Kotlin - Evaluate functions from code string - kotlin

General Question:
I would like to run in a kotlin app some code stored as String.
fun Evaluate(str: String,f:(s : String) -> Unit )
For example, an Hello World
var function : String = "fun a(s:String) = println(s)"
Evaluate ("Hello World",function)
Is this possible, or maybe something close to this result ?
Specific Question :
I have an activity containing a layout and a map of variable :
private lateinit var glayout: LinearLayout
val variable : MutableMap<String, Any> = mutableMapOf(),
val code : List<String>
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
//Some init
glayout = binding.root.findViewById(R.id.gamelayout)
code = getCodeFromJson()
for (c in code){
//Here execute the code
So i would like to be able in my interpreted code to :
Modify a variable in the map
Instanciate any kind of views in the layout, from text to button with onClickListener
Run some specific android commands, like record, photo and others

I think the most reasonable way is to write a interpreter using your own language.
abstract class Interpreter {
fun run(sentence: String) {
val input = sentence.trim().split(" ")
val cmd = input[0]
val args = input.drop(1)
execute(cmd, args)
protected abstract fun execute(command: String, args: List<String>)
For example, if you have a map and you want the user to modify it:
class MapInterpreter(private val map: MutableMap<String, String>) : Interpreter() {
override protected fun execute(command: String, args: List<String>) {
when (command) {
"putmap" -> {
require(args.size == 2) { "usage: addmap [key] [value]" }
map[args[0]] = args[1]
"remmap" -> {
require(args.size == 1) { "usage: remmap [key]" }
"showmap" -> {
require(args.size == 0) { "usage: showmap" }
To use it, just call the run method with the user input (from a text field, for example):
val map: MutableMap<String, String> = hashMapOf()
val interpreter = MapInterpreter(map)
interpreter.run("putmap I one")
interpreter.run("putmap V five")
interpreter.run("putmap X ten")
interpreter.run("putmap 2 two")
interpreter.run("remmap 2")
// Output:
// {2=two, V=five, X=ten, I=one}
// {V=five, X=ten, I=one}
Another example; to instantiate a Android View dynamically:
class ViewBuilderInterpreter(private val context: Context, private val parent: View) : Interpreter() {
override protected fun execute(command: String, args: List<String>) {
when (command) {
"textview" -> {
require(args.size >= 1 && args.size <= 2) { "usage: textview [text] {color}" }
parent.addView(Text(context).also {
it.text = args[0]
it.color = if (args.size == 1) Color.BLACK else Color.parseColor(args[1])
// ...
Of course that's just an idea, you also need to handle invalid commands and exceptions that might occur.


How to convert a function to listOf without lamdas?

There example of works code:
package cryptography
typealias taskFun = () -> Unit
var i: Int = 0
object tasks {
val supportTaskTextList = listOf("hide", "show", "exit")
val supportTaskFunList = listOf<taskFun>(fun() { println("hide $i");i++ }, fun() { println("show $i"); i++ } , fun() { println("Bye $i"); i++ })
fun hide() {
println("Hiding message in image.")
fun show() {
println("Obtaining message from image.")
fun exit() {
fun getTask() {
println("Task (${supportTaskTextList.joinToString(", ")}):")
val i = readln()
for (idx in supportTaskFunList.indices)
if (supportTaskTextList[idx] == i) return supportTaskFunList[idx]()
println("Wrong task: $i")
fun main() {
while(true) {
Is code is works. But i want to call my methods without lamda. When i tried to just use them by name i got "main.kt:4:43: error: function invocation 'hide()' expected"
in: val supportTaskFunList = listOf<taskFun> = listOf(hide, show, exit)
Yet, i can to use it like:
package cryptography
typealias taskFun = () -> Unit
// var i: Int = 0
object tasks {
val hide = fun() {
println("Hiding message in image.")
val show = fun() {
println("Obtaining message from image.")
val exit = fun() {
val supportTaskTextList = listOf("hide", "show", "exit")
val supportTaskFunList = listOf<taskFun>(hide, show, exit)
fun getTask() {
println("Task (${supportTaskTextList.joinToString(", ")}):")
val i = readln()
for (idx in supportTaskFunList.indices)
if (supportTaskTextList[idx] == i) return supportTaskFunList[idx]()
println("Wrong task: $i")
fun main() {
while(true) {
May i use it without lamdas? Just, like as in C++ though pointers on methods? And why i can't use functions without lamdas here?
The correct syntax to reference a function by name is not using a plain name, but the :: syntax, for which you still need the name of hte object task I think. You could try just writing ::hide, ::show... but I am not sure it resolves here.,
val supportTaskFunList = listOf(tasks::hide, tasks::show, tasks::exit)
Short mention: This is a function type. According to the documentation this is not a lambda (in Kotlin terminology) as it does not define a new function or use the lambda syntax, just references an existing function.

