How to combine two tables with different Primary Keys by multiple columns ideally HASH - sql

I have two tables of world countries Independence Day and I wanted to combine them into one table with a distinct id, but they are using different Primary keys, any suggestions will be appreciated.
Summary of request: How to combine two tables with different Primary Keys but the other fields in common and removing duplicate fields ideally Hash Match and removing duplicates
Expected Results this will include all the unique countries in both tables, please one table may have more countries and we want to make sure we take all the distinct countries from each table. Ideally, the solution will be likely to be of like Hash Match operator in SQL which implements several different logical operations that all use an in-memory hash table for finding matching data. Many thanks in advance
The image of two tables which needs combining.

You seem to want full join:
select a.*, b.* -- select the columns you want
from a full join
on =;
If you want to assign a new unique id use row_number():
select row_number() over (order by coalesce(, as new_id,
a.*, b.* -- select the columns you want
from a full join
on =;


How to join two tables with unrelated columns SQL

I am trying to join two tables together using UNION (although im not sure that is the best option) there are technically two related columns however they don't have the same name so i'm assuming that isn't an option here is my query:
SELECT title, type, release_date FROM pictures
SELECT name, residence, NULL as Col3 FROM actor
ORDER BY release_date ASC;
It is only printing out the pictures columns from this? Thank you for any help in advance.
To relate two tables you could use some foreign key or a third table in the case of beign a many-to-many relation, you should use one of the join options, for example:
Imagine that exists a table that relate actor and pictures, called actor_pictures.
Image that we will relate the tables by id (it could be another one, and it doesn't have to have the same name).
You could do this:
SELECT * FROM actor_pictures ap
JOIN actor a ON ap.actor_id =
JOIN pictures p ON ap.pictures_id =
ORDER BY p.release_date ASC
Read this:

Can we join two parts of two composite primary keys together?

I have to two tables, both have a composite primary key:
OrderNr + CustNr
OrderNr + ItemNr
Can I join both tables with the OrderNr and OrderNr which is each a part of a composite primary key?
Yes, but you may find you get rows from each table that repeat as they combine to make a unique combination. This is called a Cartesian product
Table A
OrderNr, CustNr
SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.OrderNr = b.OrderNr
This happens because composite primary keys can contain repeated elements so long as the combination of elements is unique. Joining on only one part of the PK, and that part being an element that is repeated (my custnr 1 repeats twice in each table, even though the itemnr and CustNr mean the rows are unique) results in a multiplied resultset - 2 rows from A that are custnr 1, multiplied by 2 rows from B that are custnr 1, gives 4 rows in total
Does it work with the normal/naturla join too?
Normal joins (INNER, LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, FULL OUTER) will join the rows from two tables or subqueries when the ON condition is valid. The clause in the ON is like a WHERE clause, yes - in that it represents a statement that is true or false (a predicate). If the statement is true, the rows are joined. You don't even have to make it about data from the tables - you can even say a JOIN b ON 1=1 and every rows from A will get joined to every row from B. As commented, primary keys aren't involved in JOINS at all, though primary keys often rely on indexes and those indexes may be used to speed up a join, but they aren't vital to it.
Other joins (CROSS, NATURAL..) exist; a CROSS join is like the 1=1 example above, you don't specify an ON, every row from A is joined to every row from B, by design. NATURAL JOIN is one to avoid using, IMHO - the database will look for column names that are the same in both tables and join on them. The problem is that things can stop working in future if someone adds a column with the same name but different content/meaning to the two tables. No serious production system I've ever come across has used NATURAL join. You can get away with some typing if your columns to join on are named the same, with USING - SELECT * FROM a JOIN b USING (col) - here both A and B have a column called col. USING has some advantages, especially over NATURAL join, in that it doesn't fall apart if another column of the same name as an existing one but it has some detractors too - you can't say USING(col) AND .... Most people just stick to writing ON, and forget USING
NATURAL join also does NOT use primary keys. There is no join style (that I know of) that will look at a foreign key relationship between two tables and use that as the join condition
And then is it true that if I try to join Primary key and foreign key of two tables, that it works like a "where" command?
Hard to understand what you mean by this, but if you mean that A JOIN B ON A.primarykey = B.primary_key_in_a then it'll work out, sure. If you mean A CROSS JOIN B WHERE A.primarykey = B.primary_key_in_a then that will also work, but it's something I'd definitely avoid - no one writes SQLs this way, and the general favoring is to drop use of WHERE to create joining conditions (you do still see people writing the old school way of FROM a,b WHERE a.col=b.col but it's also heavily discouraged), and put them in the ON instead
So, in summary:
SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col2
Joins all rows from a with all rows from b, where the values in col1 equal the values in col2. No primary keys are needed for any of this to work out
You can join any table if there is/are logical relationship between them
select *
from t1
on t1.ORderNr = t2.OrderNr
Although if OrderNr cannot provide unicity between tables by itself, your data will be multiplied.
Lets say that you have 2 OrderNr with value 1 on t1 and 5 OrderNr with value 1 on t2, when you join them, you will get 2 x 5 = 10 records.
Your data model is similar to a problem commonly referred to as a "fan trap". (If you had an "order" table keyed solely by OrderNr if would exactly be a fan trap).
Either way, it's the same problem -- the relationship between Order/Customers and Order/Items is ambiguous. You cannot tell which customers ordered which items.
It is technically possible to join these tables -- you can join on any columns regardless of whether they are key columns or not. The problem is that your results will probably not make sense, unless you have more conditions and other tables that you are not telling us about.
For example, a simple join just on t1.OrderNr = t2.OrderNr will return rows indicating every customer related to the order has ordered every item related to the order. If that is what you want, you have no problem here.

