exec: "pwsh": executable file not found in %PATH% - gitlab-ci

I've been trying to initiate my pipeline on gitlab CI/CD for a demo project. I've installed gitlab-runner in my windows local machine and gave the executor type as "Shell". And I've successfully integrated the gitlab-runner with my gitlab project. But whenever I pushed any changes to repo, the pipeline started and end up in "pshw" not found in %PATH error.
This is error which I'm getting every time
ERROR: Job failed (system failure): prepare environment: failed to start process: exec: "pwsh": executable file not found in %PATH%. Check https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/shells/index.html#shell-profile-loading for more information
Can anyone help me to resolve this issue and explain what and why I'm getting this error.
Thanks in advance

When choosing the shell option, the gitlab runner installer uses pwsh as the executor. It generates a config.toml that looks like
name = "some name"
url = "http://someurl.com/"
token = "some-token"
executor = "shell"
shell = "pwsh"
The problem is that pwsh isn't a valid windows command (on my installs). Changing pwsh to powershell and restarting gitlab-runner service fixed the problem for me.

Go to the installation directory of GitLab Runner e.g. C:\Automation\GitLab-Runner. Here you will see config.toml file, open with notepad and replace "pwsh" with "powershell" as below:
name = "PT-Runner"
url = "https://gitlab.com"
executor = "shell"
shell = **"pwsh"**
name = "PT-Runner"
url = "https://gitlab.com"
executor = "shell"
shell = **"powershell"**


azure devop selfhosted agent, newman command not recognized

Trying to run my postman collection in azure devops inside a self-hosted agent. When I try to run the command inside the agent "newman run postman_collection.json -e postman_environment.json -r cli,htmlextra" it's running fine. But when I run the same through a a command line script task in release pipeline it's throwing the error "newman is not recognized..". I also tried to have a npm task for newman installation i.e. "npm install -g newman" it's also throwing the erro "##[error]Unable to locate executable file: 'newman'. Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a d...."
azure devop selfhosted agent, newman command not recognized
According to the error message "##[error]Unable to locate executable file: 'newman" when you using the npm install -g newman, you could try to add C:\Users\[BUILDSERVER-USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\npm to the PATH variable for the [BUILDSERVER-USERNAME] user.
You could refer to this document How to fix the Newman task for Team Foundation Server silently failing for some more details.
Besides, when we use command line to install the newman, it will take a few minutes to install it, so we need to wait for a few minutes before we using the command line:
"newman run postman_collection.json -e postman_environment.json -r cli,htmlextra"
You could add powershell task to sleep a few minutes:
echo "Sleeping for 10 mins..."
Start-Sleep -s 600

Gitlab Auto Deploy failing to connect to Docker

I've got Gitlab installed on Kubernetes using Helm and try to get Auto DevOps working but I'm getting the following issue from the Auto DevOps pipeline:
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script 00:01
$ if [[ -z "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" ]]; then # collapsed multi-line command
$ /build/build.sh
Logging in to GitLab Container Registry with CI credentials...
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
Login Succeeded
Building Dockerfile-based application...
Attempting to pull a previously built image for use with --cache-from...
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://localhost:2375. Is the docker daemon running?
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://localhost:2375. Is the docker daemon running?
No previously cached image found. The docker build will proceed without using a cached image
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://localhost:2375. Is the docker daemon running?
Cleaning up file based variables 00:00
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
I've read abt the issues with Docker-in-Docker, but I couldn't get it to work.
I also tried setting the DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375/ variable, but I still get the same error.
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://docker:2375/. Is the docker daemon running?
My Gitlab Runner Helm values looks like this:
gitlabUrl: https://gitlab.mydomain.com
privileged: true
create: true
runnerRegistrationToken: mytoken
config: |
executor = "docker"
privileged = true
environment = ["DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR="]
tls_verify = false
privileged = true
I tried using the Auto-DevOps .gitlab-ci.yml template.
My cluster is integrated into Gitlab using the cluster certificate method and running simple CI/CD like
stage: test
- npm run test
Works fine
I tried docker:18.09.7, docker:19.03.1 and docker:latest (and the corresponding -dind services, with or without setting DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375/)
I don't know what I'm missing.
// Update
I got this issue resolved with help from the Gitlab Support.
My issue was that I had to use [runners.kubernetes] config and set privileged to true there. I was only setting it in [runners.docker] as I thought that Kubernetes Gitlab Runners would that config.

