Left join statement has no column 'client' - sql

I am trying to append a column to the right
'abc' as client,
sum(nested.freq) as freq,
COUNT(uh.route) as freq
employee AS up,
hist AS uh
up.id = uh.eID
AND uh.PrhEEBankRoute = '123'
) AS nested
'abc' as client,
sum(raw.freq) as total_trans
COUNT(uh.route) as freq
employee AS up,
hist AS uh
up.id = uh.eID
) AS raw
) raw2 ON raw2.client = nested.client;
The expected result is something like this
client | freq | total_trans
abc | 2 | 100
But I am getting the following error:
left join statement has no column 'client'

The first subquery, aliased as "nested" is:
uh.route --<< no column called "client"
, COUNT(uh.route) AS freq --<< no column called "client"
FROM employee AS up
, hist AS uh
WHERE up.id = uh.eID
AND uh.PrhEEBankRoute = '123'
GROUP BY uh.route
In the next subquery at the join condition you refer to nested.client
) raw2 ON raw2.client = nested.client;
That column does not exist in the nested subquery, so the error message is accurate.


How To use Where instead of Group by?

I wrote a query , that gives me this Output :
(This is Just a sample obviously the Output Table contains 300000 rows approximatly)
And This is my Query :
proc sql;
create Table Output as
select ID_User, Division_ID, sum(conta) as Tot_Items, max(Counts) as Max_Item
from (select c.ID_User , c.Div_ID as Division_ID, ro.code as Mat, count(*) as Counts
from Ods.R_Ordini o
inner join DMC.Cust_Dupl c
on User_ID = ID_User
inner join ods.R_Nlines ro
on ro.Orders_Id = o.Id_Orders AND RO.SERVICE = 0
inner join ods.R_Mat m
on ro.Mat_Id = Id_Mat and flag = 0
group by
Having Counts > 1
group by
Order by
Tot_Item DESC
So , What i want is to re-write this Query , but instead of the Group by i want to use the Where Condition , (WHERE=(DIVISION_ID=3)) this is the condition.
I tried several attempts , with some i got errors , and with others i did got an output , but the output was not like the original one.
any help would be much appreciated , thank you.
The SAS data set option (where=(<where-expression>)) can only be coded adjacent to a data set name. So the option would have to be applied to the data set containing the column div_id that is the basis for computed column division_id. That would be table alias c
DMC.Cust_Dupl(where=(div_id=3)) as c
Or just use a normal SQL where clause
where division_id=3
group by …
Just use WHERE DIVISION_ID=3 before group by.
select ID_User, Division_ID, sum(conta) as Tot_Items, max(Counts) as Max_Item from (select c.ID_User , c.Div_ID as Division_ID, ro.code as Mat, count(*) as Counts from Ods.R_Ordini o inner join DMC.Cust_Dupl c on User_ID = ID_User inner join ods.R_Nlines ro on ro.Orders_Id = o.Id_Orders AND RO.SERVICE = 0 inner join ods.R_Mat m on ro.Mat_Id = Id_Mat and flag = 0 WHERE DIVISION_ID=3 group by ID_User, C.Division_ID, Ro.Code Having Counts > 1 ) group by Id_User, Division_ID Order by Tot_Item DESC

Join three rows if the same value in one column

There is a Postgres database and the table has three columns. The data structure is in external system so I can not modify it.
Every object is represented by three rows (identified by column element_id - rows with the same value in this column represents the same object), for example:
key value element_id
status active 1
name exampleNameAAA 1
city exampleCityAAA 1
status inactive 2
name exampleNameBBB 2
city exampleCityBBB 2
status inactive 3
name exampleNameCCC 3
city exampleCityCCC 3
I want to get all values describing every objects (name, status and city).
For this example the output should be like:
exampleNameAAA | active | exampleCityAAA
exampleNameBBB | inactive | exampleCityBBB
exampleNameCCC | inactive | exampleCityCCC
I know how to join two rows:
select a.value as name,
b.value as status
from the_table a
join the_table b
on a.element_id = b.element_id
and b."key" = 'status'
where a."key" = 'name';
How is it possible to join three columns?
You can try below
select a.value as name,
b.value as status,c.value as city
from t1 a
join t1 b
on a.element_id = b.element_id and b."keys" = 'status'
join t1 c on a.element_id = c.element_id and c."keys" = 'city'
where a."keys" = 'name';
name status city
exampleNameAAA active exampleCityAAA
exampleNameBBB inactive exampleCityBBB
exampleNameCCC inactive exampleCityCCC
One option is to simply add another join for each value you need (this is one of the big disadvantages of the EAV (anti) pattern you are using:
select a.value as name,
b.value as status,
c.value as city
from the_table a
join the_table b on a.element_id = b.element_id and b."key" = 'status'
join the_table c on a.element_id = c.element_id and c."key" = 'city'
where a."key" = 'name';
Another option is to aggregate all key/value pairs for an element into a JSON then you can easily access each one without additional joins:
select t.element_id,
t.obj ->> 'city' as city,
t.obj ->> 'status' as status,
t.obj ->> 'name' as name
from (
select e.element_id, jsonb_object_agg("key", value) as obj
from element e
group by e.element_id
) t;
If the table is really big this might be a lot slower than the join version due to the aggregation step. If you limit the query to only some elements (e.g. by adding a where element_id = 1 or where element_id in (1,2,3)) then this should be quite fast.
It has the advantage that you always have all key/value pairs for each element_id available regardless on what you do. The inner select could be put into a view, to make things easier.
Online example: https://rextester.com/MSZOWU37182
Seems like you want to PIVOT
One way to do that is via conditional aggregation.
-- t.element_id,
max(case when t.key = 'name' then t.value end) as name,
max(case when t.key = 'status' then t.value end) as status,
max(case when t.key = 'city' then t.value end) as city
from the_table t
group by t.element_id;
db<>fiddle here
Or use crosstab:
-- element_id,
from crosstab (
'select t.element_id, t.key, t.value
from the_table t'
) as ct (element_id int, name varchar(30), status varchar(30), city varchar(30));
But if you do like those joins, here's a way
-- el.element_id,
nm.value as name,
st.value as status,
ci.value as city
select distinct t.element_id
from the_table t
where t.key in ('name','status','city')
) as el
left join the_table as nm on (nm.element_id = el.element_id and nm.key = 'name')
left join the_table as st on (st.element_id = el.element_id and st.key = 'status')
left join the_table as ci on (ci.element_id = el.element_id and ci.key = 'city');

