Why does Telegram give me an empty POST request on the webhook? - telegram-bot

I followed these steps:
Registered a bot with BotFather.
Send a post request for the webhook (https://api.telegram.org/bot[BOTID]/setWebhook) with the URL being https://example.com/myscript.php
Double check with getWebhookInfo and it showed it is correctly registered.
When I send a message to the bot, the script is being called but with an empty POST payload. In the documentation they say they would send an HTTPS POST request to the specified url, containing a JSON-serialized Update.
Does anyone else has this issue and perhaps know a way to resolve this?
My php script to log:
$file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/telegram-log.txt';
$entry = (object)array();
$entry->date = date("r");
$entry->GET = $_GET;
$entry->POST = $_POST;
$entry->REQUEST = $_REQUEST;
file_put_contents($file, json_encode($entry) . "\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
{"date":"Thu, 17 Jun 2021 13:42:49 +0200","GET":[],"POST":[],"REQUEST":[],"HTTP_USER_AGENT":null,"REMOTE_ADDR":""}

Use $content = file_get_contents("php://input") to receive updates.
Telegram's response is of content-type application/json.
$_POST will only work when using application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data as the HTTP Content-Type in the request.


API Connect 5 - Error attempting to read the urlopen response data

I'm trying to create a REST API from a SOAP Service using IBM API Connect 5. I have followed all the steps described in this guide (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSFS6T/com.ibm.apic.apionprem.doc/tutorial_apionprem_expose_SOAP.html).
So, after dragging the web service block from palette, ensuring the correctness of endpoint and publishing the API, I have tried to call the API from the browser. Unfortunately, the API return the following message:
<httpMessage>Internal Server Error</httpMessage>
<moreInformation>Error attempting to read the urlopen response
To testing purpose, I have logged the request and I have tried the request on SOAPUI. The service return the response correctly.
What is the problem?
In my case, the problem was in the backend charset (Content-Type: text/xml;charset=iso-8859-1).
For example, backend returns text/xml in German (or French). Api Connect cannot process character ΓΌ. It needs Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8.
I had a similar issue, in my case was the accept. if you have an Invoke and the content-type or the accept, is not matching the one of the request, or the response that you got, APIC is getting mad.
Please, check if the formats to send (contentType) and receive (accept) are the same of that your API expected. In my case the error occurs because the API returns a String and my default code is configured to receive a JSON body.
//define a JSON-PLAIN TEXT protocol
private HttpEntity<String> httpEntityWithBody(Object objToParse){
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Authorization", "Bearer " + "xxx token xxx");
headers.set("Accept", MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE);
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
String json = gson.toJson(objToParse);
HttpEntity<String> httpEntity = new HttpEntity<String>(json, headers);
return httpEntity;
//calling the API to APIC...
ParameterizedTypeReference<String> responseType = new
ResponseEntity<String> result =
rest.exchange(builder.buildAndExpand(urlParams).toUri(), HttpMethod.PUT, httpEntityWithBody(myDTO), responseType);
String statusCode = result.getStatusCodeValue();
String message = result.getBody();

how to consume http post in elm with header and body

I am new in elm and try to consume web api using http post request with header and body using 0.17.1 version but did not get any documentation.
So any one help me to implement this functionality
The send method of the Http package gives you the possibility to create and send a custom request. For example, a post request could be something like
postRequest : Request
postRequest =
{ verb = "POST"
, headers =
[ ("Origin", "http://elm-lang.org")
, ("Access-Control-Request-Method", "POST")
, ("Access-Control-Request-Headers", "X-Custom-Header")
, url = "http://example.com/hats"
, body = empty
You can then create the Task that represent the request using the send function like
send defaultSettings postRequest

Graphql post body "Must provide query string."

