Nuxt js / Vuex Cannot get state variables on components which is set by nuxtServerInit - vue.js

I am trying to get the state variable on components which is set by the nuxtServerInit Axios by get method.
export default () => ({
siteData: null
import initialState from './state'
const mutations = {
SET_SITE_DATA (state, value) {
state.siteData = {
site_title: value.site_title,
logo: value.logo
export default {
const getters = {
siteDetails: state => state.siteData
export default {
const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit ({ commit, dispatch }, ctx) {
try {
const host =
const res = await this.$'/vendors/oauth/domain/configuration', { domain: host })
} catch (err) {
export default {
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import mutations from './mutations'
import getters from './getters'
import actions from './actions'
import state from './state'
const store = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
export default store
Here I set SET_SITE_DATA mutation which set siteData state.
<section class="header sticky-top">
{{ siteDetails }}
{{ $store.getters }}
{ logo }}
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
logo () {
return this.$store.state.siteData
I don't know what is happening here. You can see I have consoled the values. So when I reload the page I can get the values but after few seconds all values reset to the null. I want to set those values globally so can access them all over the site. I don't want to call API every time a page changes so I used nuxtServerInit so can set values globally when the page reloads once and can access them.


Pinia getter does not filter state (options API)

I have a pinia store I am using with a vue component, with the options API. I have a getter in my pinia store that is supposed doing some basic filtering of items. However, the getter just returns what is in state without any of the filtering applied.
My component:
<DetailsWrapper :filteredDetails="filteredDetails"
import {mapState, } from 'pinia';
export default {
components: DetailsWrapper,
computed: {
...mapState(useDetailsStore, {
filteredDetails: store => store.filteredDetails,
In my pinia store I have:
import axios from 'axios';
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
const useDetailsStore = defineStore('details', {
getters: {
filteredDetails: state => {
const productDetails = state.product && state.product.details;
productDetails.forEach(detail => {
detail.values.filter(detail => detail.isOnline && detail.isDisplayable
return productDetails
export default useDetailsStore
The end result is just that everything in productDetails is returned -- nothing is filtered out, even though there are definitely values to be filtered.
If anyone could provide any guidance it would be much appreciated!
You can try like this:
import axios from 'axios';
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
const useDetailsStore = defineStore('details', {
return (state.product?.details || []).map(product => ({
values: product.values.filter(val => val.isOnline && val.isDisplayable),
export default useDetailsStore;

Vuex data just show once then won't display after reloading

why my json data display just only once and after reloading the page it won't show again.
Did I miss something here?
import axios from "axios";
const store = {
careers: []
const getters = {
allCareers: (state) =>
const mutations = {
RETRIEVE_CAREERS: (state, career) => ( = career),
const actions = {
async careers({ commit }) {
try {
const response = await axios.get('http://localhost:9001/career/jobs/');
} catch (err) {
export default {
and in my component I do this:
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
computed: {
/* more getters here if necessary */
methods: {
created() {;
and in template I just do this:
Why it will show only once but won't show after reloading the page?
I don't see anywhere that you "persist" the fetched data. Vuex does not persist the data across reloads, it acts as an in-memory storage
You still have to persist your data to local storage of some sorts like localStorage or indexedDB.
Here is a simple solution:
const store = {
careers: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('careers') || '[]');
const mutations = {
RETRIEVE_CAREERS: (state, career) => { = career;
localStorage.setItem('careers', JSON.stringify(career));

vuex unknown action type: displayArticles

Why it doesn't display the json coming from jsonplaceholder?
Did I miss something here? This is just my first time using Vuex.
By the way, I separated the files so that I can debug it easily and I thought it's a good practice for me because I'm planning to implement vuex in a bigger project.
Here is my index.js:
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import articles from './modules/articles';
//Load Vuex
//Create store
export default new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
Here is my articles.js .
import axios from 'axios';
const state = {
articles: []
const actions = {
loadArticles({ commit }) {
.then(response =>
.then(articles => {
commit('displayArticles', articles,
const mutations = {
displayArticles(state, articles) {
state.articles = articles;
export default {
and lastly my home.vue that will display the data from the vuex:
<h1 v-for="article in articles" :key="">{{}}</h1>
import { mapState } from "vuex";
export default {
mounted() {
computed: mapState(["articles"])
you have to dispatch the action, so in your .vue file you have to write :
mounted() {
and to get the list of articles in your component you should use getter in your Store:
const getters = {
getArticles: state => {
return state.articles;
and the computed will be like this:
return this.$store.getters.getArticles;
and then you call the computed leement in your HTML:
<h1 v-for="article in getArticlesFromStore" :key="">{{}}</h1>
You are trying to dispatch mutation. You need to use commit with mutations or move your displayArticles to actions. I imagine you meant to dispatch loadArticles?

vuex unknown local mutation type: updateValue, global type: app/updateValue. Mutations don't work