INNER JOINING THE TABLE ITSELF GIVES No column name was specified for column 2

construction AS T2
SELECT project,MAX(report_date)
FROM construction
GROUP BY project
) AS R
ON T2.project=R.project AND T2.report_date=R.report_date
getting this error. plz help
No column name was specified for column 2 of 'R'
You need to add alias for MAX(report_date):
FROM construction AS T2
SELECT project,MAX(report_date) AS report_date
FROM construction
GROUP BY project
) AS R
ON T2.project = R.project
AND T2.report_date = R.report_date;
In SQL Server you can use syntax:
FROM construction AS T2
SELECT project,MAX(report_date)
FROM construction
GROUP BY project
) AS R(project, report_date)
ON T2.project = R.project
AND T2.report_date = R.report_date;
You should specific the MAX(report_date) with an alias report_date.
Because your table R have two columns project,MAX(report_date).
You are getting this error because you have not specified column name for inner query
You have to write your query as
FROM construction
SELECT project,MAX(report_date)"Max_ReportDate"
FROM construction
GROUP BY project
) Max_construction
ON construction.project = Max_construction .project
AND construction.report_date = Max_construction .Max_ReportDate

SQL Group by colum1 "keep" by datetime

I have the follow table:
ID -- timestamps -- uid
1 -- 12:00 -- 1
2 -- 12:15 -- 1
3 -- 12:30 -- 2
4 -- 12:45 -- 2
Now I need unique uid's by the last timestamps, result have to look like this:
ID -- timestamps -- uid
2 -- 12:15 -- 1
4 -- 12:45 -- 2
If there is any problem with joins, tell me please.
Thats my current SQL Statmant:
SELECT DISTINCT "lists".* FROM "lists" INNER JOIN identifys i WHERE (i.ip
= '1' OR i.session = '2')
And that my ActiveRecord:
List.all.joins("INNER JOIN identifys i")
.where("i.ip = ? OR i.session = ?", ip, session)
How about adding Group by to your query? Something along these lines:
select Max(l.ID) as ID, Max(l.timestamps) as timestamps, l.uid
from Lists l INNER JOIN identifys i
WHERE (i.ip = '1' OR i.session = '2')
Group By l.uid
Another possible solution:
SELECT l2.id , a.uid, a.timestamps
SELECT Max(l.timestamps) as timestamps, l.uid
FROM Lists l INNER JOIN identifys i
WHERE (i.ip = '1' OR i.session = '2')
Group By l.uid
) a
Inner Join Lists l2 on a.timestamps = l2.timestamps
In MySQL or SQLite you could use a filtering join, like:
select *
from YourTable yt
join (
select UID
, max(timestamp) as max_timestamp
from YourTable
group by
) filter
on yt.UID = filter.UID
and yt.timestamp = filter.max_timestamp
In a datase that supports windowing functions, like PostgreSQL, Oracle or SQL Server, you could:
select *
from (
select row_number() (
partition by UID
order by timestamp desc) as rn
, *
from YourTable
) SubQueryAlias
where rn = 1 -- Only latest row per UID

