Different descriptions for methods in custom #action for routing - drf-spectacular

I did custom routable method with #action decorator for DRF ViewSet.
This rout implements multiple methods (GET, POST, DELETE). Is possible to have different descriptions for each method, or even to create different #extend_schema definitions for each method?

According to documentation link #<function_name>.mapping.delete will allow for splitting function in multiple methods (.delete for my case). Now it is trivial to properly document each method.

You can do this without the need for overriding the individual methods
list=extend_schema(description='view list description'),
retrieve=extend_schema(description='view retrieve description'),
extended_action=extend_schema(description='view extended action description'),
raw_action=extend_schema(description='view raw action description'),
class XViewSet(mixins.ListModelMixin, mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSet):
You can also use #extend_schema on any #action or regular method (e.g. retrieve, get). This also works for splits:
def multi2put(self, request, *args, **kwargs):


what is metadata in nestjs framework and when to use method #setmetadata?

I am learning a course topic reflection and metadata from nest documentation. They used #setmetadata('roles') but I don't know metadata come from and when they are used?
I don't know metadata come from
First lets explain what metadata generally means.
Metadata in general means data about data. Its a description of the data in more simpler terms (for e.g data about an image). Taking an example from here.
They used #setmetadata('roles').
Nest provides the ability to attach custom data to route handlers through #SetMetadata. Its a way to declaratively define and store data about your controller(endpoint).
#SetMetadata stores the key value pairs. For example,
SetMetadata('IS_PUBLIC_KEY', true)
findAll(#Query() paginationQuery: PaginationQueryDto) {
return this.testService.findAll(paginationQuery);
Here I am setting a key IS_PUBLIC_KEY with a value set to true.
In this scenario you are defining a key named role (most probably and it seems it may be missing a value) which will define what certain types or role can access this controller.
When they are used?
You can use it when you want to define the Guards. For instance, I am using the above findAll controller as a public api. In my guard implementation, I check and see if the value of IsPublic is true then allow any consumer to consume the API.
context: ExecutionContext,
): boolean | Promise<boolean> | Observable<boolean> {
const isPublic = this.reflector.get('IS_PUBLIC_KEY', context.getHandler());
if (isPublic) {
return true;
Hope this answers your question.
The #SetMetadata() decorator is imported from the #nestjs/common package.

Django REST framework flat, read-write serializer

In Django REST framework, what is involved in creating a flat, read-write serializer representation? The docs refer to a 'flat representation' (end of the section http://django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/serializers.html#dealing-with-nested-objects) but don't offer examples or anything beyond a suggestion to use a RelatedField subclass.
For instance, how to provide a flat representation of the User and UserProfile relationship, below?
# Model
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User)
favourite_number = models.IntegerField()
# Serializer
class UserProfileSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
email = serialisers.EmailField(source='user.email')
class Meta:
model = UserProfile
fields = ['id', 'favourite_number', 'email',]
The above UserProfileSerializer doesn't allow writing to the email field, but I hope it expresses the intention sufficiently well. So, how should a 'flat' read-write serializer be constructed to allow a writable email attribute on the UserProfileSerializer? Is it at all possible to do this when subclassing ModelSerializer?
Looking at the Django REST framework (DRF) source I settled on the view that a DRF serializer is strongly tied to an accompanying Model for unserializing purposes. Field's source param make this less so for serializing purposes.
With that in mind, and viewing serializers as encapsulating validation and save behaviour (in addition to their (un)serializing behaviour) I used two serializers: one for each of the User and UserProfile models:
class UserSerializer(serializer.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ['email',]
class UserProfileSerializer(serializer.ModelSerializer):
email = serializers.EmailField(source='user.email')
class Meta:
model = UserProfile
fields = ['id', 'favourite_number', 'email',]
The source param on the EmailField handles the serialization case adequately (e.g. when servicing GET requests). For unserializing (e.g. when serivicing PUT requests) it is necessary to do a little work in the view, combining the validation and save behaviour of the two serializers:
class UserProfileRetrieveUpdate(generics.GenericAPIView):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# Only UserProfileSerializer is required to serialize data since
# email is populated by the 'source' param on EmailField.
serializer = UserProfileSerializer(
return Response(serializer.data)
def put(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# Both UserSerializer and UserProfileSerializer are required
# in order to validate and save data on their associated models.
user_profile_serializer = UserProfileSerializer(
user_serializer = UserSerializer(
if user_profile_serializer.is_valid() and user_serializer.is_valid():
return Response(
user_profile_serializer.data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
# Combine errors from both serializers.
errors = dict()
return Response(errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
First: better handling of nested writes is on it's way.
Second: The Serializer Relations docs say of both PrimaryKeyRelatedField and SlugRelatedField that "By default this field is read-write..." — so if your email field was unique (is it?) it might be you could use the SlugRelatedField and it would just work — I've not tried this yet (however).
Third: Instead I've used a plain Field subclass that uses the source="*" technique to accept the whole object. From there I manually pull the related field in to_native and return that — this is read-only. In order to write I've checked request.DATA in post_save and updated the related object there — This isn't automatic but it works.
So, Fourth: Looking at what you've already got, my approach (above) amounts to marking your email field as read-only and then implementing post_save to check for an email value and perform the update accordingly.
Although this does not strictly answer the question - I think it will solve your need. The issue may be more in the split of two models to represent one entity than an issue with DRF.
Since Django 1.5, you can make a custom user, if all you want is some method and extra fields but apart from that you are happy with the Django user, then all you need to do is:
class MyUser(AbstractBaseUser):
favourite_number = models.IntegerField()
and in settings: AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'myapp.myuser'
(And of course a db-migration, which could be made quite simple by using db_table option to point to your existing user table and just add the new columns there).
After that, you have the common case which DRF excels at.

