SQL Server Integration Services: how to manage multiple sources? [closed] - sql

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I merged two databases for analyses purposes. One of these databases is out of production, so the data is not changing. The other db is live and continuously growing.
What's the best practice in terms of data management/storage? Do I have to delete all rows and reload + union data from both databases or is there a better way to manage this?
Thanks in advance

If you know the SSIS then make a package which will check keys and based on that it will inserted only unique rows.
You can easily apply lookup via ssis in source and destination.
Let me know if you need any help


How to make choice between NoSQL and SQL? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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My question is that I want to learn nodejs/express, and make a super simple web project. It would be a database with tables : users, video_games, categories.
The web site will just show list of games (just an example).
In this typical case, what would be more efficient : Mysql or MongoDB (SQL or NoSql) ?
In this particular case were you want to show only list ( you don't want to actual store videos, doc, texy, etc..) SQL database will be a good choice.
Another reason to use SQL database is that your data is relational ( I am assuming that the data i.e video_games, category...etc are linked to users) were SQL database suits more.
You should go to nosql database only when there is to relationship between your data ( well this is not the only case, but for beginners were your aim is to simply pick the right database this suffice)

SQL - best practices [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am about to develop a small cms\forum. Multiple customers are going to have there own access where the customers can communicate white them.
What is best practices- to make separate SQL db to each customer's cms data or one big to contain all the customers data?
As I cannot comment, so I can only type here.
It is strange that you would like to have separate database for each customer and it seems impossible to manage multiple db for just one purpose or function. For example, how could you identify which db belong to which customer? Also, do you expect to have many resource to allocate to each customer? a db simply waste if the customer is not active.
So, I suggest you to use one db to manage all the customers data which is normal solution.

Apply Database Changes after edit SQL Server [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a DataBase SQL , I did some changes in tables and datatype of this data base
but this data base contains data
I used a select Insert statement from the old database to the new one after edit
Is it the best way to bring he data to the new database or I can use better way ??
It depends why you are doing it and when.
If you are doing this as a one off process on your development machine and there is only a small number of simple tables then this approach will be fine
If you are doing it for a larger number of tables, need it to be re-runnable or want a GUI then use SSIS or "SQL Server Import and Export Wizard". It's easy to use.

Databases: What is a HANA delta table? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What is a delta table in SAP HANA databases?
From initial googling, I understood that these tables are some kind of intermediate tables to help data go from one state to another. But when exactly are they used? How are they different from "normal" tables in HANA databases?
Delta tables are a SAP-HANA specific technique to speed up write operations in the database.
Tables in SAP HANA usually use the column store, which is read-optimized. When writing data to a column-store table, this data is first stored in the delta-space for that table; this delta-space is periodically merged into the column store.
See e.g. https://cookbook.experiencesaphana.com/bw/operating-bw-on-hana/hana-database-administration/system-configuration/delta-merge/column-store/ for more details.
"Delta" is commonly used to mean "difference". A delta table would show only the differences between two tables, the records that were added/deleted/changed during the new process. It's a way to test new code to see what changes it caused.

SQL Server: What is the best way to Data Migration? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to migrate data from one database to another database in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I need to verify those rows retrieved before I insert them to the destination database's tables. Which approach is reasonable for this kind of things?
I am trying to use two datasets in my VB.NET program. Is it reasonable? Can you suggest me?
Thanks in advance,
It depends on how much data you're talking about, but I'd tend to pass on .Net datasets for a migration task, as that means pulling all the data into memory. If you must do this via a .Net client program, at least use a DataReader instead. But what's even better is to keep it all in Sql Server via Sql Server Integration Services.