Karate - filter a specific json key from response based on another static array - karate

I have the following JSON response (reference name: "list") and
"key": "101",
"val": {
"portCall": {
"id": 12664978
"status": "in-port"
"key": "102",
"val": {
"portCall": {
"id": 12415798
"status": "in-port"
"key": "103",
"val": {
"status": "on-voyage",
"voyage": {
"id": "7kynv-7lq85"
"key": "104",
"val": {
"status": "on-voyage",
"voyage": {
"id": "7kynv-2385"
also, I have an array list of few key values, evImos = [101,102,104]
In that, I have to identify the first key in the "list" response that has status as "on-voyage". So, the result should be "104".
I have tried the following and I need some help to make it work. Any help would be appreciated.
* def function getFirst = function(evImos) { for (let num of evImos) { let results = list.filter(d => d["key"] === num && d["val"]["status"] === "on-voyage"); if(results.length === 1) { karate.log(num); return num; } } }
* list.forEach(getFirst(evImos))

I'll just give you one hint. This one line will convert the whole thing in to a form that is much easier for you to validate:
* def temp = {}
* list.forEach(x => temp[x.key] = x.val.status)
Which gives you:
"101": "in-port",
"102": "in-port",
"103": "on-voyage",
"104": "on-voyage"
Now you can do:
* def isOnVoyage = function(key){ return temp[key] == 'on-voyage' }
Also read this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59162760/143475

Thanks, to #Peter.
Based on his hint, I just tweaked it a little bit to match my requirement and it worked for me.
Here is the working copy for anyone to refer in the future.
* def temp = {}
* list.forEach(x => temp[x.key] = x.val.status)
* def isOnVoyage = function(keys){ for (let key of keys) { if(temp[key] == 'on-voyage'){ karate.log(key); karate.set('num', key); break; }}}
* isOnVoyage(evImos)


Karate - How change key name in JSON

I have the following JSON. I want to change the keyName 'freeDelivery' to 'isFreeDelivery' but I can't figure out how to do it.
"result": [
"deliverySlots": [
"id": "2DNN",
"date": "2022-04-05",
"freeDelivery": false,
"label": "All day delivery 08:30am to 5pm",
"price": "£5.00",
"fullSlotId": "2DNN"
"id": "2DPM",
"date": "2022-04-05",
"freeDelivery": false,
"label": "Afternoon 12pm to 5pm",
"price": "£10.00",
"fullSlotId": "2DPM"
"deliverySlots": [
"id": "2DNN",
"date": "2022-04-06",
"freeDelivery": false,
"label": "All day delivery 08:30am to 5pm",
"price": "£5.00",
"fullSlotId": "2DNN"
"id": "2DPM",
"date": "2022-04-06",
"freeDelivery": false,
"label": "Afternoon 12pm to 5pm",
"price": "£10.00",
"fullSlotId": "2DPM"
I've looked at the following pages but still can't figure out how to do it. Do I have to do a transorm or is there an easier way?
Here you go:
* def payload = { before: 'foo' }
* remove payload.before
* payload.after = 'bar'
* match payload == { after: 'bar' }
Instead of remove this will also work (using pure JS):
* eval delete payload.before
EDIT: after seeing the comments, I would treat this as a JSON transform.
* def payload = { before: 'foo' }
* def fun = function(x){ var res = {}; res.after = x.before; return res }
* def result = fun(payload)
* match result == { after: 'foo' }
I'm sure now you'll want to "retain" all the existing data. Fine, here you go:
* def payload = { before: 'foo' }
* def fun = function(x){ var res = x; res.after = x.before; delete res.before; return res }
* def result = fun(payload)
* match result == { after: 'foo' }
And you already know that you can run a transform on all array elements like this:
* def result = karate.map(someArray, fun)
Please note that you can create 2 or 3 transforms - and "nest" them.

how to select value if key is uuid in mongodb

the mongodb data like this:
"_id": "123dsadasfa454sdsaw",
"hashmap": {
"uuid-12sadsadw5": {
"name": "bob"
"uuid-12sadsadwew5": {
"name": "alice"
"age": 10
"hashmap" like java HashMap, the key is uuid like "uuid-12sadsadwew5" and the value is object.
I want to get the data which the name in "hashmap" value is not null. And I use sql :
but cannot get the right result
You can use this aggregation query:
First use $objectToArray to create an array with values k and v. As we don't know the key (k) we can search by value (v).
Then $unwind array
And $match values where name is not null.
And then regroup and recreate the object using $arrayToObject.
"$set": {
"hashmap": {
"$objectToArray": "$hashmap"
"$unwind": "$hashmap"
"$match": {
"hashmap.v.name": {
"$ne": null
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"hashmap": {
"$push": "$hashmap"
"$set": {
"hashmap": {
"$arrayToObject": "$hashmap"
Example here

How to access json array elements (keys) , values in json nested dictionary type using postgresql?

