Adding date to the name of a gwl file - vba

I am trying to add the date to the name of a file to make it more recognizable so anyone can find the file they are looking for based off the date and time. However, whenever I add the date the file cuts off and saves it as a "file" instead of a .gwl like I want it to. Gwl is just a text file with gwl on the end. I attached an image of what I want to happen as the gwl file should have the date but instead it just saves itself as a zero byte file.
Sub Write2File() 'Makes the text file including the commands for the Tecan
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim ColNum As Integer
Dim dt As String
Dim MyString As String
dt = Format(CStr(Now), "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm")
Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & dt & "Worklist.gwl" For Append As #1
Sheets("WorkList Generator").Select
Sheets("WorkList Generator").Range("A2").Select
While ActiveCell <> ""
For ColNum = 1 To 11
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = "" Then MyString = MyString & ActiveCell & ";" Else MyString = MyString & ActiveCell & ";"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
Next ColNum
MyString = Left(MyString, Len(MyString) - 2)
If MyString = "W;;;;;;;;;" Then
Print #1, "W"
Print #1, MyString
End If
MyString = ""
Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row + 1).Select
Close #1
End Sub

Never mind it was the colon I had in the hh:mm that was causing it to think it was going into a file directory. I changed it to an underscore and it worked just fine


VBA - Saving multiple copies of a workbook with a specific naming convention

I have code below to save the current workbook and attach today's date to the end of the file name. How would I modify the code so if two copies of the workbook were to be saved on the same day, the first one would save normally as "Workbook Name, Today's Date.xlsm" and the second one would save as "Workbook Name, Today's Date Copy 2.xlsm". Same thing if the workbook were to be saved 3,4,5 times a day they should save as Copy 3,4,5,etc...
Sub Save_Workbook()
Const Path = "H:\HR\Cole G\Timehseet Test Path\"
Dim FileName As String
Dim Pos As Long
Pos = InStrRev(ActiveWorkbook.Name, ".") - 1
' If there wasn't a ".", then the file doesn't have an extension and Pos = -1
If Dir(Path & Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Pos) & Format(Now, "d-mm-yyyy") & Mid(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Pos + 1)) <> "" Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=Path & Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Pos) & "copy 2" & Mid(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Pos + 1)
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=Path & Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Pos) & Format(Now, "d-mm-yyyy") & Mid(ActiveWorkbook.Name, Pos + 1)
End If
End Sub
Instead of appending "Copy xxx", why not to append the time?
"Workbook Name, 2018-04-05 12.30.23.xlsm"
Well, the question could be changed a bit, to get what you are looking for. In general, you are looking for a function, which splits some strings by dots and spaces and increments the last one with 1.
E.g., if this is your input:
"WorkbookName 12.12.12.xlsm"
"WorkbookName 13.18.22 Copy 230.xlsm"
"WorkbookName 12.11.19 Copy 999.xlsm"
Your function should give the folowing output:
"WorkbookName 12.12.12.xlsm"
"WorkbookName 13.18.231.xlsm"
"WorkbookName 12.11.1000.xlsm"
Once you achieve this, the saving of the workbook could be carried out through that function. This is some function that gets that output:
Sub TestMe()
Dim path1 As String: path1 = "WorkbookName 12.12.12.xlsm"
Dim path2 As String: path2 = "WorkbookName 13.18.22 Copy 230.xlsm"
Dim path3 As String: path3 = "WorkbookName 12.11.19 Copy 999.xlsm"
Debug.Print changeName(path1)
Debug.Print changeName(path2)
Debug.Print changeName(path3)
End Sub
Public Function changeName(path As String) As String
changeName = path
Dim varArr As Variant
varArr = Split(path, ".")
Dim splitNumber As Long
splitNumber = UBound(varArr)
Dim preLast As String: preLast = varArr(splitNumber - 1)
If IsNumeric(preLast) Then Exit Function
Dim lastWithSpace As String
lastWithSpace = Split(preLast)(UBound(Split(preLast)))
Dim incrementSome As String
incrementSome = Left(preLast, Len(preLast) - Len(lastWithSpace))
If IsNumeric(lastWithSpace) Then
preLast = Split(preLast)(UBound(Split(preLast))) + 1
varArr(splitNumber - 1) = incrementSome & preLast
changeName = Join(varArr, ".")
End If
End Function
The changeName function could be a bit sanitized, with some checks, whether UBound-1 exists in order to avoid error.The function splits the input string to array by . symbol and works with the pre-last value received. Then, if the value is numeric, it does nothing, but if the value looks like this 22 Copy 230, it splits once again and increments the last element with one.
At the end it returns the string.
If you need to check the date as well, then one more layer of splits and arrays should be added.
Listen, you added a comma after the original name, Great! (now use it)
Dim FileName as String, FileExtension as String
FileName = "Workbook Name, Today's Date Copy 2.xlsm"
Pos = InStrRev(FileName, ".") - 1
FileExtension = ".xlsx" ' <-- Set a default
If Pos > 0 then
FileExtension = Mid(FileName, Pos)
FileName = Left(FileName, Pos)
End if
FileExtension has been pulled out from the FileName, and the Filename doesn't have an extension anymore. Now lets go after the Comma
Pos = InStrRev(FileName, ",")
If Pos2 > 0 then FileName = Left(FileName, Pos2 -1)
That was easy, FileName has now been cleaned of the Date and Copy junk. While you could have looked for the copy before we cleaned it, I think it's easier to just try a few times, since you're going to want to check if the file exists anyway.
You can alternatively just add the time like PhantomLord mentioned.
Dim Try as long
Dim FullName as String
Try = 0
FullName = Path & FileName & Format(Now, ", d-mm-yyyy") & FileExtension
' Lets put a safety limit to stop the code if something goes wrong
Do While Try < 1000 And Dir(FullName) = vbNullString
Try = Try + 1
FullName = Path & FileName & Format(Now, ", d-mm-yyyy") & " Copy " & IIF(Try > 1, Try, vbNullString) & FileExtension
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=FullName
I even thru in the IIF() for fun!

