Is it possible to integrate a clickable cell to vutify v-data-table? - vue.js

Good morning,
I know that
can start an action when the row is clicked. Is there also the possibility to limit it to one cell?

You will have to use the relevant cell slot:
<template slot="items.cellName" slot-scope="{item}">
<div #click.stop="onSingleCellClick">{{ item.value }}</div>

There's no event to do that here, but you could achieve that using item slot :
<v-data-table :headers="headersfav" :items="itemsfav">
<template v-slot:item.saleslead="{ item }">
<span #click.stop="showSaleslead">{{ item.saleslead}}</span>


Vuetify v-data-table header customization

I have customized the v-data-table header with text-field for searching to make the function compact. But I can not prevent the sort click function on text-field.
Step to Reproduce:
<div id="app">
<template v-slot:header.calories="{ header }">
<v-text-field label="search calories"></v-text-field>
Please click this Codepen link
Please click on search calories one to two times, it sorts asc or desc.
I want to stop the sort function only on the header text or custom text-field, because there is a sort icon right side of it.
Put a #click.stop on the v-text-field:
<template v-slot:header.calories="{ header }">
<v-text-field label="search calories" #click.stop />
This will stop the click event from propagating into the header.

Vue JS what does # do inside a <template> does in v-data-table?

I am new to vue js, i was given an project example to study, i want to ask what <template #['item.amtv_start_sales_date'] = "{item}'> actually do inside . Any help is appreciated thanks
<v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="data" :search="search">
<template #[`item.amtv_start_sales_date`]="{ item }">
style="font-weight: 500"
{{ item.amtv_start_sales_date }}
According to official docs
v-slot has a dedicated shorthand #, so <template v-slot:header> can be shortened to just <template #header>. Think of it as "render this template fragment in the child component's 'header' slot"
So <template #[`item.amtv_start_sales_date`]="{ item }"> is originally written as <template v-slot[`item.amtv_start_sales_date`]="{ item }">

How can i convert v-data-table to v-select in vuetify?

I already have a v-data-table of vuetify and i want to convert its contents from a data table to a drop down using v-select. How is it possible to do the change?
v-if="requester_details.credential_type == 'TEMPLATE'"
<template v-slot:[`item.template_name`]="{ item }">
<div>{{ item.template_name }}</div>
<template v-slot:[`item.Action`]="{}">
<v-icon color="primary">mdi-chevron-right</v-icon>
Well did this and it works as expected. Writing "return object" is important to open the content of the v-select fields
v-if="requester_details.credential_type == 'TEMPLATE'"
class="FontSize field_height field_label_size"
placeholder="Template items"

How can I pass a v-data-table row information to child element

I have creating a list of users want to add them tags. I am using a data-table to display them and a combo box using chips to add or remove tags. How can I pass the user information to the method called when I add / remove a tag? Here is my code:
<v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="usersInfos" :search="search" :items-per-page="-1">
<template v-slot:[`item.tags`]="{ item }">
<v-combobox v-model="item.tags" :items="roles" chips clearable label="RĂ´les" multiple>
<template v-slot:selection="{ attrs, item, select, selected }">
{{ item }} <!-- the tag -->
Don't know if I understood it correctly but you can do following pass your item with your click event to your methods - call the function and use the passed parameter there.
in your template
in your script
methods: {
getSelectedItem(usersInfos) {
//do code here
and than you have to use this where you have written your child element:
<child :usersInfo="usersInfo">
and in your child.vue you have to set props in your script like this:
props: ["usersInfo"]

How to use v-for to create slot content for multiple slots

I have a table in vuetify where I want to create a template for 14 of the columns. Instead of making 14 different templates like this:
<v-data-table disable-pagination
<template v-slot:[`item.date_0`]="{ item }">
<ScheduleIcon :item="item.date_0" />
<template v-slot:[`item.date_1`]="{ item }">
<ScheduleIcon :item="item.date_1" />
<template v-slot:[`item.date_2`]="{ item }">
<ScheduleIcon :item="item.date_2" />
I want to make a v-for loop with an index from 0-13 and at the same time use that index-value in the slot and props variables. Something like this is pseudo-code:
<template v-slot:[`item.date_INDEX`]="{ item }" v-for="index in 13" :key="index">
<ScheduleIcon :item="item.date_INDEX" />
How would I do this? The v-for give me the following error:
<template> cannot be keyed. Place the key on real elements instead.
Your "pseudo code" is almost right...
This should work:
<template v-slot:[`item.date_${index-1}`]="{ item }" v-for="index in 14">
<ScheduleIcon :item="item[`date_${index-1}`]" :key="index" />
key is not allowed or needed on slot content (<template>) even if it is in v-for. Remove it or place it on ScheduleIcon component...