How to pass the custom object to remote stream in agora web -

I am working in agora web 3.x. I want to pass the custom javascript object from localstream to remote user remote user can access that object

You can use the Agora RTM SDK for web to send and recieve data between users on the same channel. You can convert your JS Object to a JSON and send it over RTM.


Salesforce LWC Locker Compliant <> Twilio Javascript SDK

thank you for reading
I'm creating a Computer Telephony Integration with Twilio and Salesforce
I need to call to a (customer) Phone using the microphone of my computer and the browser to handle the call
I already achieved it with HTML, CSS and JS in local and hosted webpage
I'm trying to achieve this with LWC (Lightning Web Components) of Salesforce to handle this in an app inside Salesforce.
I'm not sure but I'm having troubles trying to use the library (added as Static Resource:
I think it's the Locker Compliant
`import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
import Twilio from '#salesforce/resourceUrl/twilio2';
loadScript(this, Twilio)
Everything seems good but then I have
'Error setting up Twilio device: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setup')'
So library is not being included I think
Thank you very much
Happy coding
I've achieved to handle the call with a local/hosted webpage but not inside Salesforce homepage using my LWC component

How to pass Twilio Datatracks in React-Native application

I am trying to pass Datatracks in twilio in react application. In web application while connecting to room we pass local video , audio and datatracks but I am not getting how to pass the same datatracks in react-native application. I am using react-native-twilio-webrtc package to generate Twilio Videotracks and connect in group rooms but not getting how to pass datatracks using this pakage and how to get remoteparticipant datatracks. I am new to react-native so if anyone can help me with this it will be very helpfull. Thank you
It appears that a DataTrack is automatically created for you by the React Native client, but it doesn't expose the track or ways to create it yourself.
You can send messages on the local DataTrack by calling on the sendString method on the TwilioVideo component. You can also handle remote DataTracks by passing functions for the properties onParticipantAddedDataTrack, onParticipantRemovedDataTrack, and onDataTrackMessageReceived.

How to get live stream sharable CDN link using agora-sdk ng

Created angular project using agora sdk ng
tried to push my live stream using agora it throw me berlow error
reason: "Publish error on rtmp-publish"
status: 32
type: "liveStreamingFailed"
url: "rtmp://"
Agular side code:
Please help on my above issue.
Thanks in advance
The startLiveStreaming method is meant to push the Agora stream to an extertnal RTMP server, such as pushing your stream to YouTube Live or Twitch.
To inject media from an RTMP url, you should use addInjectStreamUrl(API reference)
From the documentation:
Injects an online media stream to a live-broadcast channel.
After you call this method, the server pulls the online stream and
injects it into a live-broadcast channel. This is applicable to
scenarios where all audience members in the channel can watch a live
show and interact with each other. See Inject Online Media Stream for
If the online media stream is injected successfully, this stream is
added to the channel, and all users in the channel receive the
AgoraRTCClient.on("user-published") and
AgoraRTCClient.on("user-joined") callbacks with the uid 666.

Any way to get the raw response when OAuth2 code is exchanged with Google+ iOS SDK?

I am integrating the Google+ sign-in using Google's iOS SDK. Upon a user successfully authenticating, the function finishedWithAuth() gets called, with one of the parameters being an instance of GTMOAuth2Authentication.
The client will need to send the credentials to the server, which is already using Google's oauth2client library. The server is already making use of the Credentials class that can be instantiated from the raw JSON response, so I'd like to be able to send the raw response to the server. However, it doesn't seem like the GTMOAuth2Authentication class exposes that from what I can tell.
Is there a simple way to access this, or is the simplest thing to do is reconstruct a "credentials" JSON object with the necessary information from the GTMOAuth2Authentication object ?
Please use our new sign-in sdk for iOS and see

tagged push notification to android (google cloud messaging) using azure

I am using Azure's Notification Hubs REST APIs to create a Native registration for Google Cloud Messaging with a tag. (
The API call runs successfully and returns a RegistrationId as well as my tags in the XML response:
<Tags>toto ,titi</Tags>
However with the debug console, I fail to push a message to that tag with the error below:
No registrations with the tag "toto" were found for the selected platform.
The Read Registration method of the REST api does not return the tags either. It returns an Etag element.
The same works great for the iPhone when creating a Native registration for Apple Push Notification Service.
Any ideas on what I missed would be greatly appreciated!