yii2 name field attribute using variable - yii

I'm trying to create in an activeform a series of controls using a loop for not being to declare the various fields of the model in order to have a generic template to which I pass only the name of the table and it creates the edit form.
So that if I pass the table A and it has 3 fields it creates three fields, the b has 5 fields it creates 5 fields etc etc.
$tfields= Array ( [0] => id [1] => brand_id [2] => group_id)
and i create this code
foreach($tfields as $key => $value) {
if (strlen($value)>0){
echo $form->field($model, $value)->textInput();
but when i run the code i get this error
Calling unknown method: yii\data\ActiveDataProvider::isAttributeRequired()
any ideas?
tks a lot!

the problem was tha i use an ActiveDataProvider as model, using instead and DynamicModel
in the controller
$model2= new \yii\base\DynamicModel([
in the form
foreach(explode(',',$fields) as $item){
if (strlen($item)<>0){ //to avoid empty
echo $form->field($model2, $item)->textInput();


How do you get the value of a "embed"?

I have a link field called lien. When I get it from the API through the Item it belongs to, I receive the following array:
[lien] => Array(
[0] => Array(
[embed] => 49935230
[file] => 129256002
I have no problem with the file.
How do you get the URL value?
The Embeds documentation: https://developers.podio.com/doc/embeds
A similar issue exists when getting the value of a category field through the Item object. It's an array of the selected option_id, it doesn't hold the option_text. The workaround is to get the corresponding App object and search for the option_text using the provided option_id.
The field's values are returned as a collection of embed objects. You can see documentation at: http://podio.github.io/podio-php/fields/#linkembed-field
$item = PodioItem::get_basic(123);
$field_id = 'embed';
$collection = $item->fields[$field_id]->values;
foreach ($collection as $embed) {
print "Embed id: ".$embed->embed_id;
print "Embed URL: ".$embed->original_url;

Yii and database row in dropdown

I have two model: test1 , test2
And an action in test1 :
public function active_widgets_list()
$widgets = SiteWidget::model()->find('status=:status', array(':status' => '1'));
return $widgets;
And I will show test1.tbl_1 rows as dropdown list in test2's view:
$list=CHtml::listData(SiteWidget::model()->active_widgets_list(), 'id', 'title');
echo $form->dropDownList($model,'widget_id', $list, array('empty' => 'Select Please'));
but down't work. i have just an empty dropdown.
You should be using findAll instead of find, since find returns only a single active record with the specified condition.
$widgets = SiteWidget::model()->findAll('status=:status', array(':status' => '1'));
If you use Gii tools, You don't need any thing for saving. It generate all the codes you need it. It is so easy to make a huge of models, controllers, views and CRUD.

Yii - Widgets - Explanation

I am trying to use drop down list widget :
// additional javascript options for the MultiSelect plugin
What I want to know is that Details of each option available in the widget array Like what is 'attribute' , 'model' and'data' represent , as I an unable to understand it form the documentation.
The model param is the model you are creating the multi select for.
The attribute is the model attribute you are creating the multi select for.
The data is an array of key/value pairs for the list items you want to display in the multi select.
For example, if you had a model 'User' and in that model you had a field 'access_rights' and you wanted to have that field as a multi select box with a few values, you might do something like:
In your controller:
$model = new User;
$data = array(
'admin_area'=>'Admin Area Access',
'product_area'=>'Product Area Access',
'customer_area'=>'Customer Area Access',
... etc
In your form in your view file:
// additional javascript options for the MultiSelect plugin
To add data to the multi select options from another model you can use the CHtml::listData() method, this takes an active record result set and converts it into an array of key/value pairs so you can use in any of the other CHtml methods that require a key/value pair. To do this you simply get the records you're after from the database using active record, eg;
$myData = Data::model->findAll();
You can then put that into the listData() method and it'll create your array:
'data'=>CHtml::listData($myData, 'id', 'name'),
// additional javascript options for the MultiSelect plugin
(where 'id' and 'name' are the fields from the model table that you want to be the 'key' and 'value' within the array)
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'category', CHtml::listData(TblCategory::model()->findAll(),
'id', 'category_name'), array('empty' => '---Select Category---',
'style' => 'width:350px;')), array() ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model, 'category'); ?>