Filter searchView from RecycleView with Adapter

Adapter class
class AppListAdapter(private val context: Context, initialChecked: ArrayList<String> = arrayListOf()) : RecyclerView.Adapter<AppListAdapter.AppViewHolder>() {
public val appList = arrayListOf<ApplicationInfo>()
private val checkedAppList = arrayListOf<Boolean>()
private val packageManager: PackageManager = context.packageManager
init {
context.packageManager.getInstalledApplications(PackageManager.GET_META_DATA).sortedBy { it.loadLabel(packageManager).toString() }.forEach { info ->
if (info.packageName != context.packageName) {
if (info.flags and ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM == 0) {
inner class AppViewHolder(private val item: ItemAppBinding) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(item.root) {
fun bind(data: ApplicationInfo, position: Int) {
item.txApp.text = data.loadLabel(packageManager)
item.cbApp.isChecked = checkedAppList[position]
item.cbApp.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, checked ->
checkedAppList[position] = checked
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): AppViewHolder {
return AppViewHolder(ItemAppBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(context), parent, false))
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: AppViewHolder, position: Int) {
holder.bind(appList[position], position)
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return appList.size
on MainActivity
binding.searchView2.setOnQueryTextListener(object : SearchView.OnQueryTextListener{
override fun onQueryTextSubmit(query: String?): Boolean {
// how to write code filtered by query?
return false
override fun onQueryTextChange(newText: String?): Boolean {
// how to write code filtered by newText?
return false
I'm newbie in kotlin..anyone can help?
I believe you want to filter items with "ApplicationInfo.txApp", so i will write the code for it.
First you need your adapter class to extend Filterable like below, and add one more list to hold all items:
class AppListAdapter(private val context: Context, initialChecked: ArrayList<String> = arrayListOf()) : RecyclerView.Adapter<AppListAdapter.AppViewHolder>(), Filterable {
public val appList = arrayListOf<ApplicationInfo>()
public val appListFull = ArrayList<ApplicationInfo>(appList)
// This full list because of when you delete all the typing to searchView
// so it will get back to that full form.
Then override it's function and write your own filter to work, paste this code to your adapter:
override fun getFilter(): Filter {
return exampleFilter
private val exampleFilter = object : Filter() {
override fun performFiltering(constraint: CharSequence?): FilterResults? {
val filteredList: ArrayList<ApplicationInfo> = ArrayList()
if (constraint == null || constraint.isEmpty()) {
// when searchview is empty
} else {
// when you type something
// it also uses Locale in case capital letters different.
val filterPattern = constraint.toString().lowercase(Locale.getDefault()).trim()
for (item in appListFull) {
val txApp = item.txApp
if (txApp.lowercase(Locale.getDefault()).contains(filterPattern)) {
val results = FilterResults()
results.values = filteredList
return results
#SuppressLint("NotifyDataSetChanged") #Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
override fun publishResults(constraint: CharSequence?, results: FilterResults?) {
appList.addAll(results!!.values as ArrayList<ApplicationInfo>)
And finally call this filter method in your searchview:
binding.searchView2.setOnQueryTextListener(object : SearchView.OnQueryTextListener{
override fun onQueryTextSubmit(query: String?): Boolean {
return false
override fun onQueryTextChange(newText: String?): Boolean {
return false
These should work i'm using something similar to that, if not let me know with the problem.

