mockk, how to verify a specific exception is thrown - kotlin

using mockk 1.9.3, junit 4
having a function which will report the exceptions for different conditions, need to test and verify the correct exception is reported.
class NetworkApi {
fun actionAndLogExceptions(appContext: Context, optionalParams: Map<String, String>) {
try {
val result = doNetWorkCall(optionalParams)
when (result) {
TIMEOUT -> {throw SocketTimeoutException(...)}
NETWORKERROR -> {throw HttpConnectionException(...)}
JSON_EROOR -> {throw JSONException(...)}
OK -> { handleResponce()}
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
System.out.println("+++ !!! exp:" + ex.toString())
internal fun doNetWorkCall(optionalParams: Map<String, String>): String {
... ...
object ErrorReportManager {
fun logHandledException(ex: Throwable) {
... ...
the test
fun test_actionAndLogExceptions_report_exception() {
val networkApiSpy = spyk(NetworkApi::class)
every { networkApiSpy.doNetWorkCall(any(), any()) } returns JSON_EROOR. //<== test case one
val spyApp = spyk(application)
networkApiSpy.actionAndLogExceptions(spyApp, HashMap())
// this any(JSONException::class) does not compile
io.mockk.verify(exactly = 1) {ErrorReportManager.logHandledException(any(JSONException::class))} //<===
//how to verify that here the JSONException

thanks #Raibaz help
verify {
verify {
ErrorReportManager.logHandledException(match { it is JSONException })
val slot = slot<Throwable>()
verify {
assertTrue(slot.captured is JSONException)


Infix Not enough information to infer type variable T

what a difference does make the "." for an infix function in Kotlin?
Here is my example of java "try catch" DSL usage:
this compiles OK
try_(openFile("1"), openFile("2")) { (streamIn, streamOut) ->
doMyStuffIfYouKnowWhatImTalkingAbout(streamIn, streamOut)
} catch { error: NullPointerException ->
print("Kotlin has a null pointer exception ;)")
} catch { error: RuntimeException ->
print("Bad things happen, take care")
} finally {
print("It's time to go home")
this compiles OK
try_(openFile("1"), openFile("2")) { (streamIn, streamOut) ->
doMyStuffIfYouKnowWhatImTalkingAbout(streamIn, streamOut)
}.catch<NullPointerException> {
// this compiles OK
}.catch<RuntimeException> {
// this compiles OK
} finally {
// this compiles OK
this DOESN'T compile
try_(openFile("1"), openFile("2")) { (streamIn, streamOut) ->
doMyStuffIfYouKnowWhatImTalkingAbout(streamIn, streamOut)
} catch<NullPointerException> {
// this DOESN'T compile due to Not enough information to infer type variable T
} catch<RuntimeException> {
// this DOESN'T compile due to Not enough information to infer type variable T
} finally {
// this compiles
Here is an implementation of it where the infix function catch is defined:
inline fun <T : AutoCloseable> try_(vararg resources: T, block: (Array<out T>) -> Unit): Throwable? = try {
} catch (error: Throwable) {
} finally {
resources.forEach {
try {
} catch (ignore: Throwable) {
inline infix fun <reified T : Throwable> Throwable?.catch(block: (T) -> Unit) =
if (this is T) {
} else this
inline infix fun Throwable?.finally(block: () -> Unit) = block()
So why does }.catch<RuntimeException> { works but this } catch<RuntimeException> { doesn't?

MVVM Respository

i have a error on code that says
overload resolution ambiguity. all these functions match
class MovieRespository (val apiService: ApiService, val movieDao: MovieDao) {
fun getListMovie() = movieDao.streamAll()
.doOnSuccess {
if (it.results.isEmpty()){
it.results.let {
Timber.d("input data")
val semuadata = { data -> Movie.from(data) }
also there something like this in my error
enter image description here
You simply have to specify the parameter you take in onErrorResumeNext:
i have a error on code that says
overload resolution ambiguity. all these functions match
class MovieRespository (val apiService: ApiService, val movieDao: MovieDao) {
fun getListMovie() = movieDao.streamAll()
.onErrorResumeNext{ next: Publisher<List<Movie>> ->
.doOnSuccess {
if (it.results.isEmpty()){
it.results.let {
Timber.d("input data")
val semuadata = { data -> Movie.from(data) }

