *N not found). Working with \t, \r, \n etc doesn't seem to be working either. The chars can be in the middle of strings or at the end of them.
System = iSeries
Language = SQL
Encoding = Not sure, possibly EBCDIC
Any hints on what I can do with this?
I used this SQL to find x'25' and x'0D':
, LOCATE(x'0D', <field>) AS "0D"
, LOCATE(x'25', <field>) AS "25"
, length(trim(<field>)) AS "Length"
FROM <file>
WHERE LOCATE(x'25', <field>) > 0
OR LOCATE(x'0D', <field>) > 0
And I used this SQL to replace them:
UPDATE <file>
SET <field> = REPLACE(REPLACE(<field>, x'0D', ' '), x'25', ' ')
WHERE LOCATE(x'25', <field>) > 0
OR LOCATE(x'0D', <field>) > 0
If you want to clear up specific characters like carriage return (EBCDIC x'0d') and line feed (EBCDIC x'25') you should find the translated character in EBCDIC then use the TRANSLATE() function to replace them with space.
If you just want to remove undisplayable characters then look for anything under x'40'.
Here is an sample script that replaces X'41' by X'40'. Something that was creating issues at our shop:
UPDATE [yourfile] SET [yourfield] = TRANSLATE([yourfield], X'40',
X'41') WHERE [yourfield] like '%' concat X'41' concat '%'
If you need to replace more than one character, extend the "to" and "from" hexadecimal strings to the values you need in the TRANSLATE function.
The brute force method involves using POSITION to find the errant character, then SUBSTR before and after it. CONCAT the two substrings (less the undesirable character) to re-form the column.
The character encoding is almost certainly one of the EBCDIC character sets. Depending on how the table got loaded in the first place, the CR may be x'0d' and the LF x'15', x'25'. An easy way to find out is to get to a green screen and do a DSPPFM against the table. Press F10 then F11 to view the table is raw, hexadecimal (over/under) format.
For details on the available functions see the
DB2 for i5/OS SQL Reference.
Perhaps the TRANSLATE() function will serve your needs.
TRANSLATE( data, tochars, fromchars )
...where fromchars is the set of characters you don't want, and tochars is the corresponding characters you want them replaced with. You may have to write this out in hex format, as x'nnnnnn...' and you will need to know what character set you are working with.
Using the DSPFFD command on your table should show the CCSID of your fields.
we struggled a lot to replace the new line char and carriage return from flat file.
Finally we used below sql to sort the issue.
Try it out
CR = CHR(13)
LF = CHR(10)