realTime List using callbackFlow from firestore

i'm facing hard times updating list of Orders in real time from firestore using stateflow !!
class RepositoryImp : Repository {
private fun Query.snapshotFlow(): Flow<QuerySnapshot> = callbackFlow {
val snapshott = addSnapshotListener { value, error ->
if (error != null) {
if (value != null)
awaitClose {
override fun getAllOrders() = flow<State<List<OrderModel>>> {
val snapshot = ORDER_COLLECTION_REF.snapshotFlow()
.mapNotNull { it.toObjects(OrderModel::class.java) }
emit(State.success(snapshot)) // **HERE** !!!!!!
}.catch {
i'm receiving the error from // emit(State.success(snapshot)) that says :
Type mismatch: inferred type is Flow<(Mutable)List<OrderModel!>> but List< OrderModel> was expected
sealed class State <T> {
class Loading <T> : State<T>()
data class Success <T> (val data: T) : State <T>()
data class Failed <T> (val message: String) : State <T>()
companion object {
fun <T> loading() = Loading <T>()
fun <T> success(data: T) = Success(data)
fun <T> failed(message: String) = Failed<T>(message)
My fun to LoadOrders :
private suspend fun loadOrders() {
viewModel.getAllOrders().collect { state ->
when (state) {
is State.Loading -> {
is State.Success -> {
is State.Failed -> showToast("Failed! ${state.message}")
Your snapshot variable is a Flow of lists, not a single List. If you want to just fetch the current list, you shouldn't use a flow for that. Instead use get().await().
override fun getAllOrders() = flow<State<List<OrderModel>>> {
val snapshot = ORDER_COLLECTION_REF.get().await()
.let { it.toObjects(OrderModel::class.java) }
}.catch {
The flowOn call is actually unnecessary because we aren't doing anything blocking. await() is a suspend function.
Based on comments discussion below, supposing we want to show a loading state only before the first item, then show a series of success states, and we want to show an error and stop emitting once there's an error, we could do:
override fun getAllOrders() = flow<State<List<OrderModel>>> {
val snapshots = ORDER_COLLECTION_REF.snapshotFlow()
.mapNotNull { State.success(it.toObjects(OrderModel::class.java)) }
}.catch {

While loop doesn't seem to work with .putFile when uploading multiple images to Firebase storage in Kotlin

I have been trying to upload multiple images to Firebase Storage. But, I am not able to do it successfully. I could successfully upload the image (single) to the storage and add the URL of the image to the Firestore, now that I revised my code to upload up to five images, it could be any number of images from 1 to 5.
R.id.btn_submit -> {
if (validateDetails()) {
The above code, calls the following function after validating the fields, which then calls the function uploadImageToCloudStorage. mSelectedImageFileUriList is private var mSelectedImageFileUriList: MutableList<Uri?>? = null. It all seems to work correctly.
private fun uploadImage() {
et_product_title.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' }
Following code is where I guess is a mistake.
fun uploadImageToCloudStorage(
activity: AddProductActivity,
imageFileURI: MutableList<Uri?>?,
imageType: String,
directoryName: String,
title: String
) {
var i = 0
val imageURLList = ArrayList<String>()
val itr = imageFileURI?.iterator()
if (itr != null) {
while (itr.hasNext()) {
val sRef: StorageReference = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().getReference(
"/$directoryName/" + imageType + "." + Constants.getFileExtension(
.addOnSuccessListener { taskSnapshot ->
.addOnSuccessListener { uri ->
if (i < imageFileURI.size) {
i += 1
} else {
.addOnFailureListener { exception ->
} else {
"There is no images in the ArrayList of URI",
EDIT: After receiving the first answer.
I have created a QueueSyn.kt file and added the code in the Answer. The activity where the images and the button are changed to
class AddProductActivity : BaseActivity(), View.OnClickListener, QueueSyncCallback {
The following function is called when the button is hit.
private fun uploadProductImage() {
et_product_title.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' },
I have also implemented these two methods in the class AddProductActivity, but I don't know what should go inside this.
override fun completed(successList: MutableList<Uri>, failureList: MutableList<Uri>) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun getFileExtension(uri: Uri): String {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
This should work
import android.net.Uri
import com.google.firebase.storage.FirebaseStorage
import com.google.firebase.storage.StorageReference
import java.util.*
import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
interface QueueSyncCallback {
fun completed(successList: MutableList<Uri>, failureList: MutableList<Uri>)
fun getFileExtension(uri: Uri): String
class QueueSync(
imageFileURI: MutableList<Uri?>?,
private val imageType: String,
private val directoryName: String,
private val title: String,
private val callback: QueueSyncCallback,
private val maxActive: Int = 5
) {
private val queue: LinkedList<Uri> = LinkedList()
private val runningQueue: MutableList<Uri> = Collections.synchronizedList(
object : ArrayList<Uri>() {
override fun remove(element: Uri): Boolean {
val removed = super.remove(element)
if (isEmpty() && queue.isEmpty()) {
callback.completed(successList, failureList)
} else if (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
return removed
private val successList: MutableList<Uri> = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList())
private val failureList: MutableList<Uri> = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList())
init {
if (imageFileURI != null)
for (uri in imageFileURI) {
if (uri != null)
private fun getLocation(uri: Uri) = "/$directoryName/$imageType.${callback.getFileExtension(uri)}"
fun startUploading() {
var i = 0
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
callback.completed(successList, failureList)
while (i < maxActive && queue.isNotEmpty()) {
private fun addToRunningQueue() {
val uri = queue.poll()!!
private fun uploadImageToCloudStorage(locationUri: Uri) {
val sRef: StorageReference = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().getReference(getLocation(locationUri))
.addOnSuccessListener { taskSnapshot ->
.addOnSuccessListener { uri ->
.addOnFailureListener {
Since your need requires usage of threads so to prevent race conditions I had to use Collections.synchronizedList. To use this you need to implement QueueSyncCallback in your activity and pass it as a reference to QueueSync. Make sure that any piece of code written inside completed is wrapped inside runOnMainThread if it is going to access views in any way since completed will not run on main thread as far as I know. This should work however I am not able to test it since it is based on your current code.
Edit:- Answering after edit
override fun completed(successList: MutableList<Uri>, failureList: MutableList<Uri>) {
override fun getFileExtension(uri: Uri): String {
Constants.getFileExtension(this, imageFileURI[i])

