Filebeat hint based autodiscovery - annotation format? - filebeat

I'm using filebeat with autodiscovery on kubernetes, I'm trying to add a hint as an annotation to my pod to exclude certain lines.
This annotation:
is documented as a list of regular expressions, what is the format?
co.elastic.logs/exclude_lines: '["regex1","regex2"]'
# or
co.elastic.logs/exclude_lines: 'regex1|regex2'
# or
co.elastic.logs/exclude_lines: 'regex1,regex2'


How can I configure the AdmissionConfiguration > PodSecurity > PodSecurityConfiguration in an EKS cluster?

If I understand right from Apply Pod Security Standards at the Cluster Level, in order to have a PSS (Pod Security Standard) as default for the whole cluster I need to create an AdmissionConfiguration in a file that the API server needs to consume during cluster creation.
I don't see any way to configure / provide the AdmissionConfiguration at CreateCluster , also I'm not sure how to provide this AdmissionConfiguration in a managed EKS node.
From the tutorials that use KinD or minikube it seems that the AdmissionConfiguration must be in a file that is referenced in the cluster-config.yaml, but if I'm not mistaken the EKS API server is managed and does not allow to change or even see this file.
The GitHub issue aws/container-roadmap Allow Access to AdmissionConfiguration seems to suggest that currently there is no possibility of providing AdmissionConfiguration at creation, but on the other hand aws-eks-best-practices says These exemptions are applied statically in the PSA admission controller configuration as part of the API server configuration
so, is there a way to provide PodSecurityConfiguration for the whole cluster in EKS? or I'm forced to just use per-namespace labels?
See also Enforce Pod Security Standards by Configuration the Built-in Admission Controller and EKS Best practices PSS and PSA
I don't think there is any way currently in EKS to provide configuration for the built-in PSA controller (Pod Security Admission controller).
But if you want to implement a cluster-wide default for PSS (Pod Security Standards) you can do that by installing the the official pod-security-webhook as a Dynamic Admission Controller in EKS.
git clone
cd pod-security-admission/webhook
make certs
kubectl apply -k .
The default podsecurityconfiguration.yaml in pod-security-admission/webhook/manifests/020-configmap.yaml allows EVERYTHING so you should edit it and write something like
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: pod-security-webhook
namespace: pod-security-webhook
podsecurityconfiguration.yaml: |
kind: PodSecurityConfiguration
enforce: "restricted"
enforce-version: "latest"
audit: "restricted"
audit-version: "latest"
warn: "restricted"
warn-version: "latest"
# Array of authenticated usernames to exempt.
usernames: []
# Array of runtime class names to exempt.
runtimeClasses: []
# Array of namespaces to exempt.
namespaces: ["policy-test2"]
kubectl apply -k .
kubectl -n pod-security-webhook rollout restart deployment/pod-security-webhook # otherwise the pods won't reread the configuration changes
After those changes you can verify that the default forbids privileged pods with:
kubectl --context aihub-eks-terraform create ns policy-test1
kubectl --context aihub-eks-terraform -n policy-test1 run --image=ecerulm/ubuntu-tools:latest --rm -ti rubelagu-$RANDOM --privileged
Error from server (Forbidden): admission webhook "" denied the request: pods "rubelagu-32081" is forbidden: violates PodSecurity "restricted:latest": privileged (container "rubelagu-32081" must not set securityContext.privileged=true), allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (container "rubelagu-32081" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (container "rubelagu-32081" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), runAsNonRoot != true (pod or container "rubelagu-32081" must set securityContext.runAsNonRoot=true), seccompProfile (pod or container "rubelagu-32081" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost")
Note: that you get the error forbidding privileged pods even when the namespace policy-test1 has no label, so you know that this rule comes from the pod-security-webhook that we just installed and configured.
Now if you want to create a pod you will be forced to create in a way that complies with the restricted PSS, by specifying runAsNonRoot, seccompProfile.type and capabilities and For example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test-1
restartPolicy: Never
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 1000
runAsGroup: 3000
fsGroup: 2000
type: RuntimeDefault
- name: test
image: ecerulm/ubuntu-tools:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "--", "sleep 900"]
privileged: false
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false

Secure mTLS communication within Istio-knative services + external requests

We are converting existing k8s services to use istio & knative. The services receive requests from external users as well as from within the cluster. We are trying to setup Istio AuthorizationPolicy to achieve the below requirements:
Certain paths (like docs/healthchecks) should not require any special header or anything and must be accessible from anywhere
Health & metric collection paths required to be accessed by knative must be accisible only by knative controllers
Any request coming from outside the cluster (through knative-serving/knative-ingress-gateway basically) must contain a key header matching a pre-shared key
Any request coming from any service within the cluster can access all the paths
Below is a sample of what I am trying. I am able to get the first 3 requirements working but not the last one...
kind: AuthorizationPolicy
name: my-svc
namespace: my-ns
matchLabels: my-svc
action: "ALLOW"
- to:
- operation:
- "GET"
- "/docs"
- "/openapi.json"
- "/redoc"
- "/rest/v1/healthz"
- to:
- operation:
- "GET"
- "/healthz*"
- "/metrics*"
- key: "request.headers[User-Agent]"
- "Knative-Activator-Probe"
- "Go-http-client/1.1"
- to:
- operation:
- "/rest/v1/myapp*"
- key: "request.headers[my-key]"
- "asjhfhjgdhjsfgjhdgsfjh"
- from:
- source:
- "*"
We have made no changes to the mTLS configuration provided by default by istio-knative setup, so assume that the mtls mode is currently PERMISSIVE.
Details of tech stack involved
AWS EKS - Version 1.21
Knative Serving - Version 1.1 (with Istio
I'm not an Istio expert, but you might be able to express the last policy based on either the ingress gateway (have one which is listening only on a ClusterIP address), or based on the SourceIP being within the cluster. For the latter, I'd want to test that Istio is using the actual SourceIP and not substituting in the Forwarded header's IP address (a different reasonable configuration).