RAILS 3 - Transactions in controllers

I have an example Action in a Controller.
def some_action
product = Product.new
product.name = "namepro"
if product.save
How to add transactions for this code? I try with this example code:
def some_action
**transaction do**
product = Product.new
product.name = "namepro"
if product.save
But it produces this error:
undefined method `transaction'
I read about using transactions in Controllers is a bad practice but I don't know why is the reason (http://markdaggett.com/blog/2011/12/01/transactions-in-rails/)
In the example, if product has been created and saved and the client update fail... Rails must not do nothing.
You can use a transaction in a controller if you really want to. As you noted, it's bad practice, but if you want to do it, just call Product.transaction do instead of transaction do. transaction is a class method on ActiveRecord::Base, so you need to call it on an ActiveRecord-derived class. Any model class in your application will do (nit-picking caveat: if you are connecting to different databases for different models, that may not be true...but you're probably not doing that).
The reason this is a bad practice is that it doesn't properly separate concerns according to the MVC paradigm. Your controller shouldn't be so concerned with your data persistence implementation. A better approach would be to add a method to Product. Maybe something like this:
def save_and_update_create_time
transaction do
if save
client.update_attribute(:product_create, Time.now)
Then instead of calling product.save in your controller, call product.save_and_update_client_create_time. You may need to pass client to that method too; it's unclear from your code where client comes from. If it's an attribute on product, then the method above should work.
There are better, more Railsy ways to do this, too, especially if a product knows about its client without needing any controller data. Then you can just use an after_save callback, like this (add to Product class):
after_save :update_client
def update_client(product)
product.client.update_attribute(:product_create, Time.now)
Then every time a Product is saved, the field on the associated client will be updated. You'll possibly have to introduce some code to check for the existence of a client first.
The benefit to using callbacks, besides cleaner code, is that the entire callback chain runs in a single transaction along with the save; you don't need to create the transaction manually. You can read more about callbacks in the Rails documentation.

how do I separate user params vs Action Pack params?

I have a Rails application where user parameters are all provided via a RESTful API with JSON parameters. Specifically, there is no client-side HTML form from which the user posts data: it's raw JSON.
So to create a new Car entry, the user might:
POST www.mysite.com/api/car
In my app, by the time I receive this, the Action Pack values are intermingled with the user values in the params[] hash, so I get:
params = {:model=>"Ford", :year=>"2012", :format=>"json", :action=>"create", :controller=>"api/cars"}
What's the best way to separate the user-generated parameters from parameters generated by Action Pack? The best I can think of is to delete the latter:
car_params = params.reject {|k,v| [:format, :action, :controller].member?(k)}
car = car.new(car_params)
but that doesn't smell right. Is there a better way? (For example, can I get Action Pack to encapsulate the user supplied params into a single hash and pass that as a single element of params[]?)
Don't know if it can help, but I'd just create a method in application_controller :
def user_params
return params.reject {|k,v| [:format, :action, :controller].member?(k)}
So throughout the code, you can just use user_params when you don't want ActionPack params

What is the proper RESTful way to "like" something in Rails 3?

Let's say I have a Rails 3 app that displays videos. The user can "Like" or "Dislike" the videos. Also, they can like/dislike other things like games. I need some help in the overall design and how to handle the RESTful routes.
Currently, I have a Like Class that uses polymorphic design so that objects are "likeable" (likeable_id, likeable_type)
I want to do this via AJAX (jQuery 1.5). So I was thinking something like:
// these are toggle buttons
$("likeVideo").click( function() {
url: "/likes/video/" + video_id,
method: "POST",
} );
$("likeGame").click( function() {
url: "/likes/game/" + game_id,
method: "POST",
} );
rails controller
Class Likes < ApplicationController
def video
# so that if you liked it before, you now DON'T LIKE it so change to -1
# or if you DIDN'T like it before, you now LIKE IT so change to 1
# do a "find_or_create_by..." and return JSON
# the JSON returned will notify JS if you now like or dislike so that the
# button can be changed to match
def game
# same logic as above
match "/likes/video/:id" => "likes#video", :as => :likes_video
match "/likes/game/:id" => "likes#game", :as => :likes_game
Does this logic seem correct? I am doing a POST via AJAX. Technically, shouldn't I be doing a PUT? Or am I being too picky over that?
Also, my controller uses non-standard verbs. Like video and game. Should I worry about that? Sometimes I get confused on how to match up the "correct" verbs.
An alternative would be to post to something like /likes/:id with a data structure that contains the type (game or video). Then I could wrap that in one verb in the controller...maybe even Update (PUT).
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Rest architectural style does not specify which "verb" you should be using for what. It simply says that one can use HTTP if they want to for connectors.
What you are looking for is HTTP specifications for method definitions. In particular POST is intended for:
- Annotation of existing resources;
- Posting a message to a bulletin board, newsgroup, mailing list,
or similar group of articles;
- Providing a block of data, such as the result of submitting a
form, to a data-handling process;
- Extending a database through an append operation.
while PUT:
requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a modified version of the one residing on the origin server.
Which category your functionality falls into is up to you - as long as you are consistent with yourself about it.