Swap cognito user pool in aws amplify authentication - amazon-cognito

I am authenticating my site's users with AWS Amplify and Cognito user pools. I needed to create a new user pool. How do I update the cognito pool name/id/(whatever parameters are necessary for this update) in AWS Amplify? Or do I need to update these parameters in my vuejs application? Cheers.


amazon cognito - how to change the redirect_uri?

Is it not possible to modify the redirect_uri of a cognito user pool after creating it?
There is no option in the ui to access this!

Can amplify import cognito user pool from a different account?

I have many Amplify applications belonging to different AWS accounts, and I want to maintain a single Cognito user pool in a different account. Is there a way that these Amplify applications can import the Cognito user pool of a different AWS account?

What is purpose of App in Userpool in AWS Cognito

I am new to AWS Cognito. Based on description, Userpool is used for authentication. If I am a user in the userpool, I can use this user name and password to authenticate my identity. Why do I need to add App to userpool?
Thanks for help in advance,
AWS Cognito allows you to create a number of apps to integrate with your user pool. On each app, you can custom the Authentication flow, Access/Refresh token expiration, attribute read and write permissions, hostUI...
Use case: you use the same user pool for both apps but there are some custom like:
App A: just allow authentication via the ALLOW_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH and access token expiration is 5 minutes.
App B: just allow authentication via the ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH and access token expiration is 30 minutes.
Hope that's clear.

AWS Cognito app client to restrict so it can't register users

I have Cognito user pool and deferent App clients for different usage is there a way I can restrict App client so it can support login but not sign up functionality?
Aws Cognito- Only allow admins to create users
During setup you can change the setting or update the existing setting so that only admins can create users

Is it possible to migrate existing Google and Facebook OAuth users to a new AWS Cognito user pool?

I have a user database in a CMS that I'm trying to migrate to a new AWS Cognito user pool.
Some of the users have authentication using OAuth providers (Google and Facebook), the app credentials of which I'm able to add to the user pool as identity providers in Cognito. I'm also able to import the users into Cognito as a CSV file, which results in every user needing a password reset.
What is required to configure the existing Google and Facebook OAuth users so that they use the identity providers in Cognito?