Parsing out Abstract Syntax Tree of a VB code using antlr and python - antlr

Mycode(in python):
lexer = VisualBasic6Lexer(antlr4.InputStream(code))
stream = antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
parser = VisualBasic6Parser(stream)
tree = parser.visitModule() //This visitModule() is not the coreect method.
I followed this link:
Parsing some Java code with Python using ANTLR
Here,for Java they have used
tree = parser.compilationUnit()
In VB what is the alternative of this compilationUnit()
Grammar I used-
My goal is to export the Abstract Syntax Tree of a VB code using python into a JSON File.
See the output in this link
I want my output to be in this beautified fashion.

Usually, the root node you need to visit is at the start of the parser file.
Also, a characteristic for the root node is it ends with EOF.
For your case,
tree = parser.startRule()


Is there an official Concourse pipeline grammar?

I couldn't find it online after a little bit of searching, so i'm asking it here. Is there a 'reference' bnf grammar file for yaml file of concourse's pipeline ? As a side project, I'm trying to create an IntelliJ plugin that could do syntax highlight and auto completion for CI/CD Concourse pipelines, and would try to avoid manually retyping all that grammar to minimize error risk and time.
I don't believe there's a "grammar file" - the types are defined in code. For example, the top level pipeline is defined here as:
type Config struct {
Groups GroupConfigs `yaml:"groups" json:"groups" mapstructure:"groups"`
Resources ResourceConfigs `yaml:"resources" json:"resources" mapstructure:"resources"`
ResourceTypes ResourceTypes `yaml:"resource_types" json:"resource_types" mapstructure:"resource_types"`
Jobs JobConfigs `yaml:"jobs" json:"jobs" mapstructure:"jobs"`
The atc.Config.Validate() command is also based on code - not an external grammar.
You could probably reason through those source files to determine the structure. It might be possible to generate a jsonschema from the go types and then use that.

Serenity BDD report generation

We are trying to generate reports for our tests using serenity BDD. But we couldn't find anything to help with report generation.If anyone is familiar with this,Please suggest any simple way to achieve this.
To generate a report you need to use apply plugin: 'net.serenity-bdd.aggregator' plugin in your build.gradle file. Also while executing your project use gradlew clean test aggregate command from your command line.
After execution you will find index.html report under \target\site\serenity
You can use the Groovy MarkUpBuilder and create customized reports for your use case. Basically, you'll need to create a markup builder instance in Groovy as below :
def xmlWriter = new FileWriter(file("${project.buildDir}/index.html"))
def xmlMarkup = new MarkupBuilder(xmlWriter)
Create custom tags using below sytax :
xmlMarkup.myCustomTag("Lorem Ipsum")
which will produce :
<myCustomTag>Lorem Ipsum</myCustomTag>
So, for a syntax like xmlMarkup.h1("Lorem Ipsum") you'll get the output as <h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1>
Then you can just create a gradle task which parses all the test outputs (xml or json) into HTML.
I had written an article about that in the past which you can find here

Jmeter Beanshell: Accessing global lists of data

I'm using Jmeter to design a test that requires data to be randomly read from text files. To save memory, I have set up a "setUp Thread Group" with a BeanShell PreProcessor with the following:
//Read data files
List items = FileUtils.readLines(new File(vars.get("DataFolder") + "/items.txt"));
//Store for future use
props.put("items", items);
I then attempt to read this in my other thread groups and am trying to access a random line in my text files with something like this:
(props.get("items")).get(new Random().nextInt((props.get("items")).size()))
However, this throws a "Typed variable declaration" error and I think it's because the get() method returns an object and I'm trying to invoke size() on it, since it's really a List. I'm not sure what to do here. My ultimate goal is to define some lists of data once to be used globally in my test so my tests don't have to store this data themselves.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to what might be wrong?
I've also tried defining the variables in the setUp thread group as follows:
bsh.shared.items = items;
And then using them as this:
(bsh.shared.items).get(new Random().nextInt((bsh.shared.items).size()))
But that fails with the error "Method size() not found in class'bsh.Primitive'".
You were very close, just add casting to List so the interpreter will know what's the expected object:"items")).get(new Random().nextInt((props.get("items")).size())));
Be aware that since JMeter 3.1 it is recommended to use Groovy for any form of scripting as:
Groovy performance is much better
Groovy supports more modern Java features while with Beanshell you're stuck at Java 5 level
Groovy has a plenty of JDK enhancements, i.e. File.readLines() function
So kindly find Groovy solution below:
In the first Thread Group:
props.put('items', new File(vars.get('DataFolder') + '/items.txt').readLines()
In the second Thread Group:
def items = props.get('items')
def randomLine = items.get(new Random().nextInt(items.size))