I have a nested structure json .
How to extract the specific elements(keys) and values?
How to access " sky: selling":"1"
Or "U1":"0000" ?
I tried json_object_keys and json_array_elements for extracting the array .
But I don't know exactly how to do this query.
Example code:
Table- record and column name : report
"PIname": {
"n1": "x1",
"n2": "x2",
"params": {
"S1": {
"code1": "y1",
"Code2": "y2",
"id": "2d",
"Dest": {
"Code3": "mi"
"PIDataArea": {
"m1": null,
"PInven": {
"head": {
"Code4": "Increase",
"line": "2020-01"
"PILine": [
"u1": "0000",
"u2": "0",
"u3": "1",
"modes": {
"#cID": "Sng",
"#txt": "12.21"
} },
"Qualify": ".0001",
"QOrder": "1",
"UPriceAmt": {
"#cID": "sng",
"#txt": "13" },
"sky:Qa": ".000",
"sky:Partcode": {
"#c1ID": "a"
"sky:SCode": "Ni",
"sky:PItem": {
"sky:ID": "h"
"sky:Forest": {
"sky:q1": [
"sky:selling": "1"
"sky:selling": "0"
} } }} }}
I tried lot ,one example query here like,
Select * from record r
Where exists( select report->'sky: selling' from json_each(r.report) b where b.value->>'sky:selling' Ilike '0');
You can use the json_path_query or jsonb_path_query function. Example to extract the element with key = "sky:selling" :
json_path_query(r.report, $.** ? (#.key == 'sky:selling'))

Karate - Convert a Json array into another form

I have the following data and I need to modify some of the values in it for further processing in Karate.
Input Json: (ReqCalculationInput.json)
"route_parameters": {
"route_type": "Distance",
"enc_hazards": [
"id": 0,
"severity": 4
"id": 1,
"severity": 4
"id": 2,
"severity": 4
Output data:
"route_parameters": {
"route_type": "Distance",
"enc_hazards": [
"id": 0,
"severity": "Danger"
"id": 1,
"severity": "Danger"
"id": 2,
"severity": "Danger"
As you can see, I need to replace all the severity values with 'Danger' from '4'.
My code so far:
* def requestBodyJson = read('classpath:data/routing/ReqCalculationInput.json')
* def fun = function(x){ return {if (x.severity === 4) {x.severity: "Danger"}}}
* def formattedInput = karate.map(requestBodyJson.route_parameters.enc_hazards, fun)
* print formattedInput
Any hints to achieve the same?
Just for fun, I'll give you a one-liner that will work in Karate 1.X
* data.route_parameters.enc_hazards = data.route_parameters.enc_hazards.map(x => x.severity == 4 ? {id: x.id, severity: 'Danger' } : x)
Here's a more easier to understand version:
* def fun = function(x){ return x.severity == 4 ? {id: x.id, severity: 'Danger' } : x }
* data.route_parameters.enc_hazards = karate.map(data.route_parameters.enc_hazards, fun)

How to traverse thru a response when it is as below

"createDate": "2019-05-15 10:07:44",
"mak": "pokijoklm",
"optStatus": "yujuim",
"partnerAccount": {
"operatorName": "frftcrtii",
"partnerCustomerId": "XXXXX",
"type": "partnerAccount"
"transactionId": "hjknhijn1",
"type": "nihnui",
"updateDate": "2019-05-15 11:20:59"
For an array we can try as response.partneraccount[*]. but my response is { }
You use [] only when there are arrays. Just observe your JSON structure carefully and you will get it. Try pasting the below into a fresh Scenario and see it work:
* def response =
"createDate": "2019-05-15 10:07:44",
"mak": "pokijoklm",
"optStatus": "yujuim",
"partnerAccount": {
"operatorName": "frftcrtii",
"partnerCustomerId": "XXXXX",
"type": "partnerAccount"
"transactionId": "hjknhijn1",
"type": "nihnui",
"updateDate": "2019-05-15 11:20:59"
* def partnerAccount = response.partnerAccount
* match partnerAccount == { operatorName: 'frftcrtii', partnerCustomerId: 'XXXXX', type: 'partnerAccount' }
* def custId = response.partnerAccount.partnerCustomerId
* match custId == 'XXXXX'