How to extend the Spartacus PLP page - spartacus-storefront

In Spartacus PLP page, I am trying to extend PLP page.
Below is module and ts code
cmsComponents: {
CMSProductGridComponent: {
component: ProductsGridComponent
} as CmsConfig)
In ts file
export class ProductsGridComponent extends ProductGridItemComponent{}
The OOTB search call is not happening. When I comment the override in module file OOTB search API is happening. Is there any mistake for extend PLP page ?
Can any help on this?

Look at the CategoryPageMetaResolver. It seems you might have to override the hasProductListComponent check:
You need to create a service that extends CategoryPageMetaResolver.
Override hasProductListComponent so that it will identify your
ProductsGridComponent as a 'ProductListComponent'.
Provide the service in a module -


Cannot map custom js to my custom template in bigcommerce shopica theme with stencil

I 've added custom page and js for it in stencil bigcommerce.
It works fine locally but when I push it on bigcommerce, it does not work well.
I have added custom template template/pages/custom/page/custom-layout.html and I've added custom js for it in assets/js/custom/custom.js.
I've configured some loading settings in assets/js/app.js as follows:
const customClasses = {
'pages\\custom\\page\\custom-layout': () => import('./custom/custom')
It works locally; but, on a server, it does not at all.
Your customClasses object should use forward slashes like so:
"pages/custom/page/custom-layout": () => import("./custom/custom")
You should also make sure that your custom.js file is extending the PageManager class like so:
import PageManager from "../page-manager";
export default class CustomClass extends PageManager {
constructor(context) {
// other constructor code here
onReady() {
// your code for the onReady event here
// ... any other code
If this is done properly your custom JS class will be injected to the page. However, once you bundle and upload your theme, you must also make sure to apply your custom template to the page, as the config.stencil.json file is not packaged with your theme. This can be done from within the BigCommerce control panel by going to Storefront > Web Pages > [Your page] and changing the Template Layout File accordingly.

Custom Event on CDS (Context Driven Services) on Spartacus Storefront

I set the CDS on Spartacus, following the guide on the official Spartacus documentation. But I could not figure out how to set a “View Product Page” event that is triggered when a product is viewed. Any one knows the right way to configure it on Spartacus ?
I am not familiar with CDS, but as far as I know, you can subscribe and react to ProductDetailsPageEvent using Spartacus event service.
Kindly refer to below source code written in your app.module.js:
export class AppModule {
constructor(events: EventService) {
const event$ = events.get(ProductDetailsPageEvent);
event$.subscribe((event) => console.log('ProductDetailsPageEvent is fired: '
+ event));
details could be found in Spartacus document:
Best Regards,

Theming on Multi-Site scenario?

We're trying to implement Spartacus on an existing Project and now facing the issue to provide different styles for each existing base site (for example "electronics", "appearal"). So distinguished by the URL we can access each base sites content (electronics.local:4200 and appearal.local:4200 are served by the same app but have different content).
How to configure different styles like in the accelerator by setting the theme property in CMS (backoffice) for each basesite in Spartacus?
Thanks in advance!
With some kind help from the spartacus slack channel I've came to a solution that is quiet solid but not linked directly to the theme property of a base site from CMS (backoffice). It is just retrieving current BaseSite and according to that adds a class to cx-storefront tag in app.component.
export class AppComponent {
public $activeSite: Observable<string> = this.baseSiteService.getActive();
private baseSiteService: BaseSiteService
) {
<ng-container *ngIf="$activeSite | async as activeSite">
<cx-storefront [ngClass]="activeSite"></cx-storefront>
Now I've got a css-class equal to current BaseSite UID in the cx-storefront dom element and am able to apply my styles accordingly:
<cx-storefront class="electronics stop-navigating" _ngcontent-ipq-c296="" ng-reflect-ng-class="electronics" tabindex="0">

How and where to instantiate a custom class that extends the WP_REST_Controller

I have a plugin that I created and I want to use the WP rest api controller pattern in order to extend the api.
* Plugin Name: myplugin
* Plugin URI: h...
* Description: A simple plugin ...
* Version: 0.1
* Author: Kamran ...
* Author ....
* License: GPL2
function myplugin_register_endpoints(){
require_once 'server/controllers/my_ctrl.php';
$items=new items();
I created a class a folder called server/controllers and inside it my_ctrl.php file with a class that extends WP_REST_Controller that looks like this
// server/controllers/my_ctrl.php
class items extends WP_REST_Controller {
* Register the routes for the objects of the controller.
public function register_routes() {
However I am receiving the following error in sublime xdebuge call stack:
[Fatal error] Class 'myplugin\WP_REST_Controller' not found
I am not sure how to solve this issue, where to put the files for my custom controller, where to create the instance of the custom class etc?
Stumbled upon this and thought I'd provide my solution in case someone else encounters this.
The idea is to postpone the instantiation of the class extending WP_REST_Controller by not instantiating it until the actual rest_api_init hook is called.
Code example:
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
require_once(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '/VideoImageApi.php');
Note the require_once from within the callback.
I have manged to solve the issue,
I checked the wp-content\plugins folder and I couldn't find the \rest-api folder and although I found the folder inside \wp-includes\rest-api it seems that this folder that integrates the "wp rest api" into core doesn't include all the classes that the api can expose (it includes only 3 php files), So it didn't include \wp-content\plugins\rest-api\lib\endpoints\class-wp-rest-controller.php . I installed the "wp rest api" plugin and it was added to wp-content\plugins and now I don't have the error anymore. (It was strange because I don't know when it was deleted from my project)
Thank you Dan your comments really helped me to recheck everything and scan the folders included in my wordpress and realize that the plugin is missing and that the folder \wp-includes\rest-api doesnt contain all the needed classes.

How to template prestashop module admin section with smarty

I want to build a module where , we like to build the form and table using smarty.
In prestashop module controller load template file like
where admin will be /modules/my_module/views/templates/admin/admin_module.tpl
My point is how can i show this admin_module.tpl in the prestashop module configuration page.
It is really easy. You just have to create views/templates/admin/foo.tpl and then only display your template in getContent() method:
public function getContent()
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/admin/foo.tpl');