Apps link in iTunes Connect stop working after 2021 WWDC - app-store-connect

The "Apps" link in the new iTunes Connection landing page does not work. Clicking on it has no response at all. Checking the browser console and it is showing a 401 error, "the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)".
Tried to clean the cache and also tried in the incognito mode however the error persists.

Get a re-direction from the Developer Dashboard does the trick.
Try this URL,


Login Dropbox within Webview2 error message "Your browser appears to be blocking, which is required for authentication.."

I got an issue recently that login Dropbox account within webview2, after type username and passward then hit next, the message will show up on the top said "Your browser appears to be blocking, which is required for authentication.". Any help will be appreciated.
WebView Version:
SDK: 1.0.902.49
Runtime: 92.0.902.55
Framework: WPF
OS: Win10
please check in browser site and pop up options and enable. This worked for me in brave browser.

Vaadin "Cookies Disabled" Message in Chrome

I created a Vaadin (8.2.0) web app in Netbeans and uploaded it on a Glassfish (4.1) server. I can access the app's home page in Edge and Firefox, however in Chrome I get this message:
Cookies disabled
This application requires cookies to function. Please
enable cookies in your browser and click here or press ESC to try
I double checked my chrome settings and know that cookies are allowed. I even added the server specifically in the allowed list.
What do think is missing?
As Artur Signell mentioned in the comments, the solution was to simply clear all the cached cookies in the Chrome web browser. After that, the app just worked fine and I didn't get that error.
I was having the same problem. I noticed that switching to HTTPS lead to these errors not occurring. The same site would throw this error when I accessed it via HTTP, but if I went to the site via HTTPS, then the problem did not occur.

Facebook OAuth2 - "Sorry, something went wrong"

Our web app allows users to log in via Facebook. Technically, we are using Facebook OAuth2. We have implemented this login process two years ago. It worked fine until 13th November 2015 but since that day it does not. When our server sends the request
with appropriate parameters (client_id, redirect_uri, client_secret, code), the response from Facebook has HTTP status 400. The response body is a HTML page saying "Sorry, something went wrong".
On 13th November, there was some problem on Facebook probably.
I have found the following message:
However, our server still gets this error response after a week. We have an instance of the system deployed in the production environment and one more instance in the test environment (with different Facebook account, i.e. with different client_id and client_secret). Currently, Facebook login works fine in the test environment. I am not sure if it worked on 13th November.
Do you have any experience with recovery from such problem? Why does Facebook login work in test environment and does not work in the production environment in the same app? Why did the production instance break on a particular day and is still broken a week later?
Thanks for any help.
I had the same issue. I believe that the issue stems from passing in invalid scope in your authentication requests. Try removing the scopes in your authentication request to see if that works.
One more corner case I found in 2022:
In the App Dashboard, if you choose Facebook login for Business, same error happens. It will go away as soon as you select Facebook Login one.
Finally, the issue was resolved by restarting the servlet container (Tomcat 7). However, I have no idea why.
All of this is using exclusively the login button. Not the API serverside and not FB.login(). It would work for me sometimes and sometimes not and I couldn't figure out why. I would open a new window and it may work, or may not - but it seemed like once broken it was broken.
There appears to be an issue when using the Chrome 'Device simulator'.
Looking at the SDK Javascript (that's to say the SDK that the Facebook Login button uses) it checks to see if the device is a 'touch' device and if so it will use the domain when requesting the oauth token.
This domain fails
However if the mobile device mode isn't activated when the page loads then it uses and succeeds:
So for me the current workaround is:
Assuming you are developing with the console active.
When you need to reload your page press Ctrl + Shift + M to deactivate the mobile device mode.
Refresh the page
Once the button has initialized press Ctrl + Shift + M to reactivate it again.
If you see then you didn't do it fast enough, or maybe you're using something like Angular with hot reload and you need to manually refresh.

Google Chrome 16 issues with ASP.NET forms authentication cookie

I have a problem with Google Chrome 16 on one of the sites I'm supporting that I can't fix couple a days now.
The site is using forms authentication. There is a hyperlink that when clicked is calling a web handler, that is supposed to go fetch a PDF file. Everything is working great in all browsers except in Google Chrome.
When I click that link in Chrome it gives me 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.. I've checked the request headers and the only difference I can see is that the authentication cookie is not present in the request made by Chrome 16. The strange thing is that everything is working great on the local machine, but once uploaded to the production server chrome is not sending that cookie.
I've implemented IReadOnlySessionState interface in the web handler, as suggested here and there in forums, but this didn't solve the issue.
Does any of you have an idea why chrome is acting like that?
To check your cookie acceptance:
Click the wrench icon (Top Right)
Click "Options"
Click "Under the Hood"
Click "Content Settings"
Make sure that "Block third-party cookies from being set" isn't
That was what fixed the issue on the site I was on. You can also see a special icon in the address bar on the right when it blocks a cookie.
For more precision there is a "Manage Exceptions" button under cookies in the Content Settings. You can use that to specifically allow the site in question.