Passing values from Excel to Word with VBA

For Each cell In rng
workSheetName = Format(SaturdayIsComing(), "mm-dd-yyyy") & " " & cell.Value
If WorksheetExists(workSheetName) Then
Dim localRange, localCell As Range
Set localRange = Worksheets(workSheetName).Range("D8:D19")
Dim contents As Variant
contents = ""
Dim firstLine As Boolean
firstLine = True
For Each localCell In localRange
If Len(localCell.Value) > 0 Then
If firstLine Then
contents = contents & localCell.Value & Chr(11)
contents = contents & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & localCell.Value & Chr(11)
End If
contents = fixString(contents)
End If
If Len(contents) > 0 Then
firstLine = False
End If
Next localCell
For Each cc In wDoc.SelectContentControlsByTag(cell.Value & "Notes")
If Len(contents) > 0 Then
cc.Range.Text = fixString(contents)
cc.Range.Text = "No Issues Found"
End If
errorCodesString = errorCodesString & cell.Value & ":"
End If
Next cell
Output to Word
Forgot to terminate the meeting
This is a test message\'s
If my cell contains a ' then I get an error saying
One of the values passwed to this method or property is incorrect
I know a ' is a comment in VBA. How do I go around this while preserving the notes that someone had added to the Excel cell?
You need to write a piece of code to search for quotes, either the single (') or double (") variety and either add a backslash before them OR double the character so '' in place of ' and "" in place of " and run this on contents before assigning it to cc.Range.Text.
This routine can also check for other instances of incorrect strings and fix them.
Something like this would do:
Function fixString(ByVal strIn As Variant) As String
Dim i As Integer
Const strIllegals = "\'"""
For i = 1 To Len(strIllegals)
strIn = Replace(strIn, Mid$(strIllegals, i, 1), "\" & Mid$(strIllegals, i, 1))
Next i
fixString = strIn
End Function
Try changing cell.Value to Replace(cell.Value, "'", "")
Or is it contents that has the apostrophe in it? A bit confusing.
Try changing contents to Replace(contents , "'", "")

Error 91 occurring during iterations randomly

Interesting problem here. This line of code works through multiple iterations until it reaches a point where it throws an Run-time error 91 at me: "Object Variable or With block variable not set". This is occurring in a function designed to find a deal number. The entire program is an end of day email generation program that sends attachments to various different counter-parties. The error occurs on the ** line. For additional color, temp deal is not empty when execution is attempted. There doesn't appear to be any extraneous trailing or leading spaces either. Thanks in advance!
Function getPDFs(cFirm As Variant, iFirm As Variant, row_counter As Variant, reportsByFirm As Worksheet, trMaster As Worksheet, trSeparate As Variant, trName As Variant, reportDate As Variant) As String
dealCol = 1
Dim locationArray() As String
Dim DealArray() As String
cDes = "_vs._NY"
iDes = "_vs._IC"
filePath = "X:\Office\Confirm Drop File\"
dealNum = reportsByFirm.Cells(row_counter, dealCol)
FileType = ".pdf"
If InStr(1, dealNum, "-") > 0 Then
DealArray() = Split(dealNum, "-")
tempDeal = DealArray(LBound(DealArray))
tempDeal = dealNum
End If
'Finds deal location in spread sheet for further detail to obtain file path
**trLocation = trMaster.Columns(2).Find(What:=tempDeal).Address
locationArray() = Split(trLocation, "$")
trRow = locationArray(UBound(locationArray))
'Formats client names for 20 characters and removes punctuation (".") in order to stay within convention of file naming
cFirmFormatted = Trim(Left(cFirm, 20))
iFirmFormatted = Trim(Left(iFirm, 20))
'Finds clearing method
clMethod = trMaster.Cells(trRow, 6).Value
Select Case clmethod
Case "Clport"
'Prevents naming convention issues with punctuations in the name
If InStr(1, cFirmFormatted, ".") > 0 Then
cFirmFormatted = Replace(cFirmFormatted, ".", "")
End If
getPDFs = filePath & cFirmFormatted & "\" & reportDate & "_" & dealNum & "_" & cFirmFormatted & cDes & FileType
Case "ICE"
If InStr(1, iFirmFormatted, ".") > 0 Then
iFirmFormatted = Replace(iFirmFormatted, ".", "")
End If
getPDFs = filePath & iFirmFormatted & "\" & reportDate & "_" & dealNum & "_" & iFirmFormatted & iDes & FileType
End Select
End Function
Your code assumes that trLocation is always found, if it isn't found then you will receive an error because you don't have a range to return the .Address property for.
Try testing the result first:
Dim testLocation As Excel.Range
Set testLocation = trMaster.Columns(2).Find(tempDeal)
If Not testLocation Is Nothing Then
trLocation = testLocation.Address
'// Rest of code here...
MsgBox "Cannot find """ & tempDeal & """!"
Exit Function
End If

Correct Excel Macro to Save A Copy Excel File as TXT or CSV

So I have this home-made Excel Macro Template.
The task of the macro code that I inserted in my xlsm file is to Save a copy in the same folder with a different format. That format is .txt (see image below)
The expected result of the macro (after saving) should be the same with the excel file (visually) but this time it is in a .txt format.
Unfortunately, that didn't happened. It generates a different txt file and it contains unreadable alpha numeric characters, here's an example of the generated txt file.
¬TËNÃ0 ¼#ñ ‘¯(vဠjÚ # °µ· ©c[^SÚ¿g“–
P ö '±wfvìq 8o\1ÃD6øJœËž(Ðë`¬ŸTâõå¾¼ eð \ðX‰ ’ NOú/‹ˆTpµ§JÔ9Çk¥H×Ø É ÑóÌ8¤ 2 ¦‰Š §0AuÑë]* |FŸËÜbˆAÿ Çðîrq7çßK%#ëEq³\×RU btVCf¡jæ l¨ã±Õ(g#xJá
u j#XBG{Ð~J.Wr%WvŒTÛHgÜÓ †vf»ÜUÝ#ûœ¬Áâ R~€†›Rs§>BšŽB˜ÊÝ «žq®ÑIª ³l#§pçaä ý ë¿ î`ê*IuÃù ( ³´Ü ýÞð JŠ Át` “m'Ýû ™ ªîy¸„ f !å…C:r·KÐ}Ì5$4Ï9q Ž.à;ö. ¼] H ¼„ÿwá+mu S¶¸ŽÃ¦Ã¶fäÔ l;¶×‚A³ [u×Ðà ÿÿ PK ! µU0#ô L _rels/.rels ¢ (
Here's my macro code:
Sub SaveMe()
Dim FName As Range
Dim firstDate As String
Dim firstTime As String
Dim answer As Integer
firstDate = Format(Date, "mmddyyyy")
firstTime = Format(Now, "hhmmssAM/PM")
Set FName = Range("H5")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs FileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & "QB JE " & FName & " " & firstDate & " " & firstTime & ".txt", FileFormat:=xlText, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub
I was wondering if anyone could take a look at my code and help to point out whats wrong.
It looks like you want the SaveAs Not the SaveCopyAs.
Fileformat xlText or xlTextMSDOS
You can two step the process. Save a copy, then open it, and save it as a text file.
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs FileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & "QB JE " & FName & " " & firstDate & " " & firstTime & ".xlsx"
Workbooks.Open (ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & "QB JE " & FName & " " & firstDate & " " & firstTime & ".xlsx")
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & "QB JE " & FName & " " & firstDate & " " & firstTime & ".txt", FileFormat:=xlText, CreateBackup:=False
See from my post here. Excel VBA Export To Text File with Fixed Column Width + Specified Row and Columns Only + Transpose
Loop all rows and all cells. Send each value to a padspace function. Build the string from for each cells value with spaces padded after the cell value.
You will have to add a reference to you workbook. In the VBA IDE go to the tools pull down menu and select references. Then scroll down and select "Microsoft Scripting Runtime". Then hit OK.
Adjust the pad space function call argument to a number that fits the data that you have in your spreadsheet. So you will change the 20 in the line with the padspace call. PadSpace(20, len(cellValue))
This will do all rows and columns.
Public Sub MyMacro()
Dim lRow As Long
Dim lCol As Long
Dim strRow As String
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
Dim ts As TextStream
Dim fs As FileSystemObject
'Create the text file to write to
Set fs = New FileSystemObject
Set ts = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\Temp\test.txt", True, False)
Set ws = Application.ActiveSheet
'Loop through all the rows.
lRow = 1
Do While lRow <= ws.UsedRange.Rows.count
'Clear the string we are building
strRow = ""
'Loop through all the columns for the current row.
lCol = 1
Do While lCol <= ws.UsedRange.Columns.count
'Build a string to write out.
strRow = strRow & ws.Cells(lRow, lCol) & PadSpace(20, Len(ws.Cells(lRow, lCol)))
lCol = lCol + 1
'Write the line to the text file
ts.WriteLine strRow
lRow = lRow + 1
ws.Range("A" & lRow).Activate
ts.Close: Set ts = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
End Sub
'This function will take the max number of spaces you want and the length of the string in the cell and return you the string of spaces to pad.
Public Function PadSpace(nMaxSpace As Integer, nNumSpace As Integer) As String
If nMaxSpace < nNumSpace Then
PadSpace = ""
PadSpace = Space(nMaxSpace - nNumSpace)
End If
End Function

