Is it possible to have horizontal stack with 2 stack items of same width? - office-ui-fabric

I am trying to create a form with 2 controls inside a horizontal stack but I can't figure how to make stack use 100% of the width

use grow={3} on each child <Stack.Item>


Fix width to 50/50 in a splitpane made from FluentUI Stack component

I am using a stack component to make a split pane. I wanted to make it such that left side has 50% screen space and right side has the remaining 50%. However the problem is that the 2 panes are not equal width from beginning, and as text is added to the left component it starts to grow in width.
How do i fix this so that they always share width equally (50%/50%) ?
Here is a CSB illustrating the issue:

How to adjust stackview with child view and add constarint

I am leaning iOS programming in objective-c. In Xcode, I am trying to add stack view that encompass a table view. However, the storyboard showed some warning or error that indicates I should set constraints to the stack view and the table view as well in the Y-axis as well as adding constraint.
I spent some time to find out how to set that right, but at the end the stack view because distorted and appears as shown below in the image.
Please advice and let me know how to adjust the constraint of stack view and its included table view.
[![attempt to add constarint to stack view][1]][1]
Im not understanding your question very clearly but one thing i think you are missing is the understanding of how a stackview works .
Stack views are given a defined size at the begining and depending on the views inside the stack view it has the ability to change its height and width. Thats the whole point of using a stack view . So if you are having a stack view inside a . table view what you should do is givena constraint to the stackview depending on which way you are adding the elements .
If you are adding the elements in a verticle manner , you have to set the stack view positioning constraints from leading and trailing. The reason is if the elements within is added verticle there is no reason for the horizontal alignment to change hence you give a constraint horizontally .
However if you add the elements horizontally , you give a constraint to the top and bottom of the stack since then there is no reason for that to change .
and the stack will change its size (width or height) depending on the element sizes within.

Animate dynamic height of View on mount/unmount

I've been working to animate some cards that toggle open and closed. The contents are dynamic, so I can't set a fixed height.
Ideally the height should start at zero, then we learn the intended full height of the item by using the setLayout method of the view.
Then a standard Animated.spring or Timing event can animate the height value.
Here's a snack:
This tutorial explained it - have to use the LayoutAnimation API instead of directly trying to animate it myself.

Padding or margin for UILabels in UIStackView

I want to add margins or paddings on the right of some nested UILabels
like shown here:
Using trailing spaces on the labels seems wrong and old-school somehow.
Any way to make that more elegant on interface builder?
Just add a spacer view at the end of the horizontal stack view. Set its color to clear. Give it a width constraint to fix its size.
Or, judging from your screen shot, it looks like you could just move the right edge of the top-level stack view (child of MasterCell) to leave a margin.
You can set layout margins on a stack view, in the Size inspector:
Maybe you just want to set the right layout margin.
If you set the stack view's layout margins in code (the layoutMargins property), you must also set its layoutMarginsRelativeArrangement property to YES.

Changing object's color in Blender [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to change the color of my 3D object in Blender. Is there any way to do it run time through actuators?
Thanks in advance
You can use a python script to change the colour. Most likely you want to adjust the diffuse_color property of the material, which is an array of three numbers - [0]=red [1]=green [2]=blue.
While they don't show up in the action editor you can add keyframes to the colour components to create material actions and they will show up in action actuators list to play. To animate a colour you add a keyframe by right-clicking on the colour swatch and selecting Insert keyframe or press I while the mouse is over the colour swatch. Then move to another frame adjust the colour and set another keyframe.