Apache Airflow command not found with SSHOperator

I am trying to use the SSHOperator to SSH into a remote machine and run an external application through the command line. I have setup the SSH connection via the admin page.
This section of code is used to define the commands and the SSH connection to the external machine.
sshHook = SSHHook(ssh_conn_id='remote_comp')
command_1 ="""
cd /files/232-065/Rans
bash run.sh
Where 'run.sh' runs the shell script:
starccm+ -batch run_export.java Rans_Model.sim
Which simply runs the commercial software starccm+ with some options I have specified.
This section defines the task:
inlet_profile = SSHOperator(
I have confirmed the SSH connection works by giving a simple 'ls' command and checking the output.
The error that I get is:
bash run.sh, error: run.sh: line 2: starccm+: command not found
The command in 'run.sh' works when I am logged into the machine (it does not require a GUI). This makes me think that there is a problem with the SSH session and it is not the same as the one that Apache Airflow logs into, but I am not sure how to solve this problem.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
There is no issue with SSH connection (at least from the error message). However, the issue is with starccm+ installation path.
Please check the installation path of starccm+ .
Check if the installation path is part of $PATH env variable
$ echo $PATH
If not, then install it in the standard locations like /bin or /usr/bin etc (provided they are included in $PATH variable), or export the installed director into PATH variable like this,
$ export PATH=$PATH:/<absolute_path>
It is not ideal but if you struggle with setting the path variable you can run starccm stating the full path like:
/directory/where/star/is/installed/starccm+ -batch run_export.java Rans_Model.sim

Newman command not found

I am trying to run m collection through jenkins but it shows below error:
** Started by user trideep mukherjee Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace
C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Newman [Newman] $
cmd /c call C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\jenkins8980552465408575800.bat C:\Program
Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Newman>cd
--version ‘newman’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
C:\Users\tride\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\newman>exit 9009 Build
step 'Ex**
I have tried the all possible ways mention in the blog to add the local path of the newman but didn’t worked.
Please see the environment variable I have added
Set newman installation path to path in windows or in linux as environment variable.
Then it will work

Vagrant " VM not created." when trying to create box from existing VM

I imported the precise32 box, then installed some packages and other data on the VM. My plan is to then repackage it into a box, to save on complicated provisioning when sharing.
vagrant package --base dev-vm --output /box/vm.box
Always returns
[dev-vm] VM not created . Moving on
My directory structure is:
set VAGRANT_LOG=debug
Which shows no extra info on whats going on.
Windows 7 using Cygwin
export VAGRANT_LOG=debug
for Cygwin to set debug log.
I then get
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
INFO warden: Calling action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x2abb800>
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x2695920>
INFO warden: Calling action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Created:0x267c078>
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x2ac6c48>
INFO warden: Calling action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::MessageNotCreated:0x2ac6c00>
INFO interface: info: VM not created. Moving on...
When you package a box, the box name has to be the specific machine name that you can get from VirtualBox (e.g. lucid_1372711888). Just execute following command in cmd:
vboxmanage list vms
Notice that "vboxmanage" should prior be added to PATH variable. See here how to do that.
Also notice that virtual maschine name must not contain spaces. Otherwise it won't be recognized by "vagrant package" command. For instance:
vagrant package --base win7_vbox_base --output win7_base.box #CORRECT
vagrant package --base win7 vbox base --output win7_base.box #INCORRECT
If you are in the folder that contains your Vagrantfile, you can also simply run:
vagrant package --output your-box-name.box
The following image shows the content of the .box file created with this command: