Why do i get "Permission denied" errors from using Weston/Wayland - webkit

I have built a Linux system with Buildroot (2021.05) to run on a raspberry pi 4.
My graphics stack include using mesa (vc4, v3d, kmro), Wayland / Weston with a DRM back-end.
Also installed kmscube, which runs perfectly with the rotating cube reporting a frame rate of 60fps
The main application to be run in Weston is a wpewebkit application.
So far, the application runs but without any hardware acceleration.
The reported frame-rate of the embedded browser is about 5fps.
When i exit from the application, i see the following messages displayed on the terminal
atomic: couldn't commit new state: Permission denied
repaint-flush failed: Permission denied
atomic: couldn't commit new state: Permission denied
repaint-flush failed: Permission denied
atomic: couldn't commit new state: Permission denied
repaint-flush failed: Permission denied
My system is setup to bypass any login prompts and start as root by editing my inittab file.
When i run the who command, i get nothing on the terminal.
If i run the command whoami, i get the output root.
Can someone point me to why i am getting the "permission denied" errors from Weston / mesa


Login:pam_authenticate failed permission denied (6)

unable to log in via pam to radius server. judging by logs of the server authorization transits. but an error pops up. see picture

SSH login error - "libintl.so.9" not found

I'm logging in to vSphere VM (FreeBSD) using SSH and getting the following error-
Shared object "libintl.so.9" not found, required by "bash"
Connection to xxx closed.
I mistakenly changed root user's shell to bash. I was able to login earlier using csh. I can't run chsh or any other commands because I am not able to login to the server.
Is there a way to revert the shell change or specify shell while SSH login? I have tried rebooting the VM using vSphere but still getting the same error.
I have also tried sftp using FileZilla but since it uses SSH, I am getting the following error-
Status: Connected to xxx
Error: FATAL ERROR: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server
Error: Could not connect to server
To fix this, you will need to shutdown the VM from vsphere, reboot, then choose "Single User" mode. Once at the single user shell, change root's shell to /bin/sh or /bin/csh. Don't use 3rd part shells for root.
Also, you get the error because your bash binary is out of date and not ABI compatible with the OS it's installed. Using pkg update should help once you get access again.

Cant access Plesk, Error 'Can't open or create shared memory by shm.name, Permission denied'

i got a problem with Plesk (Ubuntu Webserver),- i cant access plesk.
I havent change anything before. The following error messages is shown:
Server Error
Lock Manager error: '[LockManagerException] Can't open or create shared memory by shm.name: "/run/lock/lmlib/SharedLockManagerStorage0.2.4"; shm.start_size: "8388608"; error "Permission denied"'.
I cant try:
because i can currently only connect to Server via SSH when in rescue mode.
(Dont know why ... idea how to enable/check SSH, so i can connect in normal mode ??)
How can i fix the problem when the rescue mode is running?

New raspberry pi 2 B not able to boot into GUI

I just purchased new raspberry pi and tried to install raspbian using Noobs.
So the installation goes successfully and I boot into raspbian GUI successfully and make changes to raspi-config like to ask for the password when booting into GUI and enable various option like SSH,SCI and more. Then it reboots and gives me following error:
Raspberry pi Fatal server error: could not create lock file in /inp/.1xd-lock Please consult the X.org Foundation support at http://wiki.x.org for help
init: giving up
init: unable to connect to X server: Connection not sucessfull
init: server error nuth: error in locking authority file /home/pi/.xauthority
I have done this process so many time it is giving me same error every time. Any suggestion.......
Check your .xauthority file to make sure it's owned by the user you're logging in as rather than root. If it's owned by root, you can either change the ownership, or simply delete it and it will be recreated next time you attempt a login.
This has happened to me before!
It is likely your .xauthority file is corrupted, or root owns that file which means it won't let you boot into the GUI. Try this code and it seemed to work for me...
sudo chown -R pi:pi /home/pi
Basically what this is doing is it is reverting all the files' permission settings back to you, so the .Xauthority file for your account will be yours again.
If the actual file itself is corrupt, then do this:
xauth -b
.Xauthority is not needed on startup, so it is safe to just delete it off your SD card, since a new version will be generated when you boot into the GUI.

Commit failed (details follow): Server sent access forbidden and 403 Access Denied on the repository in response to DELETE request

Apology for my week knowledge in svn. I am managing the Apache subversion svn server which is deployed in azure Ubuntu 14.04 VM. And on client side using the Tortoise client 1.8.8. I am facing the issue while deleting any directory or file from the repository. I thought of it is a permission issue but user can able to create, edit the file and commit the same without any issue. But for deletion and then committing the same is giving the error. Please help me out. For your better view I have enclosed the screen capture of the Tortoise client error. Issue:
Error while performing action: Commit failed (details follow): Server sent unexpected return value (403 Access Denied) in response to DELETE request
I am getting this error every time I try to commit
Update happen no issues not able to delete and commit anything what wrong...
Things I have done:
- I have given full 777 permission to repos for authenticated users.
- Also have checked the password and auth file for users password and authentication, that is also correct.
- And the same is working at my home. So, Is there any network or firewall rules which is creating issue?
Waiting for the resolution.