How do I use the contain function in AWS Athena to find certain text - sql

I have a simple table let's say Names. In the column First I want to find all rows that contain the letters Jo. It would then result in Joe and John.
However when I try and use contains function it talks about an array and I have no idea how to get it to work.

CONTAINS() is a function that checks if an elements is in an array.
You can use the LIKE operator (which is Standard SQL). If you want names that start with "Jo":
where name like 'Jo%'
If you want to match names with "Jo" anywhere:
where name like '%Jo%'


Hive SQL regexp_extract (number)_(number)

I'm new to hiveSQL and I'm trying to extract a value from the column col_a from the data df which is in this format:
I only need to extract 101_12345, but underscore makes it hard to satisfy my need. I tried using regexp_extract(col_a, '(\\d+)[_](\\d+)') but only outputs 101.
Could I get some help with regexp? Thank you
Simple solution: You don't need the two brackets.
Here's a working solution: '\\d+[_]\\d+'
When you put tokens into parentheses, the regex engine will group its match together, separate from the complete match. So the final result will comprise the complete match, and two extra matches representing the one before and after the underscore. To avoid this, just remove the brackets as you don't really need them.
In the future, if you want to group a regex together but don't want the result to contain it separately, use a non-capturing group given by (?:).
Here's a demo of what your code resulted in, hosted at

Extract all elements from a string separated by underscores using regex

I am trying to capture all elements and store in separate column from the below string,seprated via underscores(campaign name for an advertisement) and then I wish to compare it with a master table having the true values to determine how accurate the data is being recorded.
eg: Input :
Expected output is :
My first element extraction was : REGEXP_EXTRACT(campaign_name, r"[^_+]{3}")) as parsed_campaign_agency
I only extracted first 3 letters because according to the naming convention(truth table), the agency name is made of only 3 letters.
Caveat: Some elements can have variable lengths too. eg. The third element "CrossBMC" could be 3 letters in length or more.
I am new to regex and the data lies in a SQL table(in BigQuery) so I thought it could be achieved via SQL's regex_extract but what I am having trouble is to extract all elements at once.
Any help is appreciated :)
If number of underscores constant and knows you can use SUBSTRING_INDEX like:
SUBSTRING_INDEX(campaign_name,'_',1) first,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(campaign_name,'_',2),'_',-1) second,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(campaign_name,'_',3),'_',-1) third
FROM your_table;
Here you can try an example

VB.NET BindingSource filter for Datagridview

In MSSQL I can filter a query on a phone number like this:
where replace(phone,'-','') Like '%480555%'
I am trying to figure out how to do this on a Datasource. A normal query looks like this:
Dim stringFilter As String = String.Empty
String.Format("phone Like '%480555%'")
ViewCustomersBindingSource.Filter = stringFilter
However, this will not find any results because the datasource has the values with hyphens in it. REPLACE is not a valid argument for filtering.
My initial thought was to update the MSSQL View to strip the hyphens. However, for display, I would want to display the hyphens. I can not assume they will all look the same as some phone numbers might be a different country than the US.
Is there another way to filter on a telephone number and ignore the hyphens?
I dont think you can directly set a filter that ignores the hyphens (as in your first query) on your binding source. There is no String operations possible in the filter expression column. From this the only string operation allowed is +.
But you can keep and display the original column which contains the hyphens, and add another column (without the hyphens) that you do not display, but that you use just for filtering.
With MSSQL, you can for example add a computed column that uses the REPLACE function.
Here is somes links that could help you to create a computed column:
How to replace double quotes in derived column transformation?.
How to create a calculated column in a SQL Server 2008 table
Hope this helps.

SQLite function that works like the Oracle's "Translate" function?

Oracle has a function called translate that can be used to replace individual characters of the string by others, in the same order that they appear. It is different than the replace function, which replaces the entire second argument occurence by the entire third argument.
translate('1tech23', '123', '456'); --would return '4tech56'
translate('222tech', '2ec', '3it'); --would return '333tith'
I need this to implement a search on a SQLite database ignoring accents (brazilian portuguese language) on my query string. The data in the table that will be queried could be with or without accents, so, depending on how the user type the query string, the results would be different.
Searching for "maçã", the user could type "maca", "maça", "macã" or "maçã", and the data in the table could also be in one of the four possibilities.
Using oracle, I would only use this:
Select Name, Id
From Fruits
Where Translate(Name, 'ãç','ac') = Translate(:QueryString, 'ãç','ac')
... and these other character substitutions:
Of course I could nest several calls to Replace, but this wouldn't be a good choice.
Thanks in advance by some help.
Open-source Oracle functions for SQLite have been written at Kansas State University. They include translate() (full UTF-8 support, by the way) and can be found here.
I don't believe there is anything in sqlite that will translate text in a single pass as you describe.
This wouldn't be difficult to implement as a user defined function however. Here is a decent starting reference.
I used replace

MySQL command to search CSV (or similar array)

I'm trying to write an SQL query that would search within a CSV (or similar) array in a column. Here's an example:
insert into properties set
bedrooms = 1,2,3 (or 1-3)
title = nice property
price = 500
I'd like to then search where bedrooms = 2+. Is this even possible?
The correct way to handle this in SQL is to add another table for a multi-valued property. It's against the relational model to store multiple discrete values in a single column. Since it's intended to be a no-no, there's little support for it in the SQL language.
The only workaround for finding a given value in a comma-separated list is to use regular expressions, which are in general ugly and slow. You have to deal with edge cases like when a value may or may not be at the start or end of the string, as well as next to a comma.
SELECT * FROM properties WHERE bedrooms RLIKE '[[:<:]]2[[:>:]]';
There are other types of queries that are easy when you have a normalized table, but hard with the comma-separated list. The example you give, of searching for a value that is equal to or greater than the search criteria, is one such case. Also consider:
How do I delete one element from a comma-separated list?
How do I ensure the list is in sorted order?
What is the average number of rooms?
How do I ensure the values in the list are even valid entries? E.g. what's to prevent me from entering "1,2,banana"?
If you don't want to create a second table, then come up with a way to represent your data with a single value.
More accurately, I should say I recommend that you represent your data with a single value per column, and Mike Atlas' solution accomplishes that.
Generally, this isn't how you should be storing data in a relational database.
Perhaps you should have a MinBedroom and MaxBedroom column. Eg:
SELECT * FROM properties WHERE MinBedroom > 1 AND MaxBedroom < 3;