Join tables having the same primary key

How do I join three tables having the same primary key and make one view ? Any leads would be appreciated.
I have 3 tables sttm_customer, sttm_customer_c and sttm_customer_custom,
that have customer_no in common with all.
I need to make one view STVW_CUSTOMER_TEMP merging all of them.
If I understand what you're trying to do, you can use UNION:
SELECT customer_no (and any other matching columns)
FROM sttm_customer
SELECT customer_no (and any other matching columns)
FROM sttm_customer_c
UNION customer_no (and any other matching columns)
FROM sttm_customer_custom

SQL query with loop

I am having trouble with writing a SQL query in Access with foreign keys. There are two tables, 'Customers'(ID, Name, Surname) and 'Orders'(ID, Customer, Date, Volume). ID fields are primary, and Orders.Customer is a foreign key linked to Customers.ID, so a customer can have many orders or none.
My goal is to do a search on customers based on many criteria, one of which being if customers have at least an order which volume is superior to a certain quantity. I tried joins with SELECT DISTINCT but it still gives me duplicate results, plus I had to create an empty order for every customer without orders if the query didn't use the above condition.
Does anyone have an idea about that? Maybe some special instruction on foreign keys or 2 separate queries?
Based on the information you give, i only can give you hints on what I think you're doing/understanding wrong :
SELECT DISTINCT does select you a unique record, not a unique value, so if your statement selects all fields (*), distinct won't help you much there.
My guess is you had to create an empty order for each customer because you used INNER JOIN, try LEFT OUTER JOIN instead
For example :
FROM Customers
ON (Orders.Customer =
WHERE Volume > put_your_value

SQL query to get data from one table based upon a column from another table?

In my tables I have for example
CountyID,County and CityID in the county table and in the city table I have table I have for example
City ID and City
How do I create a report that pulls the County from the county table and pulls city based upon the cityid in the county table.
Since this is quite a basic question, I'll give you a basic answer instead of the code to do it for you.
Where tables have columns that "match" each other, you can join them together on what they have in common, and query the result almost as if it was one table.
There are also different types of join based on what you want - for example it might be that some rows in one of the tables you're joining together don't have a corresponding match.
If you're sure that a city will definitely have a corresponding county, try inner joining the two tables on their matching column CityID and querying the result.
The obvious common link between both tables is CityID, so you'd be joining on that. I think you have the data organized wrong though, I'd put CountryID in the City table rather than CityID in the country table. Then, based on the CountryID selected, you can limit your query of the City table based on that.
To follow in context of Bridge's answer, you are obviously new to SQL and there are many places to dig up how to write them. However, the most fundamental basics you should train yourself with is always apply the table name or alias to prevent ambiguity and try to avoid using column names that might be considered reserved words to the language... they always appear to bite people.
That said, the most basic of queries is
etc with more fields you want
FirstTable as T1
(some conditional criteria)
order by
(some column or columns)
Now, when dealing with multiple tables, you need the JOINs... typically INNER or LEFT are most common. Inner means MUST match in both tables. LEFT means must match the table on the left side regardless of a match to the right... ex:
SomeTable T1
Join SecondTable T2
on T1.SomeKey = T2.MatchingColumnInSecondTable
LEFT JOIN ThirdTable T3
on T1.AnotherKey = T3.ColumnThatMayHaveTheMatchingKey
order by
T2.SomeField DESC,
From these examples, you should easily be able to incorporate your tables and their relationships to each other into your results...