I use Express-graphql middleware.
I send the following request in the body line:
POST /graphql HTTP/1.1
Host: local:8083
Content-Type: application/graphql
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: d71a7ea9-5502-d5fe-2e36-0ae49c635a29
testing {
pass(id: 1) {
and have error
"errors": [
"message": "Must provide query string."
in graphql i can send update in URL.
URL string is too short. i must send update model like
mutation {
update(id: 2, x1: "zazaza", x2: "zazaza", x3: "zazaza" ...(more more fields)...) {
I think its must be in request body. How can I send 'update' query or that I'm doing wrong?
Post request needs to manage headers info.
Using Http client - Content-Type: application/json
Using Postman client - Content-Type: application/graphql
but request body looks like string
{"query":"mutation{update(id:1,x1:\"zazaz\",x2:\"zazaz\"......){id x1 x2}}"}
If you are using graphql and want to test it using postman or any other Rest client do this.
In postman, select POST method and enter your URL and set Content-Type as application/graphql then pass your query in the body.
Mehtod: POST
Content-Type: application/graphql
Thats it you will get the response.
Using Postman Version 7.2.2 I had a similar issue. This version of Postman supports Graphql out of the box. Changing the Content-type to application/json fixed it for me.
for me worked like as following:
In the body
In the Headers
Don't forget mark GraphQl [x] on Body settings
And how was quoted before changes the verb to POST.
This generally occurs when your 'express-graphql' doest receive any params. You need to added a json/applicaton parser in your application.
npm install body-parser
eg -
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
app.use(bodyParser.json()); // application/json
go to the relevant web page and open "inspect" (by write click ->
inspect || Ctrl+Shift+I in chrome)
go to the network tab and copy the cURL command
open the postman ,then import -> raw text
paste the copied command
then,continue ->
Switch content type to JSON.
Like this
Check if you are using correct protocol in your Postman requests.
I used HTTP instead of HTTPS and this caused the same error.
Changes of content-type, raw or json instead of graphql type didn't help.

500 error on api request. works fine when called through browser

Hello I have an api which authenticates the user login . Now when I hit this rest service in my browser it displays the result but when I try to do this using my code it gives in 500 error. Please help me with this .
My Api: http://abhinavevent2014.sched.org/api/auth/login?api_key=1309658400d57c8cfc6081f8361de52c&username=abhinavm#test.com&password=test
string url = #"http://abhinavevent2014.sched.org/api/auth/login?api_key=1309658400d57c8cfc6081f8361de52c&username=abhinavm#test.com&password=test";
Encoding encode = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8");
WebRequest requestfriend = WebRequest.Create(url);
WebResponse responsefriend = requestfriend.GetResponse(); ( This is where it blows)
Stream streamResponse = responsefriend.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader streamReaderResponse = new StreamReader(streamResponse, encode);
jsonResult = streamReaderResponse.ReadToEnd();
return jsonResult.ToString();
You need to use User-Agent in the headers, as the documentation says:
You must also send requests with a User-Agent in the headers, as Sched
filters out requests with no User-Agent.
Sched API Doc
Browser automatically does that, so it can retrieve the data.

RKObjectPaginator did not send GET request to server

I have a RKObjectPaginator and have set the necessary parameters. But my server did not receive any query.
RKURL *patternURL = [[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] baseURL] URLByAppendingResourcePath:ResourcePathPattern];
RKObjectPaginator *paginator = [[RKObjectPaginator alloc] initWithPatternURL:patternURL mappingProvider:[self paginationMappingProvider]];
paginator.delegate = self;
[paginator loadPage:0];
My log console reads:
2012-09-12 20:56:36.975 keytech search ios[1692:c07] Will load page: 0
2012-09-12 20:58:06.613 keytech search ios[1692:c07] D restkit.network:RKRequest.m:436 Sending asynchronous GET request to URL 'http://-MyServerIP-:8080/keytech/GetNextSearchResults?pageSize=25&pageNumber=0.
2012-09-12 20:58:06.613 keytech search ios[1692:c07] T restkit.network:RKRequest.m:402 Prepared GET URLRequest '<NSMutableURLRequest >http://-MyServerIP-:8080/keytech/GetNextSearchResults?pageSize=25&pageNumber=0>'. HTTP Headers: {
"Content-Length" = 0;
}. HTTP Body: .
But no request is send to the server.
Have I done everything right? If I post the URL in my browser, the server responds well. It seems that this query is not send.
I have no clue why this request is not send.
Is there a 'best-practise' example how to use RKObjectPaginator?
You might not be able to load page 0.
try [paginator loadPage:1];
I am also looking for a sample myself on how to do this. In your case I believe that you are missing the PageCount and ObjectCount properties. It seems to me that you have to set that up manually.
BTW: did you ever resolve it?