Variables in Kubernetes ConfigMaps

I'm currently working with some configmaps and I've noticed, that there are some documents in the configmap having redundant values/ referencing the same value e.g.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: my-configmap
app: my-app
some_file: |-
some_other_file: |-
Is it somehow possible, to use a variable instead of writing bar two times?
This way I wouldn't have to search every config file if bar changes at some point.
No, it's not possible.
If the problems gets worse, you can always start using kustomize or Helm, which allow you to create templates for your Kubernetes manifests, and use variables on those templates.

Pattern matching for profile in Spring Cloud Config Server

I am attempting to separate configuration information for our applications using the pattern-matching feature in Spring Cloud Config Server. I have created a repo for "production" environment with a property file floof.yaml. I have created a repo for "development" environment with a property file floof-dev.yaml.
My server config:
name: "bluemoon"
uri: file://${user.home}/tmp/prod
- \*/dev
uri: file://${user.home}/tmp/dev
After starting the server instance, I can successfully retrieve the config content using curl, and can verify which content was served by referring to the "source" element as well as the values for the properties themselves.
Expected Behavior
When I fetch http://localhost:8080/floof/prod I expect to see the source "$HOME/tmp/prod/floof.yaml" and the values from that source, and the actual results match that expectation.
When I fetch http://localhost:8080/floof/dev I expect to see the source "$HOME/tmp/dev/floof-dev.yaml" and the values from that source, but the actual result is the "production" file and contents (the same as if I had fetched .../floof/prod instead.
My Questions
Is my expectation of behavior incorrect? I assume not since there is an example in the documentation in the "Git backend" section that suggests separation by profile is a thing.
Is my server config incorrectly specifying the "development" repo? I turned up the logging verbosity in the server instance and saw nothing in there that called attention to itself in terms of misconfiguration.
Are the property files subject to a naming convention that I'm not following?
I had the same issue. Here is how I resolved::
spring cloud config pattern match for profile
Also, check if you are using Brixton.M5 version.
After some debugging on the PatternMatching source code here is how I resolved the issue: You can choose one of the two ways.
port: 8888
uri: ssh://xxxx#github/sample/cloud-config-properties.git
pattern: '*/development' ## give in quotes
uri: ssh://
pattern: xx*/development,*/development ##since it is not allowed to have a value starting with a wildcard( '*' )after pattern I first gave a generic matching but the second value is */development. Since pattern takes multiple values, the second pattern will match with the profile.
uri: ssh://
pattern: */development.Error on yml file- expected alphabetic or numeric character, but found but found /.
The reason the profile pattern git repo was not identified because : although spring allows multiple array values for pattern beginning with a '-' in the yml file, the pattern matcher was taking the '-' as string to be matched. i.e it is looking for a pattern '-*/development' instead of '*/development'.
Another issue i observed was, I was getting a compilation error on yml file if i had to mention the pattern array as '- */development' - note space after hyphen(which is meant to show that it can hold multiple values as array) and start with a '*/development' with an error: expected alphabetic or numeric character, but found but found /
- */development
- */staging

Can you configure ElasticBeanstalk Loadbalanced SSL cert via the .ebexensions file?

We have an AWS ElasticBeanstalk application. There are various environments, some load balanced some not.
At the moment with the load balanced ones, the SSL is configured manually in the console, whereas the single instance ones are configured via the .ebextensions file (and only for the single instance deployments).
Is there a way to configure the SSL for load balancers via the .ebextensions file as well, so we can keep it all in one place, and automate it?
I did not tried this yet, but while reading the documentation, I've discover that it is possible to automate it.
If you have any lucky on following the instructions in the documentation, please let me know.
I actually tested, and yes, it is possible. Here follow a configuration example:
- namespace: aws:elb:listener:443
option_name: ListenerProtocol
value: HTTPS
- namespace: aws:elb:listener:443
option_name: InstancePort
value: 80
- namespace: aws:elb:listener:443
option_name: InstanceProtocol
value: HTTP
- namespace: aws:elb:listener:443
option_name: SSLCertificateId
value: arn:aws:iam::<your arn cert id here>
- namespace: aws:elb:listener:80
option_name: ListenerEnabled
value: true
- namespace: aws:elb:listener:443
option_name: ListenerEnabled
value: true