MockK - cannot mock same function twice

I am trying to test the getTopicNames function (below) in two scenarios: If it succeeds and if it does not succeed.
fun getTopicNames(): Either<Exception, Set<String>> =
try {
} catch (exception: ExecutionException) {
This is the test class in which I am doing those two scenarios. If I run each test individually, they both suceed. If I run the entire class the second to execute fails because for some reason the previous mock on adminClient.listTopics() is being retained.
These are the versions for everything involved:
kotlin: 1.3.72
koin: 2.1.6
junit: 5.6.1
mockk: 1.10.0
class TopicOperationsTest {
fun start() {
val testModule = module(createdAtStart = true) {
single { mockk<AdminClient>() }
startKoin { modules(testModule) }
fun stop() {
fun `getTopicNames() returns a Right with the topics names`() {
val adminClient = get(
val listOfTopicsToReturn = mockk<ListTopicsResult>()
val expectedTopics = setOf("Topic1", "Topic2", "Topic3")
every { adminClient.listTopics() } returns listOfTopicsToReturn
every { listOfTopicsToReturn.names() } returns KafkaFuture.completedFuture(expectedTopics)
println("listOfTopicsToReturn.names(): " + listOfTopicsToReturn.names())
println("adminClient.listTopics(): " + adminClient.listTopics())
println("getTopicNames(): " + getTopicNames())
assertThat(getTopicNames().getOrElse { emptySet() }, `is`(expectedTopics))
fun `getTopicNames() returns a Left if failing to get topic names`() {
val adminClient = get(
every { adminClient.listTopics() } throws ExecutionException("Some Failure", Exception())
assertThat(getTopicNames(), IsInstanceOf(
This is the error I get, caused by the fact that the test that verifies the failure is the first to run:
Expected: is <[Topic1, Topic2, Topic3]>
but: was <[]>
Expected :is <[Topic1, Topic2, Topic3]>
Actual :<[]>
<Click to see difference>
Already tried clearAllMocks() on the BeforeEach method but it does not solve my problem as I just start getting:
io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: AdminClient(#1).listTopics()
I found a solution that makes everything work. It is a combination of:
Having the mock as a class object
MockKAnnotations.init(this) in the #BeforeEach method
clearMocks() specifying the actual mock to be cleared (should work for multiple mocks too, just separated by commas.
class TopicOperationsTest {
private var adminClientMock = mockk<AdminClient>()
fun start() {
val testModule = module(createdAtStart = true) {
single { adminClientMock }
startKoin { modules(testModule) }
fun stop() {
fun `getTopicNames() returns a Right with the topics names`() {
val adminClient = get(
val listOfTopicsToReturn = mockk<ListTopicsResult>()
val expectedTopics = setOf("Topic1", "Topic2", "Topic3")
every { adminClient.listTopics() } returns listOfTopicsToReturn
every { listOfTopicsToReturn.names() } returns KafkaFuture.completedFuture(expectedTopics)
assertThat(getTopicNames().getOrElse { emptySet() }, `is`(expectedTopics))
fun `getTopicNames() returns a Left if failing to get topic names`() {
val adminClient = get(
every { adminClient.listTopics() } throws ExecutionException("Some Failure", Exception())
assertThat(getTopicNames(), IsInstanceOf(

How to check Kotlin BufferedReader use { return something } has called method close()?

My sample Kotlin about BufferedReader().use {}
I wonder if the close() is called when I return early in the use block
fun main() {
fun sendGet() {
val queryUrl = ""
val url = URL(queryUrl)
val conn = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
conn.requestMethod = "GET"
conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0")
val responseCode = conn.responseCode
println("Response code: ${responseCode}")
when (responseCode) {
200 -> {
println("response: ${conn.getResponseText()}")
else -> println("Bad response code: ${responseCode}")
private fun HttpURLConnection.getResponseText(): String {
BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(inputStream)).use {
return it.readText()
You can see the source code for use in stdlib by navigating using "Go to implementation" (Cmd + B on a Mac):
public inline fun <T : Closeable?, R> T.use(block: (T) -> R): R {
var exception: Throwable? = null
try {
return block(this)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
exception = e
throw e
} finally {
when {
apiVersionIsAtLeast(1, 1, 0) -> this.closeFinally(exception)
this == null -> {}
exception == null -> close()
else ->
try {
} catch (closeException: Throwable) {
// cause.addSuppressed(closeException) // ignored here
Because the call to close is inside the finally block, it will execute even on an early return.

Converting "Callable<T>" Java method to Kotlin

I'm trying to convert a Java method:
private <T> Callable<T> createCallable(final Callable<T> task) {
return () -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
from the following Java file into Kotlin.
The code gets converted automatically using IntelliJ IDEA into:
private fun <T> createCallable(task: Callable<T>): Callable<T> {
return {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw e
which is not correct. But I have to idea what the correct implementation for this should be. Any ideas?
I think this is an Kotlin converter bug. It converted your code to () -> T instead of Callable<T> (which is basically the same but these are actually different types).
This is the working code
private fun <T> createCallable(task: Callable<T>): Callable<T> {
return Callable {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw e
This is how I did it, might be too verbose, but it works. I also implement a handle function.
import java.util.concurrent.*
private fun <T> createCallable(task: Callable<T>): Callable<T> {
return object : Callable<T> {
override fun call(): T {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw e
private fun handle(e: Exception): Unit { println("got exception") }
And this how I call it in a test...
fun main(vararg argv: String): Unit {
val callable1 = object : Callable<Int> {
override fun call(): Int = 1
val c1 = createCallable(callable1)
println("callable1 = ${}")
val callable2 = object : Callable<Unit> {
override fun call(): Unit { println("Hello"); throw Exception("Hello") }
val c2 = createCallable(callable2)