Adding rules dynamically into drools engine

I have a standalone java application which will interact with my web application running on node. I am trying to add new rules dynamically through web UI. So far I am unable to figure it out, how to create and add rules. Any suggestions for the right direction would be helpful
This is basically a duplicate of so the following is basically a duplicate of my answer to that question...
It's probably best to just look at the Drools examples source code. For instance the KieFileSystem example shows how to create a rule from a String and launch a session which includes it.
The essentials are that you create a KieServices, which contains a virtual file system. You then add rules to that file system. A little bit like the following:
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieRepository kr = ks.getRepository();
KieFileSystem kfs = ks.newKieFileSystem();
kfs.write("src/main/resources/my/rules/therule.drl", "The source code of the rule");
KieBuilder kb = ks.newKieBuilder(kfs);
you can add multiple Compiled rule DRL files like
knowledgebuilder.add(new ByteArrayResource(compiledDRL.getBytes()),ResourceType.DRL);
Get all the knowledgePackages and fire the all rules
knowledgeBase kbase = knowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
knowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefullKnowledgeSession();

How to apply diff rules of the languages in gitattributes

For example, the .gitattributes file of lg2s has the line *.cs diff=csharp. the output of the codes
using (var repo = new Repository(#"path\to\lg2s"))
var tree1 = repo.Lookup<Commit>("a845db9").Tree;
var tree2 = repo.Lookup<Commit>("d677741").Tree;
var patches = repo.Diff.Compare<Patch>(tree1, tree2);
foreach (var patch in patches)
is (shortly)
diff --git a/LibGit2Sharp/RepositoryStatus.cs b/LibGit2Sharp/RepositoryStatus.cs
## -59,8 +59,8 ## namespace LibGit2Sharp
but the output of git bash is (shortly)
diff --git a/LibGit2Sharp/RepositoryStatus.cs b/LibGit2Sharp/RepositoryStatus.cs
## -59,8 +59,8 ## internal RepositoryStatus(Repository repo, StatusOptions optio
the second line not same.
Looks like there are an in-depth discussion Add .gitattributes support libgit2/#508, but the PR Add APIs for git attributes libgit2/#516 is merged or not?
How many languages were supported now?
Can we specify the rules without gitattributes file?
This is actually an issue of diff drivers and custom function context rules for diffs, not one of attributes.
Those files do have the diff=csharp attribute; the problem is that the attribute doesn't mean anything to libgit2.
When git and libgit2 generate diffs, they use regular expressions to find the name of the function in which a diff hunk occurs. They also have a fallback rule if no regular expression is available to find the first line that did not start with whitespace.
git contains a table of built in diff drivers that includes a definition of the csharp driver.
libgit2 does not contain that table (as discussed in the PR that merged diff driver support) and hence has no built in notion of what pattern to use for diff=csharp.
Your alternatives for solving this are either:
Make an entry in your .git/config file (or your $HOME/.gitconfig) that implements diff.csharp.xfuncname with a pattern to search, or
Start a Pull Request to libgit2 that imports the driver definitions. The issue with importing (and the reason I didn't take it on) is that it will involve getting permission from the original authors of the code to relicense it for use in libgit2).
If you decide to start a Pull Request and you get the author of the CSharp xfuncname patterns to agree to relicense the code for libgit2, let me know and I'll be happy to collaborate on the actual implementation!