Trying to get property 'path' of non-object - laravel-8

Hello I am having the above error in production but all works well in development. I am using the code bellow to get the path to the main image for the property but it defaults into the else despite the if not being false plus the else does not find the paths even when dump shows that the object has been returned
//check if there are hotels in the selected destination
//Loop through the hotels
foreach($hotels as $hotel){
//get hotels main image
$banner = Photo::where(['p_id'=>$hotel->id])->where(['is_main'=>1])->first();
$altbanner = Photo::where(['p_id'=>$hotel->id])->first();
$banner_path = "";
$altText = "";
$banner_path = $banner->path;
$altText = $banner->alt_text;
$banner_path = $altbanner->path;
$altText = $altbanner->alt_text;

Have you checked your database if each hotel has an image? Based on your question and explanation, there is a part of the for each that returns null for the image hence the if part fails and the else return the error. If that is the case then you may want to check and sort it by uploading the image or modifying your checks to handle cases where no image is found.

I think the way you are using the where clause isn't right
foreach($hotels as $hotel){
//get hotels main image
$banner = Photo::where('p_id',$hotel->id)->where('is_main',1)->first();
$altbanner = Photo::where('p_id',$hotel->id)->first();
// .....
$banner_path = $banner->path;
// ......


Codeigniter 4 - WHERE clause in Model

It's me again, Van.
Hi everyone,
I hope you're doing well!
I am doing a tutorial on a chat application using Codeigniter 4 with Ajax.
Everything worked fine until I applied the following code in the Model below
public function load_chat_data($sender_id,$receiver_id) {
// $where = ['sender_id' => $sender_id, 'receiver_id' => $receiver_id];
$where1 = "sender_id = $sender_id OR sender_id = $receiver_id";
$where2 = "receiver_id = $receiver_id OR receiver_id = $sender_id";
$builder = $this->db->table('chat_messages');
// $builder->where($where);
$results = $builder->get();
$rows = $results->getResultArray();
if($rows > 0)
return $rows;
return false;
The lines that I commented worked well before they were commented but it was not enough data I wanted to get so I tried to get both data of sender and receiver to display on the view by adding more code. However, when I tried $where1 and $where2 for the WHERE clauses, it didn't work. I think it must be the syntax error. Please correct my codes or any ideas on how the codes work with the same meaning supposed.
Thank you so much!!!
I tried as below, but it still didn't work.
$where1 = "sender_id={$sender_id} OR sender_id={$receiver_id}";
$where2 = "receiver_id={$receiver_id} OR receiver_id={$sender_id}";
Also, I tried:
$where1 = "'sender_id'=$sender_id OR 'sender_id'=$receiver_id";
$where2 = "'receiver_id'=$receiver_id OR 'receiver_id'=$sender_id";
I think you are trying to receive the messages of the conversation between two people. Can you try the following code for this?
$builder->groupStart(); // or $builder->orGroupStart();
$builder->where('sender_id', $sender_id);
$builder->where('receiver_id', $receiver_id);
$builder->where('sender_id', $receiver_id);
$builder->where('receiver_id', $sender_id);

How to exclude certain images from autosave in Gatan Digital Micrograph (GMS) in DM-script

