VS code auto code import not working React native - react-native

Help Please
yarn add #types/react --save-dev
yarn add #types/react-native --save-dev
I am getting multiple Imports and not getting all Components

Delete all node_modules and install again by yarn install


Magic.link React Native cannot import WebView from react-native

working on implementing magic.link using react-native but i get an error when importing Magic
import { Magic } from "#magic-sdk/react-native";
Attempted import error: 'WebView' is not exported from 'react-native'.
I think its because of the sub dependency of react-native-webview has been removed, but i did install it. npm install --save react-native-webview#^8.0.0 as the tutorial says? Stuck for a while now, not sure how to procede with Magic
This link was attached to the docs https://github.com/react-native-webview/react-native-webview/issues/373 . But don't know why it should not work, since the correct react-native-webview dependency was installed (8.0.0) or (^8.0.0, which is 8.2.1)
I installed the packages as the tutorial suggests
yarn add #magic-sdk/react-native
# Ensure the required `peerDependencies` are installed
yarn add react-native-webview#^8.0.0
Use this one:
npm install --save #magic-sdk/react-native
then try to link it using npm react-native link

RNCAndroidDropdownPicker was not found in the UIManager

I have installed nativebase version 2.15.2. I am getting following error in android:
requireNativeComponent "RNCAndroidDropdownPicker" was not found in the UIManager
I started getting this issue after installing the node modules on fresh install. After some research I resolved it by installing the package.
If you are using yarn for package installing
yarn add #react-native-community/picker
If you are using npm
npm install #react-native-community/picker
If you are using expo
expo install #react-native-community/picker
It's working for me:
npm install #react-native-picker/picker --save
cd ios && pod install
Clear and gradle run
The problem is with native-base version 2.x
Replace this:
import { Picker, Button, Container, Form, Item, Card, Text, Icon, Label } from 'native-base';
for this:
import { Picker } from '#react-native-picker/picker';
import { Button, Container, Form, Item, Card, Text, Icon, Label } from 'native-base';
Of course you need to install:
yarn add #react-native-picker/picker
Tested in react-native >= 0.68.x
Just had the same issue with a fresh install (no expo) Simple fix for me was the usual suspects.
Reset the server & cache
npx react-native start --reset-cache
Remove node modules, clean, and build. Reinstall and run again.
rm -rf node_modules
npm i
cd android/
./gradlew clean
cd ../
npx react-native run-android

How to remove unwanted expo modules

When creating an react native app with expo, expo installs many module that i don't need. Is there a way to remove these unwanted modules like barcode reader google sign in and google maps.
To remove a package from your node_modules directory, on the command line, use the uninstall command. Include the scope of the package is scoped.
Unscoped package
npm uninstall --save <package_name>
Scoped package
npm uninstall --save <#scope/package_name>
if need to know more about it then follow official Document here https://docs.npmjs.com/uninstalling-packages-and-dependencies#removing-a-local-package-from-the-packagejson-dependencies
npm uninstall <package name> works. It removes the expo module from your node_modules
for more reference
With NPM
$ npm uninstall jest
Shorthand version
$ npm r jest
With Yarn
$ yarn remove jest

How to fix React Native Navigation with Expo - Module 'react-native-gesture-handler' does not exist in Haste module map

I am trying to add react-navigation to my Expo react-native application. I already made a mistake by installing react-native-gesture-handler, as it was included in the Expo library. I tried to fix this by removing the gesture handler in my package.json file and deleting the node modules and the package.lock file then running npm install again. This solution fixed a test project with a similar issue, however, this one still persists.
Here is my only react-native-gesture handler dependencies.
And here is a link to what my react native screen is giving me
Module 'react-native-gesture-handler' does not exist in the haste module map? Any idea how to fix this issue would be appreciated greatly.
You should delete your node_modules and package-lock.json or yarn.lock and run npm install or yarn again. After that run expo start -c to clear the cache for the packager and your problem will be resolved, most likely.

Got issues when installing new components to react-native project

Having issue in installing react-native-slider
I just tried this command
npm i --save react-native-slider
It shows following message.
added 1 package and removed 29 packages in 1.944s
But it removed react packages
After that i am not able to run the project.
You can do the following things
rm -rf node_modules
npm install