Kotlin poet filet not getting generated

I tried to create a class with annotation processor and Kotlin Poet. This is my code:
class TailProcessor : AbstractProcessor() {
override fun process(elementTypeSet: MutableSet<out TypeElement>?, roundEnvironment: RoundEnvironment?): Boolean {
roundEnvironment?.getElementsAnnotatedWith(Tail::class.java)?.forEach {
if (it.javaClass.kotlin.isData) {
print("You are doing it right")
val className = it.simpleName.toString()
val pack = processingEnv.elementUtils.getPackageOf(it).toString()
val variables = ElementFilter.fieldsIn(elementTypeSet)
startClassGeneration(className, pack, variables)
} else {
return false
return false
override fun getSupportedSourceVersion(): SourceVersion = SourceVersion.latest()
override fun getSupportedAnnotationTypes(): MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(Tail::class.java.name)
private fun startClassGeneration(
className: String,
pack: String,
variables: MutableSet<VariableElement>
) {
val fileName = "Tail$className"
val stringToBePrinted = generateStringFromIncommingValues(variables)
val printFunction = FunSpec.builder("print").addCode("print($stringToBePrinted)").build()
val generatedClass = TypeSpec.objectBuilder(fileName).addFunction(printFunction).build()
val file = FileSpec.builder(pack, fileName).addType(generatedClass).build()
val kaptKotlinGeneratedDir = processingEnv.options[KOTLIN_DIRECTORY_NAME]
file.writeTo(File(kaptKotlinGeneratedDir, "$fileName.kt"))
private fun generateStringFromIncommingValues(variables: MutableSet<VariableElement>): Any {
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
variables.forEach {
if (it.constantValue == null) {
stringBuilder.append("null\n ")
} else {
return stringBuilder.toString()
companion object {
const val KOTLIN_DIRECTORY_NAME = "sxhardha.tail"
The problem, directory and file not generating. I tried to rebuild, invalidate cache + restart, clean but none of them works. The build goes successful without any errors but I see no changes. Can you check what is wrong?
I actually found the issue. I wasn't checking right if that class is a data class or not and the condition was never met.
Instead of:
Should have been:
it.kotlinMetadata as KotlinClassMetadata).data.classProto.isDataClass
But it can only be achieved by using this library here.