Limit join to one row

I have the following query:
SELECT sum((select count(*) as itemCount) * "SalesOrderItems"."price") as amount, 'rma' as
"creditType", "Clients"."company" as "client", "Clients".id as "ClientId", "Rmas".*
FROM "Rmas" JOIN "EsnsRmas" on("EsnsRmas"."RmaId" = "Rmas"."id")
JOIN "Esns" on ("Esns".id = "EsnsRmas"."EsnId")
JOIN "EsnsSalesOrderItems" on("EsnsSalesOrderItems"."EsnId" = "Esns"."id" )
JOIN "SalesOrderItems" on("SalesOrderItems"."id" = "EsnsSalesOrderItems"."SalesOrderItemId")
JOIN "Clients" on("Clients"."id" = "Rmas"."ClientId" )
WHERE "Rmas"."credited"=false AND "Rmas"."verifyStatus" IS NOT null
GROUP BY "Clients".id, "Rmas".id;
The problem is that the table "EsnsSalesOrderItems" can have the same EsnId in different entries. I want to restrict the query to only pull the last entry in "EsnsSalesOrderItems" that has the same "EsnId".
By "last" entry I mean the following:
The one that appears last in the table "EsnsSalesOrderItems". So for example if "EsnsSalesOrderItems" has two entries with "EsnId" = 6 and "createdAt" = '2012-06-19' and '2012-07-19' respectively it should only give me the entry from '2012-07-19'.
SELECT (count(*) * sum(s."price")) AS amount
, 'rma' AS "creditType"
, c."company" AS "client"
, c.id AS "ClientId"
, r.*
FROM "Rmas" r
JOIN "EsnsRmas" er ON er."RmaId" = r."id"
JOIN "Esns" e ON e.id = er."EsnId"
FROM "EsnsSalesOrderItems"
ORDER BY "EsnId", "createdAt" DESC
) es ON es."EsnId" = e."id"
JOIN "SalesOrderItems" s ON s."id" = es."SalesOrderItemId"
JOIN "Clients" c ON c."id" = r."ClientId"
WHERE r."credited" = FALSE
AND r."verifyStatus" IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY c.id, r.id;
Your query in the question has an illegal aggregate over another aggregate:
sum((select count(*) as itemCount) * "SalesOrderItems"."price") as amount
Simplified and converted to legal syntax:
(count(*) * sum(s."price")) AS amount
But do you really want to multiply with the count per group?
I retrieve the the single row per group in "EsnsSalesOrderItems" with DISTINCT ON. Detailed explanation:
Select first row in each GROUP BY group?
I also added table aliases and formatting to make the query easier to parse for human eyes. If you could avoid camel case you could get rid of all the double quotes clouding the view.
Something like:
join (
select "EsnId",
row_number() over (partition by "EsnId" order by "createdAt" desc) as rn
from "EsnsSalesOrderItems"
) t ON t."EsnId" = "Esns"."id" and rn = 1
this will select the latest "EsnId" from "EsnsSalesOrderItems" based on the column creation_date. As you didn't post the structure of your tables, I had to "invent" a column name. You can use any column that allows you to define an order on the rows that suits you.
But remember the concept of the "last row" is only valid if you specifiy an order or the rows. A table as such is not ordered, nor is the result of a query unless you specify an order by
Necromancing because the answers are outdated.
Take advantage of the LATERAL keyword introduced in PG 9.3
left | right | inner JOIN LATERAL
I'll explain with an example:
Assuming you have a table "Contacts".
Now contacts have organisational units.
They can have one OU at a point in time, but N OUs at N points in time.
Now, if you have to query contacts and OU in a time period (not a reporting date, but a date range), you could N-fold increase the record count if you just did a left join.
So, to display the OU, you need to just join the first OU for each contact (where what shall be first is an arbitrary criterion - when taking the last value, for example, that is just another way of saying the first value when sorted by descending date order).
In SQL-server, you would use cross-apply (or rather OUTER APPLY since we need a left join), which will invoke a table-valued function on each row it has to join.
SELECT * FROM T_Contacts
--LEFT JOIN T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit ON MAP_CTCOU_CT_UID = T_Contacts.CT_UID AND MAP_CTCOU_SoftDeleteStatus = 1
--WHERE T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit.MAP_CTCOU_UID IS NULL -- 989
FROM T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit
WHERE MAP_CTCOU_SoftDeleteStatus = 1
(#in_DateFrom <= T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit.MAP_KTKOE_DateTo)
(#in_DateTo >= T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit.MAP_KTKOE_DateFrom)
) AS FirstOE
In PostgreSQL, starting from version 9.3, you can do that, too - just use the LATERAL keyword to achieve the same:
SELECT * FROM T_Contacts
--LEFT JOIN T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit ON MAP_CTCOU_CT_UID = T_Contacts.CT_UID AND MAP_CTCOU_SoftDeleteStatus = 1
--WHERE T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit.MAP_CTCOU_UID IS NULL -- 989
FROM T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit
WHERE MAP_CTCOU_SoftDeleteStatus = 1
(__in_DateFrom <= T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit.MAP_KTKOE_DateTo)
(__in_DateTo >= T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit.MAP_KTKOE_DateFrom)
) AS FirstOE
Try using a subquery in your ON clause. An abstract example:
FROM table1
JOIN table2 ON table2.id = (
SELECT id FROM table2 WHERE table2.table1_id = table1.id LIMIT 1