How to test component view in React-Admin using <TestContext>? - testing

I am wondering how to use <TestContext> as a sufficient tool for testing react-admin custom components view. So far we have not encountered an error rendering basic HTML element inside <TestContext>, but with RA component test are failing mostly due to:
TypeError: Cannot create proxy with a non-object as target or handler
In our case, we do not have a redux store connected to our component and for now, just want to test the display with simple props using an example from documentation.
describe('<EditManufacturer/>', () => {
let testUtils: any;
beforeEach(() => {
const mockEditManufacturerProps = {
basePath: '/',
id: '123',
resource: 'foo',
testUtils = render(
<EditManufacturer {...mockEditManufacturerProps}/>
// test
Example syntax above produces another error:
Cannot read property '{"type":"GET_ONE","resource":"foo","payload":{"id":"123"}}' of undefined
Here is our EditManufacturer.tsx component:
const EditManufacturer:React.FC<EditProps> = props => {
<Edit {...props}>
export default EditManufacturer;
Is injecting all the required props for HOCs and then mounting the view as mentioned in answer here or using e2e tests the only solution? Any help would be appreciated.


Access a value in the redux store in the App.js

I'm using react-admin. I would need to be able to access a value in the redux store in the App.js file. Based on this value, I pass different props to the Resources components included in Admin.
If I access the store in a classic way I get an error like this:
could not find react-redux context value; please ensure the component is wrapped in a
This is normal because the App is not wrapped by the provider. But do I have a way to do it by leaning on another component? Or some other way?
Thank you
const App = () => {
const theme = useSelector(state => state.theme);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('theme', theme);
}, []);
return (
customReducers={{ theme: themeReducer }}

Handle Vue render errors locally

I am using Vue (server side rendered) with mjml to generate emails.
So I have something (overly simplified) like:
<mjml><mj-body>Hello {{ User.Name }}</mj-body></mjml>
If the model doesn't define User then Vue throws an error and the whole output is lost.
What I want to the output to be along the lines:
<mjml><mj-body>Hello <error>'User' is undefined</error></mj-body></mjml>
I have implemented Vue.config.errorHandler but that just tells me about the error -- there is no rendered output.
Anyway to implement the equivalent of an error handler around each variable substitution?
If you are using Vue version >= 2.5, you can use errorCaptured to create an ErrorBoundary
const ErrorBoundary = {
name: 'ErrorBoundary',
data: () => ({
error: false,
msg: ''
errorCaptured (err, vm, info) {
this.error = true
this.msg = `${err.stack}\n\nfound in ${info} of component`
render (h) {
return this.error
? h('pre', this.msg)
: this.$slots.default[0]
and use this in your component
<mjml><mj-body>Hello {{ User.Name }}</mj-body></mjml>
If the application has any javascript error, it will be displayed on UI
Example on codepen
If you want to have more user-friendly error, you can customize ErrorBoundary to have fallback to another component. You can find out in this tutorial
Another good example of using errorHandler

How to watch on Route changes with Nuxt and asyncData

Hi everybody i'm trying to watch on route changes in my nuxt js app.
Here my middleware:
export default function ({ route }) {
return route; but i don't know what to write here
index.vue File
middleware: [routeReact]
i'm trying to write this:
app.context.route = route
but it says to me that app.context doesn't exist
Here's the point of my question i'm trying to update my data that gets from my api with axios on page if route changing
like this
this the page
i'm clicking link to next page :
but when i'm route to next page, nothing happens all data is the same:
here my asyncData code:
asyncData({ app }) {
return app.$axios.$get('apps/' + app.context.route.fullPath.replace(/\/categories\/?/, ''))
.then(res => {
return {
info: res.results,
prevPage: res.prev
Thanks for your help
First thing, context.route or it's alias this.$route is immutable object and should not be assigned a value.
Instead, we should use this.$router and it's methods for programmatic navigation or <nuxt-link> and <router-link>.
As I understand, you need to render the same route, but trigger asyncData hook in order to update component's data. Only route query is changed.
Correct way to navigate to the same page but with different data is to use link of such format:
<nuxt-link :to="{ name: 'index', query: { start: 420 }}"
Then you can use nuxt provided option watchQuery on page component and access that query inside asyncData as follows:
watchQuery: true,
asyncData ({ query, app }) {
const { start } = query
const queryString = start ? `?start=${start}` : ''
return app.$axios.$get(`apps/${queryString}`)
.then(res => {
return {
info: res.results,
prevPage: res.prev
This option does not require usage of middleware. If you want to stick to using middleware functions, you can add a key to layout or page view that is used. Here is an example of adding a key to default layout:
<nuxt :key="$route.fullPath" />
This will force nuxt to re-render the page, thus calling middlewares and hooks. It is also useful for triggering transitions when switching dynamic routes of the same page component.

Reactnavigation with parameters

I am using React navigation I am looking for a way to pass parameters into my navigation stack as follows. I have actually one screen which I want to use X amount of times. It only needs an url and a title, and based on the url it should do exactly the same for each url.
So i want to create an object like so:
const urls = {
{title: 'foo', url: 'https://someurl'},
{title: 'bar', url: 'https://someotherurl'}
And now in my Navigation component I would like to do something like:
export default createMaterialTopTabNavigator({
SomeKey: {
// Loop here over the urls and create a component and pass props.
My issue is that I can't find in the documentation how to pass the title and url parameter via the navigator to the specific screens.
Any Suggestions?
I can help you with one part, you can pass variables from Navigator like this
export default createMaterialTopTabNavigator({
ScreenOne: {
screen:props=> <ScreenOne {...props} screenProps={yourpropsr}/>
The documentation has example for StackNavigator but I hope this will work for TabNavigator too. Documentation link here
I'm doing something similar in my app, but I'm grabbing my array from an API and build my navigation upon that. For each item in my array, I build the same screen setup in a tab navigation and have them all available from a drawer navigator.
You could do something like this:
let NavigatorConfig = {};
urls.forEach(item => {
NavigatorConfig = {
[item.title]: {
screen: props => <MyComponent {...props} url={item.url} />
export default createMaterialTopTabNavigator(NavigatorConfig);

How to create unit test cases with Vue, Karma, browserify

I am trying to build some unit test cases to my existing Vue project.
I found some documents there but not useful especially for testing on functions such as Watch, Promise and Then.
Is there any specific and detailed guide line on unit testing with Vue and these plugins?
The target vue has defined a function named test.
const vm = new Vue(target).$mount();
But the error message is vm.test is not a function
I do not know why I could not use the function defined in the target.vue.
Meanwhile once I use the test function to change some data, the target vue will update the data automatically.
But it seems that Vue.nextTick does not work on this situation.
Could someone help me on this point?
Thank you very much for your help.
export default {
name: 'hello',
data () {
return {
msg: 'Welcome to Your Vue.js App',
test: 'Testing'
Hello.spec.js //for testing Hello.vue
describe('Hello', () => {
it('set correct default data', () => {
assert.typeOf(, 'function')
const defaultdata =
This is test case of Hello component of vue.js which is created automatically when new template is created. This is using Karma+Mocha+Chai.