I am trying to mimic the autosave function in GMS v3 so that I can use in version 1 and 2. I would like to first acknowledge that the main bulk of the script originates from Dr Bernhard Schaffer's "How to script... Digital Micrograph Scripting Handbook". I have modified it a bit, so that any new image recorded by the camera can be autosave into the file. However, I met some problems because if I decide to click on live-view image and move the image around, or using live-fft, the live view image or the FFT image will be saved as well. One of the ideas I have is to use the taggroup information such as the "Acquisition:Parameters:Parameter Set Name" because for live view or live-FFT, this would be either in search or focus mode. Another idea is to use the document ID e.g iDocID = idoc.ImageDocumentGETID() to locate the ID of the live image. However, i am clueless then how to use this information to exclude them from autosaving. Can anyone point to me how i can proceed with this script?
Below is the script
Class PeriodicAutoSave : Object
Number output
PeriodicAutoSave(Object self) Result("\n Object ID"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+" created.")
~PeriodicAutoSave(Object self) Result("\n Object ID"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+" destroyed")
Void Init2(Object self, Number op)
Void AutoSave_SaveAll(Object self)
String path, name, targettype, targettype1, area, mag, mode, search, result1
ImageDocument idoc
Number nr_idoc, count, index_i, index, iDocID, iDocID_search
path = "c:\\path\\"
name = "test"
targettype=="Gatan Format (*.dm4)"
targettype1 = "dm4"
If (output) Result("\n AutoSave...")
nr_idoc = CountImageDocuments()
For (count = 1; count<nr_idoc; count++)
idoc = GetImageDocument(count) //imagedocument
index = 1 // user decide the index to start with
index_i= nr_idoc - index
If (idoc.ImageDocumentIsDirty())
idoc = getfrontimagedocument()
iDocID = idoc.ImageDocumentGetID()
TagGroup tg = ImageGetTagGroup(idoc.ImageDocumentGetImage(0)) // cannot declare an 'img' for this line as it will prompt an error?
tg.TagGroupGetTagAsString("Microscope Info:Formatted Indicated Mag", mag)
idoc.ImageDocumentSavetoFile( "Gatan Format", path+index_i+"-"+name+"-"+mag+".dm4")
idoc.ImageDocumentSetName(index_i + "-"+name+"-"+mag+".dm4")
If (Output) Result("\n\t saving: "+idoc.ImageDocumentGetCurrentFile())
Result("\n image cannot be saved at the moment:" + GetExceptionString())
Result("\ Continue autosave...")
Void LaunchAutoSave()
Object obj = Alloc(PeriodicAutoSave)
Number task_id = obj.AddMainThreadPeriodicTask("AutoSave_SaveALL",6)
while(!shiftdown()) 1==2
thank you very much for your pointers! I have tried and it works very well with my script. as the 'TagGroupDoesTagExist' only refers to the taggroup, I modified further to include the tags I want to filter e.g "Search" or "Focus" and it seems to work well. The script that I modified to your existing ones is as below :
If (idoc.ImageDocumentIsDirty())
//now find out what is a filter condition and skip if it is true
skip = 0
TagGroup tg = idoc.ImageDocumentGetImage(0).ImageGetTagGroup()
tg.TagGroupGetTagAsString("Microscope Info:Formatted Indicated Mag", mag)
tg.TagGroupGetTagAsString("Acquisition:Parameters:Parameter Set Name", mode)
skip = tg.TagGroupDoesTagExist("Acquisition:Parameters:Parameter Set Name")
if(skip && (mode == "Search" || mode== "Focus")) continue
Your idea of filtering is a good one, but there is something strange with your for loop.
nr_idoc = CountImageDocuments()
For (count = 1; count<nr_idoc; count++)
idoc = GetImageDocument(count) //imagedocument
you iterate over all currently open imageDocuments (except the first one!?) and get them one by one, but then in
If (idoc.ImageDocumentIsDirty())
idoc = getfrontimagedocument()
you actually get the front-most (selected) document instead each time. Why are you doing this?
Why not go with:
number nr_idoc = CountImageDocuments()
for (number count = 0; count<nr_idoc; count++)
imagedocument idoc = GetImageDocument(count)
If (idoc.ImageDocumentIsDirty())
// now find out what is a filter condition and skip if it is true
number skip = 0
TagGroup tg = idoc.ImageDocumentGetImage(0).ImageGetTagGroup()
skip = tg.TagGroupDoesTagExist("Microscope Info:Formatted Indicated Mag")
if (skip) continue
// do saving