How to execute this Excel to XML function in a sub?

Can someone assist with how I can use this function below that converts my data in an excel file to an XML file in a sub? When I go to create a macro it by default has it for sub but I need to have it as a function. I need to be able to use this as maybe a custom button on the toolbar possibly or how can I use it for any spreadsheet I need to convert it from Excel to an XML file?
Public Function ExportToXML(FullPath As String, RowName _
As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim colIndex As Integer
Dim rwIndex As Integer
Dim asCols() As String
Dim oWorkSheet As Worksheet
Dim sName As String
Dim lCols As Long, lRows As Long
Dim iFileNum As Integer
Set oWorkSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
sName = oWorkSheet.Name
lCols = oWorkSheet.Columns.Count
lRows = oWorkSheet.Rows.Count
ReDim asCols(lCols) As String
iFileNum = FreeFile
Open FullPath For Output As #iFileNum
For i = 0 To lCols - 1
'Assumes no blank column names
If Trim(Cells(1, i + 1).Value) = "" Then Exit For
asCols(i) = Cells(1, i + 1).Value
Next i
If i = 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler
lCols = i
Print #iFileNum, "<?xml version=""1.0""?>"
Print #iFileNum, "<" & sName & ">"
For i = 2 To lRows
If Trim(Cells(i, 1).Value) = "" Then Exit For
Print #iFileNum, "<" & RowName & ">"
For j = 1 To lCols
If Trim(Cells(i, j).Value) <> "" Then
Print #iFileNum, " <" & asCols(j - 1) & "><![CDATA[";
Print #iFileNum, Trim(Cells(i, j).Value);
Print #iFileNum, "]]></" & asCols(j - 1) & ">"
End If
Next j
Print #iFileNum, " </" & RowName & ">"
Next i
Print #iFileNum, "</" & sName & ">"
ExportToXML = True
If iFileNum > 0 Then Close #iFileNum
Exit Function
End Function
To convert to a Sub that could be run from a button you would change it to:
Public Sub ExportToXML()
This will automatically change the last line to End Sub.
FullPath and RowName will no longer be passed as function-arguments, so would, presumably, need to be read from cells on a worksheet, or perhaps from two InputBoxes.
The Sub would no longer return a Boolean value, so whatever happens with this value would have to be converted to code within the same Sub (or possibly passed to another Sub).