Facebook Connect button not showing up in Safari/Chrome

My implementation of Facebook Connect (just a simple login button, fb:login-button) works perfectly on Firefox and IE.
But the same button is not showing up in Safari/Chrome (Webkit).
Here's what's ironic. In my debugging effort, I saved the page (that contains fb:login-button) up as a static page and then load it in Safari. And the button shows up, everything works!
The exact same page (with the exact same HTML source) rendered by my PHP has no way for bringing up the button.
I'm trying hard to support Webkit here but I'm close to giving up. Can anybody help?
I found one more way this can occur (the blame-myself-for-being-stupid way); it's probably not common, but in the event is saves anyone else the hassle, here it is:
This symptom can also be caused by various security tools blocking facebook resources.
In my case, I'd installed Facebook Disconnect ages ago in Chrome as a plugin and forgotten all about it being installed. I also had a second installation of Chrome that was seemingly identical (but did not have Facebook Disconnect). The first would properly load the fb:login-button, and the other would not; took me ages before I looked at the plugins, because Facebook Disconnect didn't have an icon and so its presence was pretty easy for me to miss.
Here's what you'll see if some sort of security plugin is preventing facebook resources from loading. Just look at the html that renders in the browser using developer tools.
In a normal chrome session you'll end up with something like this:
<fb:login-button><a class="fb_button fb_button_medium"><span class="fb_button_text">Your text here</span></a></fb:login-button>
But in the version with facebook's resources disabled you'll end up with this:
<fb:login-button>Your text here</fb:login-button>
Like I said, pretty obvious in retrospect.
Had the same problem but it was not related to anything like a plugin or malformed content. It seems if you enable country filtering on your facebook page it has an issue with the like button, this should be fairly obvious. Facebook gets your location from your profile and not your IP address.
Make sure to disable country locking if you plan on using the social plugins.
This can be due to having ClickToFlash installed. Either disable it, or check "Automatically load invisible Flash views" in the ClickToFlash settings.
What we found out is that Safari (and maybe some older versions of Chrome or other WebKIT browsers) have a problem with Facebook's code using the innerHTML JS function if your page arrives with an XHTML response header (application/xhtml+xml).
Using text/html solves the issue.
In case of JSF2, which we use, the implementing the fix was as simple as wrapping the FB button like this:
<ui:composition xmlns=""
<f:view contentType="text/html">
<fb:login-button>Login using Facebook</fb:login-button>
Facebook bug report here:
I had this problem with the Facebook button not showing at all and it took me forever to figure out what it was. Luckily after days of hair pulling I will now share the answer with everyone. In my situation I simply didn't have xfbml enabled. In my FB.init I had it set to false:
appId : 'app_id', // App ID
status : true, // check login status
cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
xfbml : false, // parse XFBML
oauth : true // enable OAuth 2.0
I changed this to "true" (xfbml) and the login buttons works great now! :P Good luck!
This happened when I had the wrong domain in callback_url in config/facebooker.yml. Apparently it uses that to load the js files.
I had the same problem but I resolved it by making sure the URL in my app settings was exactly the same as the one for my site (i.e. it didn't work when I accessed my site without the www.).
I have tried every suggested solution here and it didn't work for me. But now I finally found the solution.
Facebook requires now a secured (https) for Canvas (Secure Canvas URL). The unsecured one will be deprecated soon.
Here is the main difference, Chrome doesn't like https connections with invalid certifications. On a localhost, it is very likely you have stunnel installed to allow https connection for the localhost. Firefox is ok with the self created SSL certificate and allows you to add an exception when trying to access that site. Chrome doesn't allow it out of the box.
When I load my app in Chrome the page is blank and I dont see any login button.
Click F12 and click the Netwrok tab in Chrome:
You see that the post request to your localhost is cancelled. DOUBLE Click on it.
Now you would see that chrome is blocking the localhost because of the certificate:
click on proceed anyway.
Now to back to your other tab and reload the page:
Chrome works now like Firefox and shows the login button.