Property Photo Files with PHRETS v2

My php code, below, attemps to download all the photos for a property listing. It successfully queries the RETS server, and creates a file for each photo, but the file does not seem to be a functional image. (MATRIX requires files to be downloaded, instead of URLs.)
The list of photos below suggests that it successfully queries one listing id (47030752) for all photos that exist, (20 photos in this case). In a web browser, the files appear only as a small white square on a black background: e.g. ( The file size (4) also seems to be very low, as compared to that of a real photo.
du -s PHOTO*
4 PHOTO-47030752-10.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-11.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-12.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-13.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-14.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-15.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-16.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-17.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-18.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-19.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-1.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-20.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-2.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-3.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-4.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-5.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-6.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-7.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-8.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-9.jpg
script I'm using:
$config = new \PHRETS\Configuration;
$rets = new \PHRETS\Session($config);
$connect = $rets->Login();
$system = $rets->GetSystemMetadata();
$resources = $system->getResources();
$classes = $resources->first()->getClasses();
$classes = $rets->GetClassesMetadata('Property');
$link=mysqli_connect ($host, $user, $password, $dbname);
$query="select mlsno, matrix_unique_id, photomodificationtimestamp from fmls_homes left join fmls_images on (matrix_unique_id=mls_no and photonum='1') where photomodificationtimestamp <> last_update or last_update is null limit 1";
print ("$query\n");
$result= mysqli_query ($link, $query);
$num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($result);
print "Fetching Images for $num_rows Homes\n";
while ($Row= mysqli_fetch_array ($result)) {
$objects = $rets->GetObject('Property', 'LargePhoto', $matrix_unique_id);
foreach ($objects as $object) {
// does this represent some kind of error
$object->getError(); // returns a \PHRETS\Models\RETSError
// get the record ID associated with this object
// get the sequence number of this object relative to the others with the same ContentId
// get the object's Content-Type value
// get the description of the object
// get the sub-description of the object
// get the object's binary data
// get the size of the object's data
// does this object represent the primary object in the set
// when requesting URLs, access the URL given back
// use the given URL and make it look like the RETS server gave the object directly
$listing = $object->getContentId();
$number = $object->getObjectId();
$url = $object->getLocation();
//$photo = $object->getContent();
$size = $object->getSize();
$desc = $object->getContentDescription();
if ($number >= '1') {
file_put_contents("/bigdirs/fmls_pics/PHOTO-{$listing}-{$number}.jpg", "$object->getContent();");
print "$listing - $number - $size $desc\n";
} //end if
} //end foreach
} //end while
mysqli_close ($link);
Are there any suggested changes to capture photos into the created files? This command creates the photo files:
file_put_contents("/bigdirs/fmls_pics/PHOTO-{$listing}-{$number}.jpg", "$object->getContent();");
There may be some parts of this script that wouldn't work in live production, but are sufficient for testing. This script seems to successfully query for the information needed from the RETS server. The problem is just simply that the actual files created do not seem to be functional photos.
Thanks in Advance! :)
Your code sample is a mix of the official documentation and a usable implementation. The problem is with this line:
You should completely take that out. That's actually overriding the image you downloaded with nothing before you get a chance to save the contents to a file. With that removed, it should work as expected.

losing image when form is not valid

I am quite stuck. I am saving image to a temporary folder. When the form doesn't validate on submit, why does the form lose the image name?
heres what I have:
if(CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'product_image') !==null)
$f_product_image = "{$impdate}{$random6}{$product_image}";
$model->product_image = $f_product_image;
$old_name = $session['image0'];
}else $session['image0']=$f_product_image;
else $model->product_image = $session['image0'];

How to use datagraphwindow of arcgis programmatically

I have been trying to plot a map on axmapcontrol and use the same ITable to create a scatterplot graph in IDataGraphwindow2. Unfortunately the graph appears with correct data but no click events on the graph are working. The left click shows a memory error and the right click shows a disabled menu. For left click I think DataGraphTUI.dll is responsible. When we load the IDataGraphWindow2, we don’t initialize this due to which probably it gives an error.
Please find the code below.
IDataGraphWindow2 pDGWin;
IDataGraphT dataGraphT = new DataGraphTClass();
IWorkspace shapefileWorkspace = null;
IWorkspaceFactory shapefileWorkspaceFactory = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass();
shapefileWorkspace = shapefileWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile("C:\\abc.shp "), 0);
featureWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)shapefileWorkspace;
featureLayer.FeatureClass = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension("c:\\abc.shp"));
ITable gobjJoinedTable = (ITable)featureLayer.FeatureClass;
LoadaxMap(); /// a method to load up the axmapcontrol
dataGraphT.UseSelectedSet = true;
dataGraphT.HighlightSelection = true;
dataGraphT.GeneralProperties.Title = "Scatter Graph";
dataGraphT.LegendProperties.Visible = false;
dataGraphT.get_AxisProperties(0).Title = "Y Axis";
dataGraphT.get_AxisProperties(0).Logarithmic = false;
dataGraphT.get_AxisProperties(2).Title = "X Axis";
dataGraphT.get_AxisProperties(2).Logarithmic = false;
ISeriesProperties seriesProps = dataGraphT.AddSeries("scatter_plot");
seriesProps.SourceData = axMap.get_Layer(0) as ITable; // axMap is the map control. Itable direct binding also works here
seriesProps.SetField(0, "abc.shp-fieldname"); // you may add any fieldname
seriesProps.SetField(1, "abc.shp-fieldname");
dataGraphT.UseSelectedSet = true;
dataGraphT.HighlightSelection = false;
pDGWin = new DataGraphWindowClass();
pDGWin.DataGraphBase = dataGraphT;
pDGWin.PutPosition(546, 155, 1040, 540);
The memory error is
Access violation at address 0F4E358B in module 'DatagraphTUI.dll'. Read of addess 00000000
Had the same problem while displaying the graph.
Fixed it by using this line of code:
graphWindow.Application = ArcMap.Application
All it needs is a reference to the ArcMap Application.