CGridview and Yii Active Record Relation

I have two tables tbl_business and business_contacts of the following structure:
business_id (PK)
contact_id (PK)
The scenario is that one business row has many contacts. I am using cGridview using gii's CRUD generator and needed to display firstname and lastname from business_contacts (one of multiple possible rows in the table) for each tbl_business record.
As far as I understand, I've updated the relation function in tbl_business's model as:
'businesscontacts' => array(self::HAS_MANY,'BusinessContact','business_id','select' => 'contact_firstname, contact_lastname')
and for the same, a contact relation is defined in the business_contacts' model as:
'contactbusiness' => array(self::BELONGS_TO,'BusinessContact','business_id')
I expected that would work for pulling related records so that I can have something in the grid like, business_id, contact_firstname, contact_lastname , ... otherbusinesstablecolumns .. but I'm only getting blank values under firstname and lastname .. could someone please help me understand the error? :(
So you are trying to display a table of Businesses (tbl_business) using CGridView? And in each Business's row you want to list multiple Contacts (business_contacts)?
CGridView does not support displaying HAS_MANY relations by default. CGridView makes it easy to list which Business a Contact BELONGS_TO (i.e. you can use a column name like contactbusiness.business_id), but not all of the Contacts that are in a business.
You can do it yourself though, by customizing a CDataColumn. (Note: this will not allow you to sort and filter the column, just view. You'll have to do a lot more work in to get those working.)
First, in your Business model, add a method like this to print out all of the contacts:
public function contactsToString() {
$return = '';
foreach ($this->businesscontacts as $contact) {
$return .= $contact->contact_firstname.' '.$contact->contact_firstname.'<br />';
return $return;
(EDIT: Or do this to print out just the first contact):
public function contactsToString() {
if($firstContact = array_shift($this->businesscontacts)) {
return $firstContact->contact_firstname.' '.$firstContact->contact_firstname;
return '';
Then make a new column in your grid and fill it with this data like so:
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'header'=>'Business Contacts', // give new column a header
'type'=>'HTML', // set it to manual HTML
'value'=>'$data->contactsToString()' // here is where you call the new function
// other columns
)); ?>
EDIT2: Yet another way of doing this, if you just want to print out ONE of a HAS_MANY relation, would be to set up a new (additional) HAS_ONE relation for the same table:
public function relations()
return array(
'businesscontacts' => array(self::HAS_MANY,'BusinessContact','business_id','select' => 'contact_firstname, contact_lastname') // original
'firstBusinesscontact' => array(self::HAS_ONE, 'BusinessContact', 'business_id'), // the new relation
Then, in your CGridView you can just set up a column like so:
Getting only the first contact could be achieved like this also:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'name' => 'contacts.contact_firstname',
'value' => '$data->contacts[0]->contact_firstname', // <------------------------
'type' => 'raw'

multiple checkbox valiadation for any one in YII frame work for this example

Hi can you please tell how can i validate the multiple checkbox any one is checked in yii framework
array('accept', 'required', 'requiredValue' => 1, 'message' => 'You should select alteast one')
As these value are usually sent as arrays, I wrote an array validator for these cases once: https://github.com/schmunk42/p3extensions/blob/master/validators/P3ArrayValidator.php
Usage example:
'message' => 'You should select at least one'
sorry for the late reply.
But, I found a solution without installing any extension.
Take a hidden field with the same name [Checkboxes list field].
<?php echo $form->hiddenField($model,'categories');?>
Display a list of categories with name different from our field name (multiple checkboxes).
But, remember the 'class', and play with the class to save the values.
echo CHtml::checkBoxList(
//you can pass the array here which you want to be pre checked
explode(',', trim($model->attributes['categories'], ',')),
array('separator'=>'', 'template'=>'<tr><td style="width:5%;">{input}</td><td>{label}</td></tr>', 'class' => 'group')
This way validation should work also, you get category ids as comma separated e.g. [,1,2,6,]
var str = $('.group:checked').map(function() {
return this.value;
var groupCats = (str.length > 0) ? ','+str+',' : '';
// Get the 'ModelNAME_field' by viewing source of HTML of hidden field.