I want to apply mutations through actions to a variable in my vuejs application. But I get this error saying [vuex] unknown local mutation type: updateValue, global type: app/updateValue
Here is my store folder structure:
This is my ./store/index.js file:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import actions from './actions'
import getters from './getters'
import modules from './modules'
import mutations from './mutations'
import state from './state'
const store = new Vuex.Store({
namespaced: true,
export default store
This is my ./store/modules/index.js:
const requireModule = require.context('.', true, /\.js$/)
const modules = {}
requireModule.keys().forEach(fileName => {
if (fileName === './index.js') return
// Replace ./ and .js
const path = fileName.replace(/(\.\/|\.js)/g, '')
const [moduleName, imported] = path.split('/')
if (!modules[moduleName]) {
modules[moduleName] = {
namespaced: true
modules[moduleName][imported] = requireModule(fileName).default
export default modules
This is my ./store/modules/app/actions.js:
export const updateValue = ({commit}, payload) => {
commit('updateValue', payload)
This is my ./store/modules/app/getters.js:
export const value = state => {
return state.wruValue;
This is my ./store/modules/app/mutations.js:
import { set, toggle } from '#/utils/vuex'
export default {
setDrawer: set('drawer'),
setImage: set('image'),
setColor: set('color'),
toggleDrawer: toggle('drawer')
export const updateValue = (state, payload) => {
state.wruValue = payload * 12;
This is my ./store/modules/app/state.js:
export default {
drawer: null,
color: 'green',
wruValue: 1,
and finally this is my vue component:
<v-btn #click="updateValue(10)">
import { mapActions } from 'vuex';
...mapActions ('app',[
So when I click on the button I expect to see the wruValue to change (I print the value somewhere else for testing purposes) but instead I get the error mentioned above. What's wrong with my code?
commit('updateValue', payload, {root: true})
But I find your use of namespacing odd. For my projects, I don't separate out files for getters, actions, etc, I separate out tasks, projects, companies, etc. But if it works for you, that's fine. It doesn't seem like the issue. If you still get an error, you might need to change "updateValue" to "mutations/updateValue" or something.
You should use this project structure:
export const state = {
drawer: null,
color: 'green',
wruValues: 1,
wruValue: 1
export const mutations = {
UPDATE_VALUE: (state, payload) => {
state.wruValue = payload * 12
export const actions = {
updateValue: ({ commit }, payload) => {
commit('UPDATE_VALUE', payload)
export const getters = {
getWruValue: (state) => state.wruValue
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const requireContext = require.context('./modules', true, /.*\.js$/)
const modules = requireContext.keys()
.map(file =>
[file.replace(/(^.\/)|(\.js$)/g, ''), requireContext(file)]
.reduce((modules, [name, module]) => {
if (module.namespaced === undefined) {
module.namespaced = true
return { ...modules, [name]: module }
}, {})
export default new Vuex.Store({
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import router from './router'
import store from './store/'
Vue.config.productionTip = false
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
<div id="app">
<button #click="updateValue(10)">
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
export default {
methods: {
...mapActions('app', ['updateValue'])
Then if you want to add a new store namespace, u need to put it inside of src/modules folder.

currentUser not getting set with Vuex

I added some code to my vue project so I can save the state of a user - which is whether he is logged in or not. If the state is not null, I want to display the navbar and footer. I added all the vuex import statements. I am using an axios call to the db which returns a json response. comes back as true/false. If true, I redirect the user to the main page. Then I create a user object called currentUser, but I'm not sure what to base it on, so it is getting set to null. I need to use the state in a few places throughout my app, but it is not getting set. Please someone help. Thanks in advance. (code is below)
import JwtDecode from 'jwt-decode'
export default class User {
static from (token) {
try {
let obj = JwtDecode(token)
return new User(obj)
} catch (_) {
return null
constructor ({username}) {
this.username = username
<div id="app">
<template v-if="currentUser">
<div class="container-fluid">
<template v-if="currentUser">
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import Navbar from '#/components/Navbar'
import Foot from '#/components/Foot'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
computed: {
...mapGetters({ currentUser: 'currentUser' })
export const LOGIN = 'LOGIN'
export const LOGOUT = 'LOGOUT'
/* global localStorage */
import User from '#/models/User'
import * as MutationTypes from './mutation_types'
const state = {
user: User.from(localStorage.token)
const mutations = {
[MutationTypes.LOGIN] (state) {
state.user = User.from(localStorage.token)
[MutationTypes.LOGOUT] (state) {
state.user = null
const getters = {
currentUser (state) {
return state.user
const actions = {
login ({ commit }) {
logout ({ commit }) {
export default {
The user store should only set the default state. AFter making request to validate user. You should use actions and mutations to set the user state. Call the action via store.dispatch("user/login", user) where you return new User(obj).
let obj = JwtDecode(token)
const user = new User(obj)
store.dispatch("user/login", user)
const actions = {
login ({ commit }, userObject) {
commit(MutationTypes.LOGIN, userObject)
logout ({ commit }) {
const mutations = {
[MutationTypes.LOGIN] (state, user) {
state.user = user;
[MutationTypes.LOGOUT] (state) {
state.user = null
On a other note, you have dumb getters. Meaning they just return the state. You can rather call the user object directly out of state. Use getters when you want to modify the return value before returning it.
I took a little look and it seems you use '=' instead of Vue.set() to set your state variable.
Refer to the answer : vuex - is it possible to directly change state, even if not recommended?